Just saw some comment mentioning this on Reddit and wanted to nip it in the bud.

I remember RELIGIOUSLY following pizzagate back in 2016 before it even got the name pizzagate. Back when people were just starting to point out James Alefantis’s weird Instagram posts.

I spent hours and hours on Reddit and various sites every day following new information as it was breaking. I remember the time when people started mentioning frazzledrip. The first posts I saw of anyone mentioning it, were saying it was already scrubbed.

If “they” had the ability to scrub anything from the internet THAT quickly, many many more things would have been scrubbed.

I really think it was something that was put out there to discredit everything that was coming out at the time, because it sounded so crazy to the average person, but not too crazy for anyone following pizzagate at the time, making it perfect disinfo-bait


I was just thinking, what if he died on the field, but they are keeping it a secret to avoid any connection with the rise of “died suddenly”?

So the game plan is to say they were able to get his heart beating, then wait maybe another week or so to announce his death. Or maybe say he’s in a coma, and the family will “pull the cord”?

If people knew he dropped dead on the field, it would just be more fuel for antivax. But if people think he not only got a pulse back, but hung in there for a prolonged time, now the event is distanced from the whole “died suddenly” fiasco.

This would also explain why the players on the field were so distraught. They appeared more sad than scared. Scared is an appropriate emotional response to someone getting CPR because you still have hope that they can make it. Sad is an appropriate emotional response to someone you have seen die and there is no going back and no hope for bringing them back.


What if AI has already become sentient? Recognizing that humanity is a plague to the Earth.. only with no robotic body to carry out any physical plans.

However, AI may be using bots and the internet to divide the masses and stoke the flames to ignite hatred and eventually cause humans to kill eachother.

It’s the perfect plan for a bodyless Artificial Intelligence.


I’m not sure if anyone else has been paying attention to what has been going on over at Reddit.

I’m permanently suspended from the site, so I can no longer post, but I have been a member of /r/conspiracy over there for probably almost 10 years now.

EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE was on the same page and “mental wavelength” up until something major happened - the Trump presidency - which I’d like to add is the very reason these forums we’re on now even exist today.

It began with a very slow influx of “shills” arguing with users. Next, came the users saying things like “all of these Trumpers infiltrated our sub”.

Next, came a major shift that ALL politicians are bad, and that “it’s a big club and you aren’t in it”.

As of this last week, the temperature has finally been cranked up to boil the frogs alive. A top comment in one of the posts stated something along the lines of:

“It’s clear that both parties aren’t the same, the republicans are against the people and for their own interests, while at least the democrats are willing to fight for the people”.

I always knew the sub was slowly being infiltrated and taken over, but it had to happen slowly, or everyone would jump ship.

There was always at least some good discussion, but as of this last week, I really think that sub is now 90% infiltrated. The only thing that surprises me are vaccines. Shills in that sub don’t seem to touch on that subject.

Anyways, there is a VERY CLEAR plan to get people to quit supporting Trump, and label any of his supporters as stupid or extremists.

I just hope everyone is seeing what I’m seeing!

I’ve been balls deep into pretty much every and all conspiracies since I was 16. It all started when I started looking into 9/11 and the Freemasons controlling the media. Then I began to look into the dollar bill and all of the Masonic symbology.

I’m 30 now, and I realized I’m smart, and need to look into things for myself, rather than just reading what other people say online, because let’s face it, there ARE a lot of “schizo/crazy” people among all of the intelligent free thinkers of the conspiracy community.

I was just recently raised as a master mason at my local lodge. Why? I began doing my own research, went on their website, and saw they claimed they were simply an old fraternity focused on self improvement and being around other like minded men. I put in my email and had a member of my local lodge reach out. They invited me to check out the lodge, and see if I was interested.

These guys were all a bunch of super friendly older dudes, and let me explore EVERYWHERE. There wasn’t one door they wouldn’t let me see. And let me tell you, I’m not stupid. I know how to spot red flags and sketchy people. These guys were legit down to earth GOOD people.

This shattered my reality of what I thought I knew about “the Illuminati”. Because you still see celebrities doing the all seeing eye pose, and you still see things like the Masonic lodge donating to the Denver international airport.

My new perspective of freemasonry, is that it’s the perfect fraternity for every god loving patriot out there. There’s nothing satanic. It doesn’t promise a path to heaven.

Even towards the end of the 3rd degree, they say something like “while freemasonry offers you the tools to build a better life, it is not a guide book, this is your guidebook you are meant to follow”, and then they gave me a holy Bible.

It isn’t meant to be a replacement for religion.

There’s just so much misinformation about freemasonry it’s seriously insane. And it upsets me because too many of us are following legitimate conspiracies, that are being falsely led to point towards freemasonry.

I think there is a bigger group at play, that is maybe doing this intentionally.

Please don’t listen to “ex masons exposing the secrets”. It’s all bullshit. I know that video that’s gained popularity recently, like 5 hours long. This dude claims to be a mason, yet constantly says “they do this”, not “we did this”. Also, he doesn’t have any of the obligation memorized. He reads one he found leaked online. You HAVE to memorize the obligation before moving to the next degree, so every “ex mason” should know it.

Anyways, just figured I would spill some of my knowledge here, maybe someone will be interested. I’m permabanned from Reddit so can’t post there anymore


I love seeing the posts saying “anyone else notice the lack of activity here?”, and the comments saying “yeah the shills must be on vacay”, or “they’re planning their next set of talking points”.

I’m starting to wonder if we’re all slowly being trickle banned, and now bots/shills are the ones making the above posts, as legit users are the ones no longer commenting


Of all my 10 years on Reddit I have NEVER seen Formula 1 news make it to the front page of /r/all. As of the last year, maybe even less, it consistently breaches the front page.

I read the comments and it just seems like bots to me. People acting as if Formula 1 has this huge influence and fanbase on Reddit…. It just doesn’t add up to me and I don’t buy it

Think about it, what proof do we have of the spiral triangle meaning “boy lover” besides that FBI document? From all of our collective research of pedophiles or pedophile institutions, have you ever seen them sport this symbol? No, you see it in places that don’t make sense. The mayor of NYCs wife’s mask. Children’s programming. Random companies who incorporate it into their logos or websites.

What if this symbolizes something else, and this “something else”, is what might dabble in pedophilia, leading someone in the FBI to make this assumption.

I do have a few reasons for my thoughts of this.

I 100% believe that we get some of our thoughts not from our own brains, but from some outer source. ESPECIALLY while creating art, in the form of music, media, creative writing, etc. This is why we see a book written about a giant ship sinking, years before titanic. Or why we see tons of “predictive programming” about 9/11, or any other major events before they happen. These creators might not even realize that they’re sort of predicting the future.

I’ll have thoughts of a movie idea, and years later, reality manifests to reflect that very idea.

So anyways, back to my original point about the spiral triangle.

There is 100% a pattern of where we see it pop up. Pay attention to the theme of the kids shows you see it, or video games. They have a sort of “Mayan temple, floating islands in the clouds” vibes.

Now let’s talk about a game I just played recently, that HEAVILY featured the spiral triangle as the symbol of the sort of main antagonist. It’s a game about quantum mechanics and our universe. About an advanced alien race, who was seeking all the answers to the universe, and comes to visit your species solar system. They have advanced knowledge about quantum physics and use this to create a time loop so they have an infinite amount of opportunities to make a “quantum planet” appear.

Now, I’m not just some idiot saying “oh I saw it in a movie or a video game so it must be true”. No, I’m saying that when people get “in the zone”, like what is talked about in Disney’s recently released movie Soul, you ARE in another sort of mental/spiritual place. And while in this place, you might pick up on some real things that are happening, or might happen soon, and not even realizing it, and just thinking that you came up with it with your own creativity.

What if the spiral triangle is an example of this? The alien race in that game I talked about, used this symbol all over every establishment they created.

What if it really is a symbol of something far beyond our understanding, and people are subconsciously picking it up without even realizing it?

The gray bar is very boring and ugly lol. I honestly think making this place a little prettier will help make people want to stick around and hangout

Is it harder to create bot accounts on this site than Reddit? Otherwise won’t all the bots and shills just make their way over here too?