Stop being a gullible lazy conspiracy tard and have some self respect.
"my own research"
You mean the retarded 10 hour long, bloated neo-nazi video on bitchute? lol You just hate jews dude, stop pretending you give a shit about history or take researching it seriously because you dont.
What an uninspired troll response. Im calling you an illiterate gullible fool who falls for obvious bullshit from the toilet of the internet and you can only comeback with "no u"
holohoax stuff isnt serious at all and will forever be a refuge of mentally deficient apes with a pathological hatred of jews.
This is the sort of emotional outburst you can expect from the average denier, this isnt at all an issue with historical research, but just a pathological hatred of jews. If you watched some retarded bitchute video made by neo-nazis and it swayed your outlook, then that means you are stupid and gullible. You should feel embarrassed to admit something like that.
Its hilarious that your authoritative sources are retarded bitchute videos that are horribly bloated. Holocaust history isnt really that complicated, you can just go read the primary sources from what Nazi leaders said, to official government documents, to the testimony of camp inmates AND the people who ran the camps and figure it out.
The issue you guys have is that holohoax stuff is an emotional issue, so reality doesnt really factor into it. Most holohoaxers are illiterate and mentally deficient people with emotional issues who never got a proper education. They hate jews and then make it a point to deny the holocaust ever happened as a way to "get them." If you still want to hate jews and israel and zionism then thats your decision, but the holocaust happened and its a historical fact beyond doubt.
Carolyn Yeager is a crack pot. She is a neo-nazi and her book was published by the Barnes Review, which is a neo-nazi publishing company mostly concerned with retarded holohoax shit. She is hardly an authority. Its amusing how deniers will search for any retard to prop up as a voice of authority for their weirdness.
Its not about belief or feelings, its the reality of the situation. But Im sure the big brains and public school social rejects who were "educated" by schizo bitchute videos and fueled by their feelings are paragons of truth! lol.
lol youve been shitposting this whole time and youre going to pull this "I cant be bothered" shit? The truth is that youre a spineless faggot who cant make a definite statement. I made this thread on a hostile forum and you cant even state your position? You guys are such cowards.
None of the articles say anything about 6 million jews being killed in a genocide in Europe at the time. The 5-7 million figure is always given as the number of the population of jews in eastern europe at the time and the articles reference that they are in danger.
Low IQ retards pick up on the "x million" number, "jews", and the fact that they are in danger and piece this together to mean that newspapers published bunk articles about 6 million jews being killed in fake genocides a bunch of times before WW2 which is one of the most crazy and retarded things imaginable. This is mind rot shit.
"It discusses sources from the 1800s and from the time prior to, during and after the FIRST World War claiming that six million Jews were about to be exterminated in a "holocaust."
Key words being "about to be exterminated" Like I said, you are ignorant of the point you are even trying to make. Deniers are some of the dullest and pathetic people on the internet.
lol bluepilled shill alert, we all know who REALLY controls the British Crown,ties%20uniting%20our%20two%20countries.
Since 1099 England has been dominated by the Normans, now Charles is going to bend the knee to his true masters.