HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, the obvious situation is that criminals have sequestered power in all western nations, so communism is next and I have no expectation that democracy is going to begin working anytime soon.

But it is a nice thought to postulate.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

heh, I think it is a bit of an amazing scene.

In thinking on it, I suspect it is actually the result of a collision between another tank and it likely just pushed the turret off? Do they come off that easily? hahah, not sure.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

More typical retardation from the weak minded leftist, do not bother posting shit to me you fucking useless criminal piece of shit

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

More retarded shit from an absolutely obvious criminal jew leftist.

Eat shit your account is garbage you are garbage. If you need to know why your life is so shitty, it is because you are a piece of shit liar.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eat shit loser, you have exposed nothing with your blatant stupidity.

Fuck off criminal

HonestTruth 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is a joke about the training event in poland that resulted in a broken leopard.

I honestly have no idea how they pulled it off, some type of extremely skilled ukranian.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eat shit loser leftist you will never get links from obvious shit from me moron, you got the answers you need, now fuck off loser.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

bla bla bla, leftist more leftist more.

Just because you have no clue how to research facts, do not ever expect me to lead you to it by the nose dingleberry, at best I will drop a statement you can use your own research skills to verify or not, I could give a flying fuck.

As I said a number of messages ago, I care not if you understand the information, I have done my part.

So, as I said, carry on being wrong lefty.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

lmao, are you are seriously this devoid of intelligence?

This has been a sound defeat on your part, you came in said something wrong, got a response got information, rejected it all and pretend you have won something in your sea of ignorance?

What you lost is the small amount of respect I was building for you, Now I can see without question you are the typical leftist nutbar with no capability to understand basic concepts.

Carry on being simple leftist.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whatever you say bub, I refuse to educate someone so ignorant on the matter, that is all. I made a statement you disagree you can keep your disagreement I could give a flying fuck.

I know I am right, and you are wrong, I am not required to try to continue to educate you, I have provided more than enough information for you to prove it wrong or right, you have done neither.

Go back to getting vaccinated regular like.

HonestTruth 3 points ago +3 / -0

lol, blinked works for me, he is blinked out.

HonestTruth 3 points ago +3 / -0

fuck off scumbag moron khazarian filthy criminal jew.

Nothing you ever post is worth anything fuck off you piece of shit criminal.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh, I see no value in trying to educate you on an obvious situation.

Every single color revolution has this pattern you are just too simple and ignorant to see it.

Carry on with your belief that this is an organic situation and has nothing to do with external criminal influence, it matters not at all to me, most people are like you, completely unable to understand what is actually happening because of the total amount of bullshit filling their heads.

More boosters coming.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

While this will be the default outcome, there will be a buffer period provided.

So as long as one takes the exit path offered the slide into cbdc will be fairly painless if you are aggressive.

There will be a multiplier offered when the time is right, people will not be able to refuse.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

How does that slow the progress of the next phase of slavery tooling being deployed?

I think if anything it cements it and it is exactly what they want from people to prove they need to do it the way they are doing it, with respect to the deployment of criminal devices to enslave the populace.

My point I guess is that it does not really matter what the people on the ground do, the system in place will continue to make the moves it chooses.

Based on that I suggest we can simply wait till the model is deployed and measure it at that time. Sure, do you best to not get involved, but it is like when the horse became old and the car took its place.

HonestTruth 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great video, I remember when he started I was like wtf is with this guy and turned him off.

Then as time wore on he started saying some of the right stuff, I was elated that he is still able to learn.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, to start.

rsf has no gear, nothing. No Jets, No helicopters, No Tanks. No APC, not even jeeps. So they are getting slaughtered.

This is exactly like they outfit these guys for the past 20+ years for these color revolutions.

So we examine the gear they do have.

Nice new camo, tons of american weapons and ammo.

We examine all the military bases in the region and most of them are US/NATO configurations.

The SDF are equipped with eastern weapons.

This is basically the same situation as Libya except at a much larger scale.

I am not into drumming up links for this stuff, I have briefed them as they went by, You should have no problem drilling into the rsf and who built them up.

If it was SDF as you suggest, they would be equipped and on the same level.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

You would think?

But no, this is the real deal and based on the value, it is old. It is over 1b per year since 2020.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are an idiot, as each comment you write proves.

Since you like to live in a fantasy world where nothing makes sense. Let's give you such an example.

Imagine if you will, standing there with a sword and a hoard of zombies coming thru the door. you slicing them up.

Would you rush out to spin circles? or would you fight them in the doorway?

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

I hear you, but... As a point of reference. I work for an organization and they have a system setup, there is no opting out of it. Many organizations are configured as such.

80% of the people at least will be forced into and brought along just to continue on the survival pattern they are on.

I imagine every single organization of any scale is using payment systems and such designed for such uses.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, you refuse to be rational about the logic bits that bring us to this state.

So lets reiterate:

Decades of strife in the region, militants all over, 100k buildup of resistance forces.

Meeting between nato counterparts

3 days later, military activity that far surpasses the last decade+

So to reject the statement that the meeting ignited the conflict is ridiculous when attempting to instead suggest it is a standard civil war out of nowhere.

Timing is key here.

I said already that the rsf forces are nato forces, nato built that army, If you wanted, you could do some research on that angle and examine the plethora of backing evidence.

You were done on this thread when you started, coming in half cocked and ill informed.

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