Am I being too cynical, or is the real reason for the overturning of Roe vs Wade is the result of the power that be fighting with each other? The faction that wants fetuses aborted for organ harvesting, stem cells, and weird satanic rituals is being over ridden by the faction that wants more shit skins to out-breed non whites and cause further social instability?


Whether it was real or not?

Whether it was something more or something different than is taught?

The general era before, during, and after it?

The connection with the missing time/fake centuries theory?

Flat Earth was designed to make Conspiracy Theorists look like idiots, but too many of them started brushing it off too quickly. They learned their lesson. Birds Aren't Real was designed for the same purpose, but was deliberately made to be ridiculous.

Add to or poke holes in this theory.

What is the real percentage of the black population in the US? While I accept that they're over-represented in the media, I do not accept the stats that say they are only 13-15% of the population. They have to be two to three times that for all the complaining I hear on .win and 4chan about how they've taken over the cities and are spreading out.

Incidentally, I swear I see far fewer Mexicans than I used to.