JohnleBon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you very much for taking the time to write up such a detailed reflection.

I haven't given up hope on reddit, but experiences like yours remind us how problematic that platform can be.

It seems to me to be no coincidence that the Donald sub was banned and so many of their regulars migrated to r/conspiracy

At that point, what could you or any of the other mods do?

It was a shit tsunami, Randy, and that sub was stranded on shit beach.

I'm glad this alternative exists, thanks to those of you who created / run it.

JohnleBon 215 points ago +216 / -1

This website is an excellent idea. Kudos to Doggos and Axo.

We might not agree on a lot of topics, but we agree on this:

Those of us who question things need a place to converse with other people who question things.

And reddit seems to be getting worse by the day.