That's how I know you didn't watch it.
I don't. If you watched it you would have seen the proof. You want the raw clip? It's available on the dark web. I'm not supplying the child rape, torture, and murder video for you.
The police reports depict Hillary and Huma deskinning a nude ten year old and wearing her face like Hannibal Lector, and you're trying the pix or it didn't happen approprach?
The video itself is illegal (CP), this has the police report documenting what was on it.
Didn't watch the video
If anyone is the FED it's you, just look at how you dodge questions and inconvenient facts.
How do you respond to being proven wrong?
Proven completely wrong
B-But the show was REJECTED once!!!
Cope, fag.
You never saw the Frazzledrip video?
Because you are a retard. They used to have skits calling him that.
How fast people forget his nickname was Donald Chump, from the 80's on.
I think that's Matthew North, they found him dead in his car with a bullet wound to the temple and a suicide note at 23. He was way too effective at exposing Joe Rogan as the CIA spook that he is (credit: u/SystemGay)
He goes by u/TartarianTruther on here.
Tf are you talking about? Did you even watch it?
That comment section is riddled with Tay Sachs Disease.
They are next to the technology that took us to the moon 💡
Great video. I never really knew the details before but this is a great explanation.
Antisemitism? I got you!
c/HitlerWasRight c/CommunismIsJewish c/SynagogueOfSatan c/JewishPrivilege
Hoaxes you say? No problem!
Free thinking? I got your six! c/WhiteGenocide c/RealConsumeProduct c/WildWest
Good propaganda doesn't need to lie