Krako -4 points ago +1 / -5

What makes you say that? Really easy to just call someone a shill and a "libtard" instead of having a real conversation. I'm here man engage with me in a real and meaningful way. What about my post do you disagree with? You prefer twitter screenshots over substantive conspiracy discussion?

Krako -4 points ago +1 / -5

Petition to ban Twitter screenshots as a post on this board. We constantly shit on social media giants here but are fine posting stuff from them constantly?

Krako -1 points ago +1 / -2

This is common in college too for online courses. Anti cheating monitoring software and automated scripts to check for plagiarizing. As others have said if the tech is provided by the school it IS NOT private nor should it be.

Krako -1 points ago +1 / -2

I did also find this about the source you posted "Dr" Thomas Cowan. It's a normy source and of course you could say the establishment did this to silence him but he had his medical license revoked in 2020. Prior to that he was on a 5 year probation for giving the wrong meds to a breast cancer patient. https://www.google.com/amp/s/calmatters.org/health/2021/02/conspiracy-theory-doctor-surrenders-medical-license/ Now like I said this is conspiracy so I know what you will say, but do you have any higher quality sources from doctors that still have their medical license to practice?

Krako -1 points ago +1 / -2

Okay this is interesting thank you for the source. Here is what I have a hard time with about this, i.e. covid isn't real/all viruses aren't real. Then what exactly are people getting sick with? I myself have not had covid but I know plenty of friends and family that did. The loss of taste and smell is a very unique symptom and implies some fuckery with the brain itself. One of my uncles still hasn't quite gotten back to 100% on the taste and smell ability and gets winded much easier then before. That's not flu so what is that in your opinion or can you point to any further research that explains that?

Krako 0 points ago +2 / -2

Can we apply this same logic of grouping people to when you refer to "liberals" "libs" "dems" "democrat". Annoys me to no end. No group is a monolith and it reduces you to tribal non logical conclusions. Same goes for everyone on the other side if the spectrum with "conservative" or "Trumpers". I agree with your message but most of this board is not consistent with the logic because they are blinded by partisanship.

Krako 1 point ago +3 / -2

What do you mean by the "invader thing" I lurk on here a lot but haven't seen this.

Krako 1 point ago +3 / -2

I am going to be in Las Vegas this weekend and saw this yesterday https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.reviewjournal.com/news/emergency-drill-set-for-mccarran-on-wednesday/amp/ Maybe prep for a false flag? If not on Saturday maybe on Sunday for opening week of the NFL at the new raiders stadium? That's what I would put my money on no pun intended. A "terrorist" attack on the Stadium

Krako -5 points ago +1 / -6

Okay first of all thanks for answering I respect that. Who is "They" in your mind? or TPTB whatever you want to call the. To your point in automation, we are just not even close to machines doing all labor. I work in agriculture and the amount of manual labor required even with machines is staggering. Technology is definitely headed in that direction but not for a while in my opinion. Frankly without third world slave wages and exploitation our system couldn't function as is. How do "they" work around the fact that quality of life will deteriorate drastically at 500 million due to the massively interconnected nature of our current system? As for the crowded beaches the ultra rich can have their own islands and getaways, Epstein for example. They don't have to slum it with the plebs unless they want to. The Georgia guide stones, who made it? Who planted it? As far as I have researched, and correct me if I am wrong, it is not clear who or what group even made it.

Krako -2 points ago +1 / -3

As a side note my dude I was actually looking for a real answer with my question. What in your mind is the end game for killing everyone that gets the vaccine? I get a different answer from everyone.

Krako -2 points ago +2 / -4

Fair enough mate I will let you know if I end up in the hospital from the vaccine. A little fucked up you will gleefully celebrate my death though, maybe you should think about why that is.

Krako 0 points ago +1 / -1

Seen you discuss your theories in depth on this board and I got to ask, what proof do you have of any of it? It's really easy to just say "see this thing happened so therefore everything about my theory is correct" not knocking you or anything just wondering if you have anything solid to back up your theories.

Krako -17 points ago +5 / -22

So can I come back here and laugh at you a year from now when every crackpot theory you espoused has made itself abundantly clear as such? Let me ask you an honest question, what would the point be of killing the population? What is the game plan? Where does this conspiracy lead? Everyone on here has a different idea about what the end game is. You can't all be right you know what I mean? You all agree there is a conspiracy, but there is zero consensus on why that is.

Krako 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yup pretty much and all that death financed by our tax dollars to boot. America is better then the alternatives, Russia/China, but we are by no means the "good guys". And know the media expects us to cry over the Americans trapped over there. You reap what you sow.

Krako -1 points ago +3 / -4

Yeah I laughed pretty hard when Trump advocated for the covid vaccine in this rally and got booed by his own supporters. Not sure what the point of taking it down was, Trump is a washed up has-been at this point.

Krako 0 points ago +1 / -1

No ventilator, he got covid and had mild symptoms then 2 weeks later went to the ER for heart failure. MSI-E is a very rare side effect of Covid in children and teens. Not sure what meds he was given for it.

Krako 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know many people that have been vaccinated, probably 100 or so between family and Co workers. No major side effects, sore arm, feeling a little sick for a day or 2. Don't know any body that died from covid but my 17 year old cousin got MSI-E as a complication from covid. Permanent Lung and heart damage, he survived but was a track athlete before and will never be the same again.

Krako 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah I am from California and my ballot doesn't look like this, bogus misinformation.

Krako 0 points ago +1 / -1

Showing my ignorance here but what is a church committee in the context of the US government?

Krako 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hey dude I have seen you post this theory constantly on this forum. Do you have any reccomended reading beyond the mice studies you have posted? I have a hard time giving credence to your particular point of view because my day to day life is completely back to "normal" from lockdown times and has been for a while. I do live in California albeit a very conservative area, cops here don't give a fuck about businesses trying to survive. He'll my favorite bar has been open this whole time, never shut down no consequences. Maybe it's my own bubble but it just doesn't seem that wide-spread.

by dot_win
Krako 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm vaxxed but I dont think it's a good idea to require it as a passport. I stopped wearing my mask after the three weeks and now with this guidance from the CDC I imagine more and more people will stop wearing them. That's what I am seeing in my community anyways. If we are to "trust the science" then most of the mask wearing at this point is just security theatre like the TSA. Most people in my community are already living life normally again, I'm traveling to Texas in a week to visit my family on a plane, something I wouldn't have done a year ago (usually drove)

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