MaBaker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Easiest and most basic answer is that they are not "pro-life" people. It can be observed in their every move. Not only abortion. If there is a problem because people are destroying biosphere by using and producing too many stuff and dozering the natural environment, their solution is to produce more. Produce more wind and solar electricity with much more environmental damage what needs enormous amount of land and resources, blocking more land surface from life itself. Continue to till the land and erode soil, to let release more CO2, and to provide more "evidence" for them to act more viciously.

Planting trees is fashionable only in Africa and India. No huge funds for it in the western world, not letting the discussion into pro life direction.

And on the other hand, invoke a jihad against CO2, choking the economy and creating another problem, what would never get resolved because of the initially wrong vision.

check-mate for humanity