Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where does your article linked say that? It doesn't, so why do you? Literal autism. No concept of currency, stocks, shares, investment, and economics. Or history and geography.

Go peddle your bullshit to somebody else. It is ignorant, illiterate, and profoundly stupid.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're an autistic nigger. You haven't read what you post. I am literally talking to a waste disposal processor.

Read your article linked. Read it dumb dumb.

It specifically states everything I have claimed. I have reiterated this constantly.

Only according to a waste disposal processor, where all the rubbish, and feces, recycle into trash, and out pops a global coin, I am talking shit.

No. Read the press. It specifically states, and constantly states, a digital dollar, it is remarkably different from a digital peso. But they will eventually transaction and exchange quicker, without printing, and perhaps it one day, may lead to causing a cashless society, the more gimmicks use its services and features.

But there isn't the same coin globally. In a changing global it's becoming digital, through their various and competitive currencies adopting a digital form of services and usage.

Get over your autism. Not reading my posts. You even admit it. Get help and learning advice. Please contact your relevant provider for your learning difficulties.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are one dumb autistic illiterate retarded nigger.

Digital dollar is a digital dollar. Like that dollar's a Bitcoin, but look the Bank of China has made a Dogecoin. At no point are they the same crypto coin.

When you read the article, read it, read what it says. It even says a digital dollar. How the fucking fuck, have you invented something else? How are you making Dogecoins, Bitcoins? By buying them with your ill gotten proceeds. Hey guys selling these Bitcoins, but they're the Dogecoins. It fucking figured.

I mean seriously I can still sanction the Dogecoins.

Read the article, based on that country's fiat currency, and reserves. It simply speeds up conversion and transaction because it is directly issued by the Central Bank. Direct access to credit lines, debt, bonds, etc. Without even printing.

But will it completely replace the mint. No. There are far too many collectors for coins to cease. Whether or not cash eventually goes out of circulation. Currently there are no plans, because it's simply issuing a digital dollar alongside the existing currency as another service in an evolving World moving more online.

Personally I don't like it, at all. Explained previously.

God damn it nigger, what's wrong with you. Read.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know. You're reading way too much into Batman's Church of the Redeemer.

It's another new age service catering to the lost, the damned, and the ignorant. Perhaps it becomes Scientology but I think that faith dies hard. Because the believer is built on the bedrock of undying platitudes. But in any mediation provides an opening in signs of solidarity. Will it be attended, not when the Mosque, or the Church, or the Synagogue has such fervor.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Dollar. It is not the Euro. It is not the pound. The peso. Etc.

The dollar could go digital. I read the same thing about sterling except it explicitly said what I have claimed like that article has about the dollar.

At what point did you mistake that the dollar becomes the pound and the peso and the yen and the rupee.

You're autistic. A literal retard. Did that article say the dollar is in China. No it said China was offering a digital coin alongside its central bank.

Central Bank. So the Fed makes a CBDC for dollars like the bank of England makes a CBDC for sterling. It works alongside existing currency as another means of transaction. A digital dollar. You dumb nigger.

About the rise and fall of civilization, empires, who made a single currency, it's why we are separate nations today. Because it collapses civilization. In much the same way. It rules that your gold be tithed to a common pot offering extortion. When the taxes funnel further ashore, breakaway from any franchise occurs. Wars, revolt, and anarchy threatens it. Not simply the hedgimony offering their own mint.

Until we have stocks, shares, bonds, investment, gdp, taxation, and brokerage offering what should've been better management.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, moron. You make no sense. You have provided zero evidence. No proof of this. You haven't argued reasonably or factually. You keep spewing spurious nonsense. A belief doesn't make your claim real, and it isn't found globally, and does not exist, and definitely not in any logical or monetary sense.

So stop spouting crap. It wouldn't bring anything to civilization, having a single token. It has been the fall of civilization, and it would collapse it entirely. A few civilizations have tried to make a common currency, and they all fell the more they adopted it. Romans. Greeks. Chinese. Currency advanced away from Empires. Economically is backed by your national reserves and mint. Based on GDP and taxes and credit rating.

Lastly and again is another means of transaction working alongside currency. It might eventually replace coins with digital tokens but it is not replacing currency. It is attempting to issue another means of credit and brokerage. Simply to speed up transacting as more and more services move online.

Do I like it no. How do I get the coin out of the phone. Every single stupid fix it, has only made it worse. Almost every single disingenuous automation. Until all it brings is more debt. And it seems today that there are far more products related to transacting, and all they've done is cause mounting inflation the more stupid services it adds to generating more debt off the credit envisaged.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yawn. It doesn't matter that they could link through somebody who probably didn't even exist. A name in a common story, doesn't make it real, even if it was, hasn't changed regional claims and factions. These then became a bunch of later religions that are all fundamentally different.

Are there even scriptures of Abraham, no there's a small tale about lineage, and it establishing a single god's worship, instead of offering to what was likely a different patheon, they did this on camel trails and ancient trade routes, following different constellations, they offered or sacrificed to the patron god of safer travels, the stars above them, granting passage, until the next totem or town worshipped something or somebody else. Until finally deciding it was all Buddha's footprints. Any later passages were recreated by somebody else. Because some other person wrote it, and then the next person rewrote it all again anyway.

At least they've made a new age building to rediscover this.

Have they established the source? A much bigger debate becomes where it was all even located, and it's not going solve Jerusalem any way.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did they. Think about it.

I posted hang on, months ago on the Boris visit. Kyiv is under attack. Air raid sirens. If there is even a margin of 10% risk. Far more with saboteurs and stray bombs. Are they there? Or is it CGI?

The war is either a completely orchestrated illusion conjured simply to implement agenda. It is us paying ludicrous taxes for it while forcing absurd solutions.

S400 is covering almost all that airspace. From Belarus. Why would it give permission. Who saw him on the train. How many soldiers, the peak guard, delta force, would he bring tying up the railroad. Again it is under direct attack. Breadcrumbs, sightings, radar would confirm what?

Or they're not there at all?

Again Russia is incompetent for this. But its objective is its territorial claim, it is still demanding a peace deal, or war for, not fully acquiring the rest of the Ukraine.

Ukraine is under attack. Kyiv daily. On less margins of risk these people would not attend. Why in a war. Because it is a narrative. Optics. But are they?

Cgi today can do anything. The narrative is more laughable than the facts. It needs to promote all our taxes investing therefore he needs to be the conquering hero despite it factually being a breach of protocol, sending the king to the front lines. Hasn't been done in modern history or what did we elect? Anywhere else hasn't been done, avoided at all costs, on less margins of risk. Suddenly this war is full of agenda, narratives, and CGI.

Personally find it evil. Doesn't care about the risks that everybody else is dying daily there and the hardship they endure. A celeb can jet-set into a combat zone where so many are facing daily extremes and death, and none of that mattered. Again a complete disregard to why we elected our leadership, who should be more concerned about the risks and services in our nation instead of parading other would be causes and narratives.

Tell me they didn't and it's the Hollywood effects department. Or this war is a con. A narrative, taxing us all for motives simply costing everyone else. It is no where near ending. In fact more die by the day, and no where it is occurring, offers safety. The safety you'd expect of our representatives, where we didn't vote on direct action. Simply support. Is that our support, or his? Anybody else might have been cautious. At least everybody else in Kyiv and the Ukraine. But throw caution to the winds as they say, on the wings of propaganda I daresay. Begging its motives?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're a filthy nigger troll. All you done is troll. You're autistic, stupid, and have no rational logic. You are ruled by ignorance and profound stupidity. Somehow you think you're superior in what you have said. Proved by the way you structure your reply back. It is a disgustingly vile troll. Further when it is the most illogical argument, thoughts, and claims. You have provided zero evidence or examples to support your argument, except your belief, and instead insult everybody saying hang on it's nonsense. You are a nigger.

No I am not racist, you are, read what you wrote, "go and talk to my native people". I am responding solely to you. You don't represent a race. Just my ire.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. How has the Internet worked. It has sold global numbers. Are there more at home or abroad. Where is the static coming from. Who has incited culture. The Internet giving everybody else's opinion first. Where then are these opinions inciting from. Until no sooner are they divided and dystopia implements tyranny, because it profits more off trying to control all of it by selling its irate and dumber solution. It has become dumber, look at that blob, gobbling up everything like pacman. As culture is faster in all out war.

The point was our taxes.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're in a fantasy universe, full of tokens. You have no functioning braincell left. There is no World currency. The land is categorically not the same value. Literally. No other description. At what point is there a single currency when the land is at different values, so are goods, services, housing, taxes, and wages. The EU, the Euro the nearest comparison. Not all of Europe even all of its own members use it. But the Planet. No.

Now you're using word salad as a description for not making any sense. Salad is eaten, it doesn't fit into grammar unless it's describing food. You're one dumb nigger. Now fuck off. Dumbass, you make no sense.

Answer why national banks are considering, not even fully implemented, making their own digital coins. Because digital coins are different coinbases. Bitcoin, ethereum, doge, etc etc. Not one coin. It's fucking autism. Because they're all gonna be the same credit card. You're dumber than shit. How does investment, and the stock market actually work. It invests how. How does it make money.

Go to school study economics. Stop being a retarded nigger. You have been rude, illiterate, and damn dumb son of a stupid whore. You troll and troll. Calling you a nigger is what you are. You don't represent a race. You're an individual. A rude, dumb, insulting, shit for stupid brain asshole. Who I am now responding too in kind. I tried.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But they do. They have been. Why else are there so many western factories over there making the Chinese nukes. Your taxes did this. It paid idiots to make the Chinese nukes. They got really wealthy off this. Making Chinese nukes to sell back to us. We get another nuke everyday, more wokism, more cancellations, and any other attempt at culture is traded in for the communism. Until no sooner are they demanding a single currency so they have no sanctions, and no sooner are there a bunch more Chinese nukes everywhere else.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. I read your damn fantasy, of the lobotomised implanted crypto. You live in an alternate reality. A computer hologram. In your virtual world you can be and do whatever you want paying in tokens, collecting the lootboxes, and skins. No, no, no. There is no global currency paying for you to piss and shit everywhere. Your taxes fund your nation, not bongaboo. They elect your representatives, and not tyrants. They directly manage your nation, or we'd put a cap on bongaboo.

In bongaboo the population is 80% unemployed, they're cannibals, warlords, and junkies. Somehow the population thrives, through staggering mortality of crime, disease, and disaster, that's because it has polygamous marriages, where women are beheaded for fornication, and child marriage occurs. But it eats bugs and eeks out an existence. It has called for sanction removal by demanding we provide it with a single currency to bolster its own. But it has no resources of any value, just dumber humans it sells, corrupt corps have been offered sanctuary due to the trade in flesh, where they conduct experiments and there are a bunch of mutants, it has no education to speak of, no other hospitals for the majority of its population, the population travel mostly on donkeys. The cars are turned into gun cruisers, by the local Warlord demanding taxes, and operating militias. Every attempt at structure is met with terrorism. Its corrupt dictatorship has even acquired nukes.

Suddenly I am supposed too. Give you haven?

There are no borders only murderers. Taxes fund everybody else to piss and shit on everything. Every product is suddenly the same everywhere because Corps rule. The only thing they buy is tyranny and an increasing price buying another redundant service of greater rents.

Report me dummie. You make no sense.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. Yet. Maybe. Nobody is saying that. Causality. Think. A correlated Iron shack in Africa is suddenly the same value as a condo in Florida. Think about it. Land versus a rental. Everybody is paid the same quick colonise. Why the hell not. Your shitty rental is suddenly buying a gold rush. No sooner can you get the same prices globally because it's the same currency. Where are borders. What are taxes even buying.

Fucking autism I swear.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're bombarding me with crap, complete and utter feces pulled out of God knows where because it isn't your head.

You don't speak properly. I know what I said. All you've done is troll, take my words and then shit them out of your, and it isn't your brain.

There is no global tax. No global economy in that sense. The global economy relies on products and services and stocks and exchange. Your tax fund's your national services. Yes some goes to aid programs and etc. But you aren't buying Chinese nukes although anybody could argue otherwise. However the point remains. Without your national mint what value are your goods and services. All of a sudden you're selling we should all live where ever we want because our currency is exactly the same, and so is the price of everything. On what planet. Planet stupid. Stupidly you're suggesting a correlated iron shack in Africa is the same value as a condo in Florida. Why not, everybody is paid the same and taxed the same, and everything costs the same. Swiss engineering is suddenly failing American infrastructure. A steak will have the same weight and price in India oops, as in America.

No, dumbass you talk shit. It certainly isn't in any understanding of how currencies work, why we have them, and what they buy. In your universe there are no sanctions because there are these World police and everything looks the same everywhere, because everybody has exactly the same method and means of a single retarded little currency. All it has done is take your money and fund everywhere else. Everywhere else except your nation with no other value and purpose. It is simply another harbour for everybody else to sail into. You think mass migration now is bad wait until those wages are the same and the price is the same. Your taxes get funnelled to bongaboo, its infrastructure is suddenly yours.

There is currency, it won't all become digital any time soon. It is a digital coin by your national central back offered alongside its regular mint for the purpose of more online services. It like any other form of exchange is offered in your national currency.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

That made no sense.

Think about it. So an African can suddenly afford the same price? Why is your currency and value the same as Iran under sanction. How do sanctions work.

How do taxes work paying for your services. Healthcare, schooling, waste, infrastructure, roads etc etc.

At no point are you making any sense.

It works alongside national currency as another exchange for increasing digital services and later payments and transactions. Like a credit card. It will likely be adopted like how a credit card globally can be used speeding up transactions and providing instant conversion at peak rates. But it is fundamentally not replacing currency. The value of your national mint. It is simply being incorporated alongside. By central banking offering their own Digital coins.

It seemingly benefit corps far more. They skirt taxes and sell more crappy services. Imagine this online World. It buys lootboxes, skins, and everywhere outside of online has another card reader. Even the public fountain and public toilet. More and more services for another means of credit.

The rest of what you said is ridiculously retarded.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

What kind of crash. It is already crashed. Hyper inflation, mounting debt, and recession. To jink the markets would take something else unprecedented. An act of war or a catastrophe so big it prevents, interrupting trading. Otherwise it continue to float invest and eek out its bullshit projections turning over any growth. It currently has recessed, but not enough to halt trading banking investment and expenditure.

So no. CBDC will work alongside currency. Otherwise how the hell does that work. It doesn't. Why are you paying more than an African? What value are your goods and services. Can you tell me what your currency is worth if CBDC doesn't work alongside national currency as another central banking exchange? It's another stupid credit card exchanging into the national rates and taxes, buying digital services. It isn't replacing currency, it is simply being incorporated into it, if indeed it becomes useful.

Perhaps Corps come off better from it look at the exemptions it offers, they seemingly can skirt taxes easier. You just gain more debt. Imagine it. A bunch of moody services where sooner it moves more online than it already is. These faster cost right. How many more pointless services does it take to get anything to work and steal your money. More so than a credit card.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Romulus and Remus.

The story was so good. It was ripped off by everyone else. Everybody said this story. But who said it first? No accuracy there. Except it didn't happen everywhere saying it.

They also all floated down a river as well

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is this possible? Against humanity. Nope just Ukraine. If indeed it's a crime to reclaim one's ancient borders.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea that doesn't say much. Tell me I'm wrong get out some dates and Google a nice modern narrative of published history ignoring all the anomalies.

He is right all our eggs in one basket sooner stinks. Conflict innovates. Competition. It survives. It takes competing ideas to progress. Otherwise in a fall of Babel, it's back to the barbarians.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Islam wasn't really advancing as Rome was falling. An oxymoron. Islamic Renaissance happened after the fall of Constaninople? As the Ottomans Empire emerged. It also invaded Rome.

Otherwise it was subjected to crusades and barbarians

Arabs, prior Carthagians were another pillar of Roman demise invading in 846. Moors spread across the common trade route, it is as old as Atlantis, into Southern Spain. Same as they did in the Punic Wars. While barbarians threatened its outer influence. Vikings, Huns. Until it re-established itself in Constantinople. Immediately fighting Islam, Crusades. Didn't a Holy Roman Emperor prior, also invade destroying Alexandria again, like Caesar, the library. Mongols sacked Bhagdad one of the most brutal slaughters in history millions killed.

About these horselords old Hungarian script has understood Aborigines? The phonetics are otherwise global. It even was able to communicate in Swahili. Modern Hungarian is the Latin.

Of course this is subject to debate. But hell. There is a lot that doesn't fit the concentric narratives.

Although he is wrong in concluding Islam was emerging then. It fought Rome for status and then dominated through the Ottomans for centuries. As Europeans fought each other much like Arabs also did but who is counting.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Umm no. Arabs caused the fall of Rome 846. Another pillar crumbling from previous sacking. Arabs prior Cathargians, as rebellious from the Punic wars, as they were to Cleopatra. Barbarians swept the East, Huns. Moors, and Arabs spilled into Southern Europe Spain, Portugal. Vikings as well. Islam formed later. By then the Holy Roman Empire was established and moved into Consantinople. Fighting the crusades. Then the Barbarians now Mongols sacked parts of Islam like Baghdad etc. Then Islam sacked Constantinople. Islamic renaissance happen during the Ottomans. After the Mongols fell. Islamic founding is seeped in civil war. Like Christian founding is obscured in the fall of Rome.

Civilizations advancing at this point were in the Americas, and South East Asia. Some of their cities, dwarfing modern cities. Multi-millions. Like China, Angkor Wat, Mayan.

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