This is a great video debunking the popular “Truther” claims about Building 7.

The points brought up in the video are:

“Why wasn’t building 7 ever mentioned in the 911 Commission Reports?”

This is because the Commission Reports were specifically about the actual targets of the attacks, not collateral damage like WTC 7. It was however investigated in a NIST report which is here

“How could it collapse if it never was hit by a plane?”

Pretty simple, huge chunks of burning debris crashed in through the top of WTC 7 from the towers. This not only caused massive structural damage, but also caused a massive fire to spread throughout WTC 7.

Truthers deceitfully only ever show pictures of it from the south, where it was not struck by debris, making it seem like it was a perfectly fine building that collapsed out of nowhere, but images of it from the north side clearly show the massive damage WTC 7 sustained from the falling debris

“Building 7 collapsed in free fall out of nowhere! This is only possible through controlled demolition!”

This is just an outright lie. Footage of the attack clearly shows building 7 folding in on itself over the course of hours before finally collapsing. All footage of the “free fall” conveniently only ever starts right as the building falls, it never shows the footage before of the penthouse caving in.

Remember, the truth doesn’t fear investigation.


This is a great video debunking the popular “Truther” claims about Building 7.

The points brought up in the video are:

“Why wasn’t building 7 ever mentioned in the 911 Commission Reports?”**

This is because the Commission Reports were specifically about the actual targets of the attacks, not collateral damage like WTC 7. It was however investigated in a NIST report which is here

“How could it collapse if it never was hit by a plane?”**

Pretty simple, huge chunks of burning debris crashed in through the top of WTC 7 from the towers. This not only caused massive structural damage, but also caused a massive fire to spread throughout WTC 7.

Truthers deceitfully only ever show pictures of it from the south, where it was not struck by debris, making it seem like it was a perfectly fine building that collapsed out of nowhere, but images of it from the north side clearly show the massive damage WTC 7 sustained from the falling debris

“Building 7 collapsed in free fall out of nowhere! This is only possible through controlled demolition!”**

This is just an outright lie. Footage of the attack clearly shows building 7 folding in on itself over the course of hours before finally collapsing. All footage of the “free fall” conveniently only ever starts right as the building falls, it never shows the footage before of the penthouse caving in.

Remember, the truth doesn’t fear investigation.

This is a great video debunking the popular “Truther” claims about Building 7.

The points brought up in the video are:

“Why wasn’t building 7 ever mentioned in the 911 Commission Reports?”**

This is because the Commission Reports were specifically about the actual targets of the attacks, not collateral damage like WTC 7. It was however investigated in a NIST report which is here

“How could it collapse if it never was hit by a plane?”**

Pretty simple, huge chunks of burning debris crashed in through the top of WTC 7 from the towers. This not only caused massive structural damage, but also caused a massive fire to spread throughout WTC 7.

Truthers deceitfully only ever show pictures of it from the south, where it was not struck by debris, making it seem like it was a perfectly fine building that collapsed out of nowhere, but images of it from the north side clearly show the massive damage WTC 7 sustained from the falling debris

“Building 7 collapsed in free fall out of nowhere! This is only possible through controlled demolition!”**

This is just an outright lie. Footage of the attack clearly shows building 7 folding in on itself over the course of hours before finally collapsing. All footage of the “free fall” conveniently only ever starts right as the building falls, it never shows the footage before of the penthouse caving in.

Remember, the truth doesn’t fear investigation.

This is a great video debunking the popular “Truther” claims about Building 7.

The points brought up in the video are:

“Why wasn’t building 7 ever mentioned in the 911 Commission Reports?”**

This is because the Commission Reports were specifically about the actual targets of the attacks, not collateral damage like WTC 7. It was however investigated in a NIST report which is here

“How could it collapse if it never was hit by a plane?”**

Pretty simple, huge chunks of burning debris crashed in through the top of WTC 7 from the towers. This not only caused massive structural damage, but also caused a massive fire to spread throughout WTC 7.

Truthers deceitfully only ever show pictures of it from the south, where it was not struck by debris, making it seem like it was a perfectly fine building that collapsed out of nowhere, but images of it from the north side clearly show the massive damage WTC 7 sustained from the falling debris

“Building 7 collapsed in free fall out of nowhere! This is only possible through controlled demolition!”**

This is just an outright lie. Footage of the attack clearly shows building 7 folding in on itself over the course of hours before finally collapsing. All footage of the “free fall” conveniently only ever starts right as the building falls, it never shows the footage before of the penthouse caving in.

Remember, the truth doesn’t fear investigation.

This is a great video debunking the popular “Truther” claims about Building 7.

The points brought up in the video are:

“Why wasn’t building 7 ever mentioned in the 911 Commission Reports?”**

This is because the Commission Reports were specifically about the actual targets of the attacks, not collateral damage like WTC 7. It was however investigated in a NIST report which is here

“How could it collapse if it never was hit by a plane?”**

Pretty simple, huge chunks of burning debris crashed in through the top of WTC 7 from the towers. This not only caused massive structural damage, but also caused a massive fire to spread throughout WTC 7.

Truthers deceitfully only ever show pictures of it from the south, where it was not struck by debris, making it seem like it was a perfectly fine building that collapsed out of nowhere, but images of it from the north side clearly show the massive damage WTC 7 sustained from the falling debris

“Building 7 collapsed in free fall out of nowhere! This is only possible through controlled demolition!”**

This is just an outright lie. Footage of the attack clearly shows building 7 folding in on itself over the course of hours before finally collapsing. All footage of the “free fall” conveniently only ever starts right as the building falls, it never shows the footage before of the penthouse caving in.

Remember, the truth doesn’t fear investigation.

Making this thread again since the Tucker video renewed interest in it. This is a great video debunking the popular “Truther” claims about Build 7.

The points brought up in the video are:

• “Why wasn’t building 7 ever mentioned in the 911 Commission Reports?”

This is because the Commission Reports were specifically about the actual targets of the attacks, not collateral damage like WTC 7. It was however investigated in a NIST report which is here

• “How could it collapse if it never was hit by a plane?”

Pretty simple, huge chunks of burning debris crashed in through the top of WTC 7 from the towers. This not only caused massive structural damage, but also caused a massive fire to spread throughout WTC 7.

Truther deceitfully only ever show pictures of it from the south, where it was not struck by debris, making it seem like it was a perfectly fine building that collapsed out of nowhere, but images of it from the north side clearly show the massive damage WTC 7 sustained from the falling debris

• “Building 7 collapsed in free fall out of nowhere! This is only possible through controlled demolition!”

This is just an outright lie. Footage of the attack clearly shows building 7 folding in on itself over the course of hours before finally collapsing. All footage of the “free fall” conveniently only ever starts right as the building falls, it never shows the footage before of the penthouse caving in.

Remember, truth doesn't fear investigation.

This is a great video debunking the popular “Truther” claims about Build 7.

The points brought up in the video are:

• “Why wasn’t building 7 ever mentioned in the 911 Commission Reports?”

This is because the Commission Reports were specifically about the actual targets of the attacks, not collateral damage like WTC 7. It was however investigated in a NIST report which is here

• “How could it collapse if it never was hit by a plane?”

Pretty simple, huge chunks of burning debris crashed in through the top of WTC 7 from the towers. This not only caused massive structural damage, but also caused a massive fire to spread throughout WTC 7.

Truther deceitfully only ever show pictures of it from the south, where it was not struck by debris, making it seem like it was a perfectly fine building that collapsed out of nowhere, but images of it from the north side clearly show the massive damage WTC 7 sustained from the falling debris

• “Building 7 collapsed in free fall out of nowhere! This is only possible through controlled demolition!”

This is just an outright lie. Footage of the attack clearly shows building 7 folding in on itself over the course of hours before finally collapsing. All footage of the “free fall” conveniently only ever starts right as the building falls, it never shows the footage before of the penthouse caving in.

Remember, the truth doesn’t fear investigation.

If you don’t believe that members of Al-Qaeda hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center, The pentagon, and another one that crashed in Pennsylvania, then what do you believe happened?

Do you think that these were some sort of remote controlled drones and the operation was carried out by the United States government? That the people inside those planes were unwitting victims or were entirely made up?

Do you think that that the men who hijacked the plane were actually agents for another group/state other than Al Qaeda?

Do you think that it was Al Qaeda, but the government knew it was going to happen and allowed to to go ahead anyway?

Or do you think it was something else?


This is a great video debunking the popular “Truther” claims about Build 7.

The points brought up in the video are:

• “Why wasn’t building 7 ever mentioned in the 911 Commission Reports?”

This is because the Commission Reports were specifically about the actual targets of the attacks, not collateral damage like WTC 7. It was however investigated in a NIST report which is here

• “How could it collapse if it never was hit by a plane?”

Pretty simple, huge chunks of burning debris crashed in through the top of WTC 7 from the towers. This not only caused massive structural damage, but also caused a massive fire to spread throughout WTC 7.

Truther deceitfully only ever show pictures of it from the south, where it was not struck by debris, making it seem like it was a perfectly fine building that collapsed out of nowhere, but images of it from the north side clearly show the massive damage WTC 7 sustained from the falling debris

• “Building 7 collapsed in free fall out of nowhere! This is only possible through controlled demolition!”

This is just an outright lie. Footage of the attack clearly shows building 7 folding in on itself over the course of hours before finally collapsing. All footage of the “free fall” conveniently only ever starts right as the building falls, it never shows the footage before of the penthouse caving in.


This is a video series made by Mouthy Buddha. The first few were uploaded to YouTube, but his entire channel was eventually deleted. It goes into the original theory concerning Comet Ping Pong pizza being connected to a criminal pedophile/human trafficking operation and pulls at that string to discover a very bizarre pattern of very wealthy/elite people in Politics, Entertainment, NGO's ect. all being interested into some very deranged things. I highly recommend to watch through this whenever you have the time to.

Part 1 - PedoGate 2020

Part 2 - PedoGate 2020Pt.II Tom Hanx

Part 3 - Symbolism & Pizzagate 2.0

Part 4 - Netflix's 'Cuties'

Part 5 - Elite Human Trafficking (Vol 1) GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TERRAMAR PROJECT

Part 6 - Elite Human Trafficking (Vol 2) ART IN EMBASSIES

Part 7 - Elite Human Trafficking (Vol 3) PATTERNS OF THE CABAL

Part 8 - Elite Human Trafficking (Vol 4) DR. PHIL'S TURN-ABOUT RANCH


Am I the only one here who is really fascinated by conspiracy theories, but doesnt believe in really any of them? I've always loved reading about this, but to me I see them as more modern day folklore than anything else while most people who dont believe in them see them as some sort of dangerous white supremacy terrorism hate speech blah blah blah that needs to be silenced.

I mean they are folklore in the way that a Medieval villager might seem some sort of phenomenon or event beyond his comprehension and then project his best way to explain it. I see conspiracy theories as the same as a way for normal people to project their best understanding onto complex global political phenomenon's. And I dont think its an accident that the whole conspiracy theory thing started in the mid 60s (the actual phrase was coined in the documents about the JFK assassination)

I obviously realize corruption and illegal activities happen at every stage of any institutional power, and that there are strange esoteric beliefs and practices happening too btw before anyone accuses me of thinking NOTHING like that ever happens.