FishyMan420 -4 points ago +1 / -5


Also nice profile stalk. This post was removed so you could have only found my comment by stalking my profile. You're such a loser lol.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +4 / -6

Just pointing out the mod's hypocrisy. Both are indeed gay, but both should be allowed. Although this particular post isn't a conspiracy and is just a low effort meme. Point is the mod allows lizard people posts, which are even dumber than FE, but wants to ban FE and not lizard people.

deleted -3 points ago +1 / -4
FishyMan420 -4 points ago +3 / -7

u/clemaneuverers Oh yes this is much better content than flat Earth. It's full of facts and compelling arguments.

FishyMan420 -4 points ago +1 / -5

I too am tired of explaining logic and consistency. This board is going down the shitter, as it is inevitable you will ban other things. This is always how it starts, look at our current world.

FishyMan420 -4 points ago +1 / -5

You just don't get it. You can't name one topic as bullshit but not any of the others. For example is bigfoot conspiracies banned? Loch Ness Monster conspiracies? Lizard people? Aliens? 5G causes cancer? Those subjects are even more bullshit and more easily debunked than FE. Yet you pick on FE.

No matter how much you despise a subject, no matter how stupid or indefensible it is, as long as it remains in the fashion of a conspiracy, it is valid on a conspiracy board. That includes bigfoot, aliens and all the other shit that gets posted here. Just limit FE to 1 post a day and remove any others.

FishyMan420 -3 points ago +1 / -4

if some dude kept posting sports results here, and I removed those off-topic posts - would you get all butt hurt about censorship then?

Depends, is there a conspiracy to hide the true sports results?

Even worse, what if he was posting fake sports results that weren't even accurate in any way? Should his freedom of speech defended at all costs?

So like the vast majority of the posts on this board? But if you can prove he's doing it maliciously with intent to deceive then that would be valid to remove. However FE isn't so cut and dry as looking up sports results.

Then again, how do you know the sports results you see on the tv aren't lying? Maybe that guy saying their fake might be on to something. It's like the studies claiming the covid vaccines are safe and effective, those are actually lies with manipulated data. Yet if you said that to a normy they would think you're a liar and should be removed. That's what you are doing.

Let me know when you're going to ban the next thing. Make a nice list so we can all see how fucked this board has gotten.

FishyMan420 -5 points ago +1 / -6

I used to come here for conspiracies the mainstream doesn't want you to know about, things to make you think because. You are showing this board can't be trusted because of censorship. Because next you will be ban something else. Then something else after that. If I wanted that I would go to the Reddit conspiracy sub. Soon this board will become Reddit.

FishyMan420 -4 points ago +1 / -5

It is literally not legitimate anyway. It is a complete fabrication.

Your example of the car could be a legitimate conspiracy if it could be proven, or evidence found that indicates it's true. Stated without evidence it's weak and should be challenged.

FE is already fully disproven for a very very long time. All evidence for it is completely fabricated and assumptive, and often it is outright lies and misrepresentations of the facts - this is clearly done in bad faith. Maybe the people presenting it do not realize this, maybe they didn't come up with it - but they (attempt to) defend it like they came up with it.

This board is for conspiracies of any kind, whether true or outright lies. At least that's what I assume since 90% of the posts here are garbage. Therefore FE fits in quite nicely with everything else here.

But like trying to argue with a FEer or a theist, I see you won't change your mind or listen to logic.

FishyMan420 -5 points ago +1 / -6

Leave it to the furry to actively recognize the operative point while still missing it entirely. It’s like getting a hole in one by hitting the ball onto a different hole’s, er, hole.

Nice counter argument, you sure showed me!

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

There is obvious potential for harm.

No there isn't.

Anyone who defends FE is suspect. You are suspect.

Anyone who defends antivaxxers is suspect. Report them to your local authorities immediately. There is obvious potential harm from these people daring to question the safe and effective covid vaccines.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Shill confirmed.

What a compelling counter argument after just getting your ass handed to you. You must be a liberal. Gotten the latest booster?

FishyMan420 -3 points ago +3 / -6

No. It literally doesn’t. What obligation do we have to allow any off-topic posts here? Are you okay with people spamming posts solely about animals here, even though we have an Animals board?

How about Cars?

How about MGTOW?

How about Technology?

Animal posts would be fine here if it was a conspiracy in some way. There are conspiracies about car engines that get insane mpg but are covered up to sell more oil. You could make a post about how the courts purposefully favor women. There's all kinds of technology conspiracies like certain technology waves being harmful to the body.

And having the conspiracy theory that the governments and space programs are covering up a flat Earth for some reason is still a legit conspiracy theory, no matter how retarded it is.

FishyMan420 -3 points ago +1 / -4

Only a guillable buffoon would look at an astroturfed FE convo and think it’s legitimate discourse, instead of the subversive shilling it is.

Doesn't matter what you think FE is. According to the mainstream narrative anti-covid talk is subversive dangerous misinformation. So according to your logic the mainstream is justified in banning all anti-covid narrative talk, and punishing those who do it anyway.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +1 / -3

90% of the posts on this board are utter trash. If you're going to keep most of them then you should keep them all. To decide one trash subject should be banned but all the other trash subjects are fine is an excellent definition of censorship, hypocrisy, and inconsistency.

FishyMan420 -5 points ago +2 / -7

Are you censored when you’re told it’s illegal to yell fire in a crowded theatre?

Yelling fire when there isn't one causes serious consequences to people and is highly disruptive. Having a conversation about FE does not disrupt anyone's lives through the mere words of saying "the Earth is flat."

FE is not a legitimate discourse or debate.

Neither is the vast majority of posts on this board.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +1 / -3

This is not true, because FE make very many random assertions about every little thing

Most posts on here do that.

it easy enough to do but takes time to sufficiently and clearly debunk each of their minor nitpicks with reality.

Then ignore them. Non-mods can block them.

And if you spend the time and energy to do so, that could be devoted to better things, and you reply in good faith, hoping to show them the error of their ways, they will simply call you a liar and everything you presented as fake.

Welcome to my world when I debate theists. Still, I don't want religion banned from the site or any boards.

So it may be easily debunked, but you can't convince them of that, and they persist in their grooming attempts. Successful, irrefutable debunking does nothing to dissuade them in the least. They will declare themselves right regardless of all logic or factual rebuttle.

It's clear you have a deep issue with FE and are tired of dealing with them. But sorry, you're a mod and can't let your bias get in the way, not if you want to be a good mod. You do get props for making this thread instead of simply acting, but a great mod does the right thing for free speech even if he's opposed by the majority. As there's a disturbing amount of people voting yay.

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

and any normie would expect that shit on a conspiracy site.

FE is as conspiracy theory as they come.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +1 / -3

FE has no basis in fact or reality yet is presented as the ultimate scientific reality. It is a specific topic, with one essential idea, that the earth is flat. It is clear, easily identifiable, unvague, simple to identify.

Antisemitic is a label applied to many different types of comments, people and conspiracies, very liberally. Bankers conspiracy? Antisemitic. Israel conspiracy? Antismeitic. WW2 conspiracy? Antisemitic. Leo Frank, B'nai Birith and the ADL? Antisemtic. The "antisemitic trick" admitted to by that Israeli Minister on Democarcy Now? Antisemitic.

That's true. Still, I don't want either banned. And because FE is so specific, it so easily argued against and debunked. I don't see the problem. Just limit it to 1 post a day.

Having said that, if the reported antisemitism contains obscene language or incitement to violence, I will of course remove it.

That's good and I'll keep it in mind. We don't want this to be another conpro.

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +2 / -3

That’s not how it’s being defined here though. It’s a topic that people think is nonsensical.

They're wrong then. I think nearly all posts here are nonsensical, but I don't call them spam.

Of course multiple, identical posts/topics should be deleted but with one left.

I agree and even suggested precisely that: that FE posts could be limited to only 1 a day.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +3 / -5

You don't think we should welcome retarded conspiracy theories? Because if that's your feeling then 90+% of the posts here should be removed.

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +3 / -4

yet where is the Free Speech absolutist defense of the spammers, groomers, con-artists, CRT people, etc when they get removed from this website?

Spam is when you make multiple posts within a short time frame with the exact same subject, with little to no variation. As such that is bad for any board. It's not a subject but an action, therefore removing spam is not a violation of free speech, especially if you keep at least one topic around.

Groomers is a term most people can't properly define, and if they try, it always comes with bias. For example I think church and especially Sunday school are notorious grooming locations with pastors and priests being the groomer. Obviously theists would disagree. But how exactly does grooming work on an internet forum? Can you even groom adults? As such, I assume we all adults here and can therefore look out for ourselves and make our own decisions. So as long as the "groomer" is among adults and not targeting children, I will defend their right to free speech, even speech I don't like.

Con-artist can be another tricky term. The typical definition implies intent and knowledge that they are lying in order to gain an advantage over someone. How can you do that on an internet forum? The main way is through malicious or advertiser links, in which case yes those should be removed. But should the person still be allowed to talk about his super awesome product? Sure, if it's in the right forum. Obviously this conspiracy board isn't the right place to discuss such a thing, so con-artists in that way shouldn't be allowed. Is FE a con? Some people think so, including this ex-FEer. However I am indeed here defending their right to free speech, as long as they don't link to any products or encourage donations or anything like that.

Critical Race Theory is free speech and I support their right to say it, even though I disagree with them.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +3 / -5

Spam is easy to define. It's when you make multiple posts within a short time frame with the exact same subject, with little to no variation.

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