Hi Crusader Pepe. As you know, Christianity originated as (and remains) a sect of messianic Judaism and must, by default, uphold the notion that Jews were chosen by ‘God’ (Who refers to himself as Jehovah, the Elohim of Israel ie one of many ‘gods’, this particular one centred upon the Jewish ethnicity)
My question to you is: why don’t you just fuck off with your cocksucking of Jews and acceptance of them as your master Race?
Show me where in the Bible Jesus made a covenant with people of all nations.
What Jesus did say was that he was the one spoken of in psalm 110, where he would role in the midst of his enemies.
Rome were the Jews enemies in Jesus day and time became the seat of Christianity. But look what is also written in psalm 110. Jesus will fill the places with dead bodies and crush the heads of many nations.
He also said that he had come to fulfill the prophecies and that not one jot or tittle shall pass till all be fulfilled. This includes the scores of prophecies about destroying the goyim, yes?
Guys like me shouldn’t read the Bible? Please! The Bible is there for anyone to read. And when you have read it, you can no longer be under any illusion as to what it is. Guys like you SHOULD read the Bible sometime.
Christianity (and Islam) IS Judaism. Get a clue.
They inserted Jesus into some pre-existing religions in order to hoodwink the goy into worshipping the Jewish messiah Jesus and Jehovah the Elohim of Israel.
They destroyed the temples and shrines of Europeans and Arabs native religions and burned down their libraries of knowledge. It was a forced conversion to the Judaism-for-Gentiles known as Christianity and Islam.
You are making a category error when you try to liken antonyms to exclusionary terms like goy, Pagan and kafir. This isn’t simply a matter of grammar.
No, there isn’t Scots and then some collective noun to refer to everyone who is not a Scot. They would be referred to by whatever they are - an Englishman, a Welshman, a German etc. same for you and your country.
I see you have shifted your position from ‘it wasn’t forced’ to ‘they were barbaric and so deserved it’. Quite a shifting there. However, Judaism and its derivative is genocidal in nature and recommended taking young virgins as they spoils of war, genociding entire peoples, bashing babies off the rocks, filling the goy countries with dead bodies etc, sacrificing children.
You haven’t responded to the Psalm 110 point at all. You asked for only one reason I didn’t like Jesus and I gave you one nice neat reason but your response appears disjointed and devoid of a point. Jesus by his own admission is the one who is to rule in the midst of Israel’s enemies and from where he will fill up the places with dead bodies and wound the heads of many countries.
Is such a parasitical deceiver really who you consider to be your lord and saviour? He doesn’t consider himself as your saviour - he was only interested in the Jews. He considers you an enemy of Israel whom he will rule over and deliver to utter destruction and subservience to his people - the Jews - as ordained by his father, Jehovah the Elohim of Israel.
Referring to Jesus as the perfect man is just the most sycophantic thing you could do. The Jews have really done a number on you if you have taken their messiah who hates your guts right into your heart. Although you are following Jesus instruction to love and pray for your persecutors quite dutifully.
I don’t mean how the Catholic Church created the crusades, I mean how Rome ran through Europe abolishing native religions and forcing a sect of Judaism onto everyone.
One little hallmark you will notice about all these Jewish religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is that they all use collective nouns to refer to anyone who is not them - Goy, Pagan, Kafir.
European peoples had their own religions and mythologies like the Norse, Celtic Druidic etc, as did the Arabic people like Zoroastrianism etc. but the Jews took theological control of these through their subversion of Rome and thereafter most of the world was forced to believe that the Lord God of Israel (more properly translated as Jehovah, Elohim of Israel) was the one true god. Their own gods and religions were done away with through violence and lobbying/subversion.
A theological conquest of Jews over Goyim.
What is one thing I don’t like about Jesus? There are many things but I will give you just the one you asked for:
In Matthew 22:41-46 Jesus acknowledges that he is the one spoken of in Psalm 110.
Psalm 110 is where Jehovah, the Elohim of Israel says that Jesus will come out of Zion to rule in the midst of Israel’s enemies. (Israel’s enemies at the time of Jesus was Rome and Rome became the seat of Christianity - ruling in the midst of thine enemies).
In that psalm, which Jesus says is about him, it shows his clear intent to judge the goyim and to fill the places with dead bodies and to wound the heads of many countries.
So Jesus, insofar as he even existed, clearly hates the non Jewish world and understands Christendom to be the land of his enemies who he will rule over and fill with dead bodies. Jesus HATED non Jews but knew his lot was to trick them into worshipping the Elohim of Israel thereby forswearing their own Elohim.
That’s just one of the many reasons.
The New Testament may call itself the good news but it can’t be its own Judge can it? If you were to ask Jimmy Savile what he was doing he would tell you that he did good work for charity and simply fixed it so that little children’s dreams would come true. Or, to put it somewhere closer to home for you, as Jesus himself said in John 5:31 If I testify about myself, my testimony is not valid.
The apostles went on missions of subversion, to pry people away from their own ancestral myths and gods and to hoodwink them into worshipping the Jewish god and Jewish messiah.
You may take the death of those apostles literally but I don’t think they even existed, let alone died in the manner that is claimed.
When I said he worships the most famous Jewish magician of them all, I was referring to Jesus.
Christianity and Islam are religions forced upon the gentiles by Jews where we all worship their god, having had our own gods and religions erased
Also on their stickied posts by the same moderator is a misinformation post about SB 1414 which makes the penalty for soliciting minors harsher than it previously was - increasing prison time from the current minimum of 2 days in county jail and maximum $10k fine, to 1, 2 or 3 years in prison and max $25k fine - yet they are saying the bill REDUCES prison time to its current 2 days etc.
That mod just took some random Twitter Disinformationists post, didn’t even bother to read even the abstract of the bill itself, and stickied it in order to whip those poor blind sods up into even more of a froth than usual.
Of course, they say that the Dems done it in order to escape jail time for when Trump gets back in - because obviously he’s all about ending child trafficking and child sex slavery…
So, what would have been wrong with just exposing the actual detailed plan from the jump and arresying all the would-be genociders rather than create an alternative genocide weapon and supporting charade?
Why institute plandemic preparedness exercise Crimson Contagion ahead of the go-live date of COVID?
Q-tards are idiots.
Yet to decide, just looking for some info first. You’re not embarrassed or ashamed of the holy name of the god you worship surely?
I don’t understand why it’s such a wrench for you to just say who it is