The ipcc released a report on climate change. In the rediculous report they state humans are "very likely" the cause of climate change and I guess we are now doomed in the near future 🤡 When this report went out every single media outlet jumped on this calling it "code red for humanity"

I believe more in the milankovitch cycles. If you are unfamiliar with this, to simply put it, the earth has cycles spanning over thousand of years. It varies depending on the angle of the axis, spin of the axis, and orbital plane.

The reason I bring this up, i am curious if anyone has knowledge or thoughts on the topic.

My thinking is the code red is either complete bullshit and another fear tactic for the masses. Or the code red is a warning of insider information that only the ones in the know will truely understand.

I have read theories on plant z or polar shifts. I have even read theroies on the photon belt.

I havent researched enough yet to form a concrete idea on the full cycles of earth/planets and where we are in the cycles. Or to form a concrete idea on the theories.