Desarooni_Win 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lmao yeah you’re a boomer Facebook type for sure. Tell your wife’s boyfriend I said hi

Desarooni_Win 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact you deleted yours was clearly never true.

Desarooni_Win 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stop paying taxes and live in the woods. I’m sure you don’t drive either since gasoline comes from bullshit wars abroad and the OPEC terrorists...

See, that’s being absolute. Comparing deleting social media to living off the grid or denying yourself basic transport shows where your mindset is at. Social media is not a necessity, never was never will be. You are assuming that 70 million right leaning people looking for a new place to converge at wouldn’t spawn a ton of right leaning social media websites… you are quite literally using a website that is proof it would. Problem is too many people still think that by legitimizing Reddit by using it to “fight the good fight” they are doing anything but continuing to propagate these cancerous commie shit holes. Again, you’re only thinking one step ahead and not multiple steps ahead, where a mass exodus of right leaning social media users would eventually spawn right leaning media sites.

Get off your goddamned high horse.

The truth hurts. And the truth is you are doing exactly what they want you to do. You’re the convenient enemy on leftist social media, controlled on what you can say and easily silenced if you say the wrong thing. Meanwhile Facebook and other social media site ads push sexualized content onto young children, censor people that speak the wrong truths, and decide what is and isn’t factual depending on the politics of the day. You’re losing, we are losing, and it’s because you refuse to acknowledge the never ending cycle you support by thinking there is still a fight to be fought on social media, and not that you’ve already lost.

Desarooni_Win 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know people are being educated in our type of realism on FB and Twitter, and people are waking up to things we both agree to be problems. Being censored and deplatformed only draws attention to —and inflates the cause and numbers of those exposing malice and corruption in our leadership classes. Everyone is spreading their own shitty propaganda there, so effectively you are saying plandemic-type docs and articles exposing politicians and failures in leadership shouldn’t be posted there for the whole world to see? We should just keep the info here on .win for our select and chosen few? Are you saying the same thing they are saying? Defacto censorship?

This is foolish coping. Acting as though Facebook of all places is the bastion of leaked documents and information exposing corruption. People who argue politics on Facebook are already a literal meme, a laughing stock of their local communities. It’s been like that since Facebook was a thing… listen, you’re obviously fine being a product to be sold. You have no will to stand up for yourself. But do not justify this as you fighting some holy war that has any meaning; at the end of the day you’re another product posting content for advertise to curate a profile specifically for you.

I can’t suddenly force you to have a backbone and stand up for yourself. Cope all you want but I see right through it. People like you honestly seem too stupid to realize money is the only thing that matters. Not your witty memes or well sourced arguments; money. Devoid social media of +70 million users to sell to advertisers and guess who’s ending the ban on our former President and their woke campaigns? But yeah nah, I’m sure another political minion post will show them.

Wishing really hard everyone would leave FB is like gun control nuts saying “if we ban all guns, there’ll be no gun violence!” Social media, like guns, or alcohol— is engrained into our society at every level so much it’s interwoven into our lives. (Not mine, but 8/10 people)

What a terrible comparison. It’s more akin to telling people not to buy, to make up a scenario, glocks because glock supports gun control. And then some boomer comes in and argues that glocks are the only firearms around.

Spreading truth on a platform of lies with a large reach, hijacking the INGSOC radio channel to espouse a message of freedom, hacking the software of a machine designed to kill you— these i see as typically noble actions. I do appreciate your input, though, I do. Have an updoot.

This is why you will forever be the walking mat of politics. Spit on and shouted down, banned, and censored. Because you think by legitimizing Facebook and making them billions in profits, you’re proving a point.

Again, I have lost complete faith in the right to stand up for themselves. They’re more interested in being heard and making a scene, rather than getting shit done. A shadow of its former self, doomed to die one shadow ban and censored account at a time.

Good luck, I’m sure your boomer tier memes will make a real difference.

Desarooni_Win 12 points ago +12 / -0

As long as you use it, there is no such thing as good work that outweighs you supporting the website by using it. As long as you use it and give it legitimacy, you propagate a never ending cycle. You’d no longer need to “put in good work” on Facebook if you delegitimized it by not using it. Again, the right has lost its backbone. You’re only thinking one step ahead, you need to be thinking three or four ahead.

Desarooni_Win 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was banned for a reason, and it is still banned from military phones. I imagine it isn’t being heavily enforced because the current administration supports the people who are infiltrating our politics and military.

Desarooni_Win 16 points ago +16 / -0

It still perplexes me conservatives have a Facebook and Twitter account. Like what do they have to do to get you to delete them and stop being a product? Force your children’s accounts to be Facebook friends with known pedos in their local area? Would that even do it? I’m convinced the right has lost its ability to not be sheep consumers.

Yes. by dukey
Desarooni_Win 5 points ago +5 / -0

They 100% will. In the near future, the peasant class will be limited to proteins recycled from insects and waste, while the elites eat “first hand” food like steaks and cheeseburgers. Used to think it was a far out conspiracy theory but COVID has convinced me the retarded masses can be convinced to perform a mass suicide if enough influencers tell them to.

Yes. by dukey
Desarooni_Win 3 points ago +3 / -0

A morbidly obese person who just nearly choked to death on their fifteenth Big Mac of the day, screams at you from their mobility scooter about how you are endangering them by not wearing a mask, running out of breath halfway through their short rant. The year is 2021 and the media is saying you are the crazy one.