King4 -5 points ago +1 / -6

I strongly dissagree with your "Jew talk" but I also sensed deep down you were an well-meaning honest believer in what you were saying. I remember when I saw you got banned, I gave a "facepalm, and screamed in my head 'HE'S NOT THE PROBLEM! YOU DUMBFCK MODS'"

It's funny you say you got banned for "critism the Jews" when PW is now being overrun by "Jew-hate" in an absloutley un-productive way... almost 4chan troll-wagon way.

It's probably because you critism of Jewish people came from a genuine place and you actually backed it up with serious arguments... and weren't any idendtifable glow-agent by the FBI... so that's why the mods dumped you.

If I was in charge, you'd defintley be brought-back even though I dissagree with some of your stances.

It's why my susispcion that PW is compromised.

King4 -4 points ago +2 / -6

Are you kidding? Yes you can. TheDonald is now a ceese-pool of anti-semites. Maybe they won't allow you to talk about sects of ant-Christian "Jewish cults" that actually generate actual good discussion that does not sht on Jewish pedes and divide the movement that much...

They won't allow that.

But general "Jew bashing". Yes, the mods secretly condone it for whatever reason.

King4 -3 points ago +2 / -5

Vlad, it's you! It's been awhile. What happened to you on P-W. I saw you were banned and I gave a great false palm. Our community is now getting over-run with glowies that the mods refuse to do anything about. P-W is compromised.

I am on here because I stumbled upon to see what this community is about.