We will have to agree to disagree on that...
You call heretics "Christian" and Christians "evil" for executing heretics. Woe to them who call evil, good and good, evil.
The true martyrs are those like the ones in the Early Church that were killed by Diocletian and other Pagan Roman Emperors for unflinchingly confessing the Faith. These martyrs are all Catholic. The ones you claim to be "martyrs" are heretics, and likely in Hell. Christ gave us a Church to be run by Peter, not a Bible. Again, you would do well to read and understand what the early Christians believed, and you will see that you are actually the one who believes in a false Gospel.
^This really cannot be denied.
u/TurnToGodNow should read this article to see how the heretic Scofeld has essentially turned almost all American Protestants into perfidious Judaizers:
The Popes of the Middle Ages didn't kill "Bible believers". They ordered executions of popular heretics, who by definition, have a false exegesis of the Bible and thus, lead souls to Hell if they are not silenced. If these people merely believed and preached what the Bible teaches as understood by all Christians in all places in all times, from the beginning of Christianity, then the inquisitions would have found them "not guilty".
And no, your understanding of filial obedience is incorrect. We Catholics are not bound to obey when Popes teach rather obvious errors against the Faith.
You lack understanding of the history of Christianity and lack understanding of ecclesiology and theology. I would advise you to humble yourself. Remember, God gave you 2 eyes, 2 ears, and 1 mouth. Shut your ignorant mouth, and open your 2 eyes and 2 ears to humbly research the history of Christianity, what the early Christians believed and what the Catholic Church actually teaches (since you do not know).
Hate to break it to you but the Catholics named the Jews first lol.
I literally have a whole 14 part article series showing how the Church Fathers, Doctors, Popes, and Catholic Ecumenical Councils named the Jew (before ol' Marty was even born):
Alternatively, you could be Catholic, like me, and believe in the concepts of subsidiarity, solidarity, and corporatism or distributism. Those would solve what you're talking about, without having to appeal to a Judeo-Masonic ideology.
Because we have bad leadership, including the Pope, in the Church.
Prophecy from many Catholic mystics actually says that the Church will go through a passion, like Our Lord, appearing to be destroyed to the world (although a small remnant will remain), and then like Our Lord, it will rise again, more glorious than ever! This has to happen to make people believe in the end times. God will allow His Church to become corrupted for reasons only known to Him, but He promised us that "the gates of Hell shall not prevail over the Church" (Matthew 16:18).
The Church allows people who are openly heretical to call themselves "Catholic" until formally excommunicated, yes. But they are materially not Catholic because of their public profession of heresy. It's not ideal, but this is just how it is.
Thank you for the last part
You’re a TSOID
I've said this multiple times before, but I will say it again:
I don't want to gaslight anyone. As someone who is often receiving lies and gaslighting from others, I don't want to be a hypocrite and lie and gaslight myself.
Thus, I won't gaslight you here: Yeah, sometimes it does look like multiple accounts upvote my posts across multiple communities. I have noticed it myself.
The conclusion I came up with is that I have a few devoted fans who upvote my posts across communities.
I don't expect you to believe my side. For whatever reason you see me as a bad faith actor, and as a Christian I would caution against this attitude of just assuming the worst intentions of people, as it is a very uncharitable, hateful, and toxic attitude.
Aside from that, this is all I can say.
And I am blocking you as well, so I don't have to be on the other end of your toxic hatred. That being said, I will pray for you. God bless!
Here's another hypothesis: There's not coordinated accounts to promote my content, but rather I have created an organic fanbase in communities.win (and I have also create an organic hater-base here too).
I have TONS of haters here who constantly accuse me of engaging in bad practices to promote my content. Couldn't it also be the case that I legitimately have TONS of supporters on here?
Yeah c/TheDonald banned me over there. If any of you all want to post my videos over there, then feel free because I sure can't lol
Well, they are definitely all playing for the same team, that's for sure!
I wouldn't say they are at the very top... Satan and his demons are at the very top. And the top temporal enemies are the Jews. And then after them are the Freemasons and Jesuits. But yeah, they are indeed a problem, especially all of the Ess Gay Jesuits...
Even as a professed Catholic I must admit that the Jesuit Order has largely fallen to the dark side. It used to be anti-Jew and faithful to Christ:
But now Satan has infiltrated it and made it mostly his own. It's very sad.
It's pretty despicable. We are trying to shine the light on this group and this bishop to get them removed, so any help is appreciated!
Immaculate Conception in Early Church:
The Immaculate Conception Feast Day was celebrated in Monasteries in Palestine of the eastern Church as early as the 7th Century:
The Sacred Heart devotion happened after the Great Schism, but it's not Dogma, so this is irrelevant.
Lol research early Church History. The Easterns were always putting the Emperor before the Pope. Easterns considered the Emperor head of the Church, not the Pope. Easterns put ethnos before Church, which is why all Eastern "Orthodox" Churches are ethno-centric.
You have no Emperor now. You have no unity. You have no universalism. You have constant schism. The only debatable 2 of the 4 marks of the Church you have are Holy and Apostolic. There is no "One" or "Catholic/universal" marks in your church.
Lol I was kicked off of YouTube for my content lol