posted ago by KoofNoof ago by KoofNoof +7 / -2

Think about it, what proof do we have of the spiral triangle meaning “boy lover” besides that FBI document? From all of our collective research of pedophiles or pedophile institutions, have you ever seen them sport this symbol? No, you see it in places that don’t make sense. The mayor of NYCs wife’s mask. Children’s programming. Random companies who incorporate it into their logos or websites.

What if this symbolizes something else, and this “something else”, is what might dabble in pedophilia, leading someone in the FBI to make this assumption.

I do have a few reasons for my thoughts of this.

I 100% believe that we get some of our thoughts not from our own brains, but from some outer source. ESPECIALLY while creating art, in the form of music, media, creative writing, etc. This is why we see a book written about a giant ship sinking, years before titanic. Or why we see tons of “predictive programming” about 9/11, or any other major events before they happen. These creators might not even realize that they’re sort of predicting the future.

I’ll have thoughts of a movie idea, and years later, reality manifests to reflect that very idea.

So anyways, back to my original point about the spiral triangle.

There is 100% a pattern of where we see it pop up. Pay attention to the theme of the kids shows you see it, or video games. They have a sort of “Mayan temple, floating islands in the clouds” vibes.

Now let’s talk about a game I just played recently, that HEAVILY featured the spiral triangle as the symbol of the sort of main antagonist. It’s a game about quantum mechanics and our universe. About an advanced alien race, who was seeking all the answers to the universe, and comes to visit your species solar system. They have advanced knowledge about quantum physics and use this to create a time loop so they have an infinite amount of opportunities to make a “quantum planet” appear.

Now, I’m not just some idiot saying “oh I saw it in a movie or a video game so it must be true”. No, I’m saying that when people get “in the zone”, like what is talked about in Disney’s recently released movie Soul, you ARE in another sort of mental/spiritual place. And while in this place, you might pick up on some real things that are happening, or might happen soon, and not even realizing it, and just thinking that you came up with it with your own creativity.

What if the spiral triangle is an example of this? The alien race in that game I talked about, used this symbol all over every establishment they created.

What if it really is a symbol of something far beyond our understanding, and people are subconsciously picking it up without even realizing it?