Gooseman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Never thought football was a Communist sport but guess it is. Didn't watch any NFL last year and it didn't bother me like I thought it would. Turned Sunday into getting things done around the house with music on full.

by pkvi
Gooseman 3 points ago +3 / -0

And if you're really good outdoors we will stamp your Vax pass and if you get 5 stamps you will receive a real glazed doughnut. Mmmm mmmm life is good. You should be so happy.

Gooseman 1 point ago +1 / -0

The brain game and damage the government has done to us is beyond unacceptable in any form of democracy. The neighbors think we (wife and I) are selfish (it's for the good of the brotherhood oh ya and we also get to travel) , friends all talk behind our backs and some are angry with us, my brother thinks I'm a lunatic, my kids think I'm brain washed and brain dead. Why? Because instead of our Leaders instilling calm and order they purposely divide and humiliate us. If there is justice we need to see some because the last 2 years haven't been any fun. I hope others are fairing better because it is fucking taxing on us.