Anyone here believe that these things existed in the past, and still exist to this day?

Out of any historical document, I would have to say that the Bible is by far the most accurate out of any that I've done research on.

Genesis and the Book of Enoch give clear definitive explanation of these Nephilim Giants. Said to be descendants of the Watchers, they are said to have 6 fingers and 6 toes. Absolute horror shows feeding on human beings.

Interestingly enough, Native Americans have the exact same stories of these Giants. With the same description of 6 fingers and 6 toes. Recently came across stories in Guadalcanal during WW2, where Japan was losing tons of infantry to these man-eating Giants deep in the jungles of Soloman Islands. Just heard a podcast on it and it is intriguing.

Is this connected with Hollow Earth theory? These things are living in the cave systems within the Earth? It would make sense that they had to retreat into caves after technology caught up and human beings could compete with their size through utilizing technology.

I'm sure many of you have heard about the Giant of Kandahar. If you google giants, or use a better browser that doesn't censor, you can find many news articles of these skeletons being found, then disappearing when the Smithsonian shows up and covers it up.

The question is, why are they hiding this truth from us? Is it to disprove the Bible and keep their Satanic agenda alive by hiding history?


I have family members who are considering getting this scam vaccine. I am doing all I can to try to help them see the light.

I'm targeting Bill Gates, and showing them the reality of who he is.

  1. Epstein Plane logs.

  2. Epstein association after he was found guilty.

  3. His time at Microsoft can only be explained as a sociopath. (do people forget who this guy was before his whole PR stunt as a "philanthropist"?

  4. Africa/India - got kicked out of India after his vaccine paralyzed almost 500,000 kids. Even worse, the way they were convincing parents was absolutely evil.

  5. Microsoft commercial featuring Marina Abramovich, then quickly taken down after everyone called them out. Satan is at the root of this whole thing, the true evil.

Let me know if you guys have any other methods to convince those who we love to not get this bullshit vaccine. If I left anything out about this demon rat, pls let me know.


Have some time to go down an unknown rabbit hole. Hope someone gives this "conspiracy theorist" something new to look into. Racine, WI is pretty interesting btw.

Let me know! God bless you all.


Think it would be nice to get a list of sources together because of this terrible bullshit that is happening. My list-

Dan Bongino- Rumble

Dinesh D’Souza- Rumble

Lin Wood- https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth

SGT Report- Bitchute

Mike Adams Situation Report-Bitchute

Simon Parkes- Bitchute

Charley Ward- Bitchute

X22 report- Bitchute

Curious as to who you guys follow. Maybe I'm missing some people that I should be following. I'm also interested in Gab. I dont know the user names of many of the truth tellers, so if you guys know some, would appreciate it.

Stay strong everyone. We are in the storm, but good always wins. Have faith, never submit, never ever give our rights up.

They are shitting in their pants. You see Pelosi absolutely pooping her pants and going crazy?

They know how powerful each of us are. They cannot accept the unity that will crush them. Their totalitarian methods have backfired, the wave is coming for them.

God Bless You All.

I was hopeful for Trump to be that guy that really drains the swamp. I previously believed Q was a psyop, but with the effort the MSM, dems, and RINOS were making desperately trying to coup this man out of office twice, I started to believe that this was a reaction to how dangerous Trump was to the establishment. I had pretty high hopes that this was real, and of course, like many of you, I was dreaming that this was our opportunity to finally destroy the deep state.


With the recent events, no action, no Emergency Broadcast, the total false flag that happened yesterday at the Capitol Building, now I am questioning. I am still hopeful because it isn't January 20th but this may be what's happening. If nothing happens, Trump was a part of this effort and merely playing a role. Why? They want to destroy us from within. Create civil unrest and civil war. Q was used to get Patriots to wake up, but not in the way we think. Wake up and be forced to take action.

If this shit really pops off, they will have the means to instill martial law- instill required vaccines, rules, regulations, etc. Communism. Trump was merely playing a role to activate the silent majority into fighting. If he lays down, this was the whole plan. Remember that before you do something that is what they intended. I still have faith, but preparing for the worst scenario. Pray that this is not the case and that we are in for the most beautiful story.

Any thoughts would be great. Let's discuss this.


I just don't get it. This is what makes me think that this whole thing is staged. I don't know what to think. Maybe he already has the royal flush and allowing the treason rats to show themselves. Any thoughts?

Edit: Fucking shills are here. Go back to Reddit you fucks


So it seems pretty obvious, Mike Pence is a deep state whore. He had the legal opportunity to deny the electoral votes from the states in question on the 23rd, and that would've have made Trump automatically win the election because those electoral votes would not count.

He didn't do it. The Republican party is done. Trump has backstabbers and vipers everywhere around him. If people are wondering what Pence will do on the 6th, cannot rely on him whatsoever.

I can only guess that Pence is compromised just like Justice Roberts. If he would've done this, he would automatically be a front runner for President next term by Trump supporters. It makes no sense for him not to do this. The only sense I can determine is that he compromised.

The only option is to do the Insurrection Act. Trump can't rely on anyone close to him whatsoever. He's literally fighting everyone.

I was never a Trump supporter. Im a supporter of the Constitution. The winner of the election should be our President. Trump won in a landslide. The deep state is so powerful and they've got almost everyone by the balls. Justice Roberts is compromised in the SCOTUS, was on the J. Epstein flight logs. Texas case not taken is proof of him being compromised as well. They've got almost everyone.

Buckle up. Trump supporters are going to DC on the 6th and going armed. Perfect opportunity for a devastating false flag. This is out of control.


Please add anything you can think of, but I'm pretty certain that Covid was used to create the situation with the election. Without the fake ballots and counting times, they had to come up with a conspiracy with China to release this fake cold and use it for the election. The mail in ballots had to be in play. Is this one HUGE conspiracy with China to take over the US? Because it did not work and they got caught. But the World Economic Forum is certainly a part of this to usher in the one world government.

Anyone thinking this? This is the most massive conspiracy we've ever seen in our lives. Surrounded by enemies who have treasonously prepared to get Trump out of office. He is the a wild card, fights China's BS, Vetoed the absolutely shitty bill yesterday. I like this.

Byrne has clarified some things about Trump. He isn't the asshole that he is made out to be. Byrne, who didn't vote for Trump, said his opinion of Trump has changed. This guy framed Hillary- amazing story and I'm pretty sure I'm can trust what this guy says, I don't get the bullshit radar when he talks.

We all don't know this Trump personally, but we know he has been portrayed in the media negatively for a reason. Some friends I talk to HATE Trump.. All they do is go off of what that treasonous media says. Brainwashing is unfortunately working very well. I used to hate Trump and be left leaning, but after everything I found out about the left, I am disgusted. It really is the Satanic side of power.

Hillary, Podesta, child trafficking, fake russiagate to try to create a coup. Obama was involved because he, Biden, and Hillary were all in on selling the Uranium One- This is what these people did. Sold Uranium to Russia and covered it up by blaming Trump. I don't like to play partisan bullshit games, but they blame the other side of things that they're doing. It is amazing and disgusting.

BUT, I'm confused. Trump is pushing this scam vaccine on everyone, so it makes me think that the vaccine is the real play. All of this other stuff is a distraction, and Trump might be playing the good guy with the base so that we trust him and take the vaccine. I don't know what to think. But he won the election, so he should be President.

I am certainly NOT taking this mRNA vaccine to mess with my DNA for something that has a 99.98% cure rate. This is all such a deliberate scam. I just can't understand why people don't see it. Thoughts?


Anyone getting a mandatory log in of google and youtube? Is Trump taking these treasonous assholes out of there?

I'm not logging in. Duckduckgo and bitchute from now on. Fuck Google and Youtube.


I know this place is for conspiracies, but I gotta ask some of you this question.

How the hell do we kick these treasonous creatures out of Congress?

Did you see that bill that they tried to pass? This is criminal.

We are watching the fiscal destruction of this country spiraling down. This mean, all of the money, property, hard work will be devalued and our money won't be worth a damn thing because of these irresponsible, corrupt, and disgusting animals.

It's too much now. I can't take this shit anymore. The people have to change this, now. Or maybe it is too late.



So they're expecting for 1 million Trump supporters to show up in D.C. to protest.

1 Million

I fear a false flag attack on D.C. to take out a huge amount of insubordinates and Trump all in one go.

I hope to Jesus that they don't do it, but knowing this type of evil, it has no boundaries. Deep state has never been so exposed, never been this threatened. They will do anything to get rid of Trump and his supporters. They tried 2 coup attempts already and tried to steal an election. None worked. This might be their plan C.

God bless America.


What is the difference between now and times like 9/11? I had to explain this to people who are just waking up now. The difference is this time, it is going to come and individually crack you in the mouth. I think a lot of us are already there with the economy, lost jobs, loss of livelihood. I think a lot of us aware that things are going to start heating up soon. Stolen election, the vaccine rollout, the "new Covid" right in time... How fucking stupid do they think we are? How convenient... I don't know how the hell people trust this horseshit, it is way too obvious this is a scam. Either way, there will come a time where they will completely come in and try to make you do something. Whether it is the vaccine, covid pass, etc to try to require you to comply. If they come in and knock on your door, are you going down with the ship? If you're hungry, will you crack? If your kids are screaming in hunger pains, are you prepared? This is what I'm talking about. The games have just begun. Hunger has always been used to control populations. Unless if Trump is that guy trying to destroy this satanic agenda and wins, things like this will happen. What are you prepared to do? Curious to hear what you guys plan to do, because I think I need to adjust my plan accordingly.

I have a couple of thoughts, maybe someone here can explain this to me. I like many of you, are supportive of Trump bringing down the deep state. Hopefully that's what is going to happen.

But the other side of my mind is telling me even Trump is playing a role. What if all of this corruption and the deep state need to be illustrated to the public to bring confidence to an all time low about our leaders? For the NWO to properly take over, they need to discredit the government and our political leaders so that we will be willing to accept a new type of government.

I'm hopeful that this is an honest attempt by Trump to totally bring these satanic low-lives to justice, but I am also well aware of how the evil operates. Extremely brilliant, smart, and ingenious.

And here's the thing that makes me suspicious of Trump. The vaccine... If this thing is truly nefarious, which I 100% believe that it is, why is he pushing it so aggressively? Is this a public perception play by him? He also said he would never wear a mask, and then he wore one.

Don't get me wrong, I want Trump over Biden any day of the week, but I know how we live in a pretend society, and this may just be an elaborate show like they've shown us in the past to get the change they need. 9/11 was one of those shows.

The biggest scam is happening right now with Covid, so is Trump really making these moves against the deep state or is this an elaborate illustration to advance their real agenda? This is where I am conflicted. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

I'll get it started. I think the cyberpandemic is next. In fact, it already started with Fire Eye and Sunpower hacks. And the evil that is the CFR with Klaus fucker are right. It is going to put us into such a situation that people will be begging for the NWO.

The only hope I have is that Trump really is exposing the deep state and actively fighting them. But of course, it could all be a fantasy and he's already compromised and playing a role- but man, is he playing it well. If he isn't messing with us and he arrests them all like hopeful people think, he will go down as the greatest President in history. Never thought I would say that, but wow, does he have a chance to write a legacy like no other President could.

Whatever is happening, it has been enjoyable watching MSM and the dirty dems shit all over themselves recently.

With the Cyberpandemic, what is the move they are gunna make? The grid? If anyone has any other suggestions or thoughts, let me know. Always happy to hear from like-minded people. God Bless us all


If you're on this new forum, you're probably a pro at realizing that we live in a pretend society. But things have been accelerating, which makes my alarm bells ring at an all time high. But I'm interested in what like-minded people think about the current events. Let's list them.

  1. Covid- obviously a scam, and obviously being used to usher in a new agenda of control. Whether the virus is real or not, it definitely isn't as dangerous as the MSM told us it was. Right when I saw the fear-mongering from the MSM, I knew this was a scam. Let's remember 9/11 and what happened there... The worldwide effect indicates that the TPTB are coordinating this for some agenda, which is obviously the health dictatorship.

  2. Election fraud of the President of the United States. I'm certain this always existed to a certain extent, but this is the 2nd major coup attempt on this President. They really do not want him there, which makes me cheer for him. The MSM, deep state, and the dems have tried their hardest to get him booted out of office. Not working... and I can only celebrate their failures.

  3. Solar Winds, Fire Eye hack. Like the video from iceage farmer, this is fucking troublesome. Look at his video about the KlausFuck and the tabletop exercise they had on this cyberpandemic. Just like event 201, they always tell you before they do it. I believe this is the beginning of this new fucked up world we are entering in to. These three events are not coincidence. If you take an objective look at the situation, run the math behind the odds of these all happening, there is a design present. The Cyberpandemic is the scariest shit that makes me quiver when I think about the possibilities of what they can do. They are attacking. And now that the election fraud didn't work, they will have to go with the Plan B, which I am certain equates to civil unrest, and some sort of infrastructure disturbance that puts us in a position of desperation to accept their new world order. Get ready shit is about to go down. Any thoughts are appreciated. Always love hearing from people who know the scam of this world.


So hopefully we can all agree that this election was stolen on a level that we've never seen before. Anyone saying no evidence or any other ridiculous statement is either a shill or totally brainwashed by MSM.

Been having arguments with my brainwashed friends about what is at stake here. This isn't about democrats vs republicans. This is about our fucking country. There was fraud, no doubt about it. Math, you know that language that doesn't lie? Math says Trump won via legal votes.

I'm not a Trumper. If I had to pick out of the two, I for certain would pick Trump. Biden is sold to China and a deep state tool. He is so fucking corrupt, almost at a Hillary level.

Trump at least has a chance to expose them all. But what's even worse is that the orange man bad people will accept blatant fraud to get him out of office.

And this is the problem I have with "democrats". No morals. No ethics. Anything goes as long as I get my way. Boy wants to be a girl? Cool! Orgies during lockdowns even though the government killed small business? Cool! All over the place. What a cesspool. Just a bunch of lying criminals pretending that they care about people. Nothing could be further from the truth. They don't give a shit about Black Lives. Nor do they care about LGBTfewfeemcs. They care about no morals.

All I'm saying is this one statement. Whoever WON the legal votes should be President. Believe what you want. But there must be fucking rules for elections. But if the worst thing that could possibly happen happens, what are you going to do? If our corrupt system allows Biden to steal an election, what are you planning on doing?