Expose_corruption90 1 point ago +2 / -1

That was my thought . I got COVID with the no taste or smell but only drink well water. I contacted it after my wife got it from someone at work.

Expose_corruption90 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jesus taught love your enemies. Turn the other cheek, turn from wickedness.

Expose_corruption90 1 point ago +1 / -0

Malevolent spiritual entities or however one prefers to refer to them only leave when commanded in the authority of one name. That name is Jesus.
Of course counterfeit and directly oppositional groups have come in His name outwardly and done harm to humanity (ei Catholic Church, any public Christians professing salvation but privately plotting destruction) If you are willing to be challenged in your view, especially if you are a researcher, which probably most users here would consider themselves, it doesn't take to much digging to come to the truth that Jesus holds the spiritual authority and God's word is true. Unfortunately based off of your comments in this thread I don't know what specific claims you are making against the Word of God, but if you care to have a grown ups discussion I would love to debate ya there grumplepants.

Expose_corruption90 1 point ago +1 / -0

He does know his stuff on nutrition.