LeoLittlebook -1 points ago +1 / -2

If you're still at the basic level of wondering whether aliens visited earth, and not aware you should be worried about the imminent apocalypse, yeah.

LeoLittlebook 0 points ago +1 / -1

Form clans to advance the interests of the men of your clan, obviously.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, there haven't. That is what a plagiarism checker looks for.

There have been multiple leaks of similar warnings. If you think that makes the story less credible, perhaps natural selection is at work.

LeoLittlebook 0 points ago +1 / -1

China employs lots of people in make-work who would rather be soldiers.

LeoLittlebook 0 points ago +1 / -1

there's an alternate timeline where everything proceeds just as it does here, except 2 years ahead of time.

No, not "exactly". If it were "exactly", she would have no reason to try to change anything. You misread this:

Our analysis suggests our sister reality is 2 years ahead of us, despite being in the same year. World events have accelerated their reality. We knew about a dirty nuke in a US major city thanks to their accelerated timeline and was able to stop it

A dirty Nuke was supplied to Muslim extremists via China and killed 3ish Million people. We were able to locate and stop it here.

The meaning is that in both timelines, the Chinese military planned to let Iran infiltrate a nuke into the USA. This is a pretty obvious plan, given Iran views the USA as the "Great Satan" and has lots of suicide bombers. It is not some finicky coincidence.

Her story doesn't make sense in light the West's actions since then. They deliberately forced Putin into an alliance with China when they could have instead worked to drive a wedge between them.

The Democrats did. Trump would not have. There are multiple factions seeking conflicting results. Some factions want depopulation and WW3, for example. Others favor an ethnic group.

One cannot say that the actions of most of the actors in the buildup to WW2 were wise, either.

LeoLittlebook 0 points ago +2 / -2

This is not anti-Russian propaganda. The leaks were made in 2019. Putin died in an alternate timeline, of unknown causes.

LeoLittlebook 0 points ago +2 / -2

Sounds like a good idea to me. Jokes are fun when it's small and all. Now gotta BTFO the PRedditors.

LeoLittlebook 3 points ago +3 / -0

If by trustworthy you mean doesn't betray his friends, then yes.

To be a mainstream figure requires some backing, obviously.

LeoLittlebook 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're thinking about it the wrong way. Vox Day isn't compromised, but he's still wrong about plenty. Others are deeply tied into TPTB, yet doing much good.

History is complex, and evil is real.

Lauren got wrecked by the Feds, who aren't even close to being TPTB.

LeoLittlebook 2 points ago +2 / -0

That would be relevant if I was suggesting supporting her, not deriving a moral lesson from her fall.

The Feds are picking off famous RW e-girls. It's an escalation and requires a response.

RW e-girls help the Right gain popularity, even if the hardcore rightists despise simping.

LeoLittlebook 3 points ago +3 / -0

only as a respone to nuclear attacks or when the existence of the state is threatened.

In general, you have a point. Unfortunately this situation qualifies as both.

LeoLittlebook 2 points ago +2 / -0

The IAEA disagrees. Read the links.

Normally there are supposed to be a lot more safeguards, yes.

The external power is to keep the shut-down reactors cool

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then the USA can't stop the PLA, unless it has other space-based weapons.

It's not. But good to think as if it is, for reasons.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Afghanistan and Ukraine debacles have featured substantial divergences in policy between State Department and Pentagon, moreso than usual. At times they have contradicted each other directly.

Biden & co are typically interested in personal enrichment, vice and Cultural Revolution. Those above them plan on a grander scale, but that gets murky.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like you follow USMIL more closely than I do. I would point to the ongoing USMIL reluctance to execute the agenda Biden pursues with the civilian agencies fully under his control.

I follow Michael Baxter's reporting, who is an honest and unimaginative fellow with some inside sources. The overall trend is not great, but not catastrophic yet either. The casualties are mounting.


LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the junta has most of the USMIL and Biden has most of the civilian government, roughly following partisan lines. For example, the State Department is heavily Democrat.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Dominion machines were connected to overseas servers.

Invoking the Insurrection Act allows the junta to continue Trump's presidency while the rest of the USG recognizes Biden. This is a Continuity of Government plan, for contingencies including nuclear war or Communist takeover of the civilian government. Its details are partly classified.

The junta is attempting to quietly retake control of the government with secret arrests and tribunals, avoiding a civil war within the US military.

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