I never said "all Jews"; You just keep reframing it that way to dismiss and gaslight me.
The Jews =/= All Jews.
You just reframe it that way to dismiss and gaslight me.
I have repeatedly said that I have nothing against the Jews on racial grounds; I have consistently maintained that the Jews are only enemies of God and the human race (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16) insomuch as they reject Christ, push anti-Christ ideas and ideologies, persecute/undermine Christians, and defend bad Jewish behavior when people like me call it out.
You just reframe it as me being "racist" to dismiss and gaslight me.
Going along with this, I don't criticize Messianic Jews, since I consider them Christian (even though they are in schism with the Catholic Church).
However, you reframe it as me including them in my criticism to dismiss and gaslight me.
Whenever I criticize the Jews for legitimate reasons (blasphemous/hateful Talmud quotes, leadership/funding/pushing anti-Christian ideologies, etc.) your response is always like "Well, it's not all Jews, so quit saying it's the Jews. It's just a coincidence that all these ideologies happen to be created by Jews, led by Jews, and are grossly overrepresented by Jews. Just name the specific Jews and stop acting like there is a collective Jewish Problem." - This is gaslighting and dismissing legitimate concern that that Jews are overrepresented in virtually all anti-Christian movements.
I don't know if you're a fed, a crypto-Jew, a Freemason, a kooky Christian Zionist, a useful idiot, or a combination of these things.
But I do know this:
You gaslight and dismiss Christian criticism of collective bad Jewish behavior.
You deny that there is any collective bad Jewish behavior whatsoever.
You defend Jewry against valid criticism.
You defend Jewry even to the point that you have shown that you're more Jewish than Christian.
And I hope anyone here will see this and know to stay away from you because you are an enemy of Christianity.
Amen! If I could upvote you multiple times I would! Just look at it like this:
You tried telling those obstinate gaslighters the truth, but instead of listening, they just continued to gaslight.
Our Lord says to not give children's food to dogs nor pearls to swine, and to dust off your sandals and move on when you are not well received.
You tried. I tried (and for now I am still not banned). We can at least be assured that we are not culpable in sins of omission in not trying to spread uncomfortable truths of the Gospel.
I would be at peace with the fact that you were hated, like Our Lord was hated, by His own, who claim to believe but reject Him in favor of His enemies.
God bless!
Is there ever a bad time to share important truth, though?
Thanks! Please share the video with as many people as you can! May God reward you!
Thanks for your comment! God bless!
Thanks! Please like, subscribe, and share!
Dude, don't be lazy. Just watch the first 5 minutes:
Have you even read the book of Acts? It's pretty clear that St. Peter was the leader of the Church after Christ's ascension. Moreover, there are multiple Biblical passages where it was clear that Christ was handing over the leadership of the Church to Peter. He said "Upon Peter I will build my Church" and "Feed my sheep, Peter." Read early Christian writings. It's pretty clear that Peter chose a successor, who chose a successor, etc. These "successors" are whom we call "Popes".
Thanks for your comment. God bless!
You may not know this, but you are essentially a Freemason. What Freemason's believe is that within all of us there is a "divinity". They call it a "light" or "illumination" that allows us to be able to reason. This "enlightened reason" gives people the right to do what they want ("do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" to quote Alister Crowley). This is why the period after the Reformation, and when Freemasonry became known, is called "The Age of Enlightenment". This is when Classical Liberalism was conceived and promulgated. Locke, Hume, Bacon, etc. (all the philosophers that promulgated liberalism) were either all Freemasons, or were in Freemason circles. This Classical Liberalism led to revolutions all over the world and the overthrow of monarchies to be replaced by "liberal democracies".
You know what the 33rd degree Freemason call this "light within us"???
They call it "Lucifer".
So whether you realize this or not, you are a Freemason who worships Lucifer, the "light of reason within us all".
Think about that. God bless!
It's not "dumb" to believe in God. It's more "dumb" to believe that "science will prevail!" when abiogenesis is just a hypothesis and even a protocell cannot be created using amino acids in a laboratory setting.
There was no slow evolution of Judaism. This is Biblical. I write about this all the time and say it in many of my videos. But since you probably don't follow me, I will repeat it:
In the Gospel accounts, the Jews call for the Deicide of Jesus Christ. They threaten Pontius Pilate with revolt if he wouldn't comply. In Matthew 27:25 they literally curse themselves as well. Christians from the beginning of the Faith have always understood this to be a rupture between Israel and Jewry. The Jews that accepted Christ became the first Christians, or a continuation of Israel. The Jews that rejected Christ - the majority - became the Synagogue of Satan, and continue to be so as long as they reject Him. This is all over the New Testament.
Dude. Freemasons are essentially Judaism goyim (they basically are tools of the Jews) and Catholics have been denouncing Freemasonry since the 18th Century lol. If you become a Freemason as a Catholic you incur an automatic Excommunication lol. B'nai B'irith is just essentially the Jewish head of goyim Freemasonry. Judeo-Masonry and Catholicism are polar opposites. You really need to be more studious, my friend lol.
You're just spouting off Judeo-Masonic historical revisionist nonsense... And in a Conspiracy group at that! You should actually do your due diligence, and read history that was NOT written by Freemasons. If you do, you will realize the "Dark Ages" were actually not that bad, and the "Enlightenment" is when degeneracy and violence started to supplant simple family life...
That's not really true... The Old Testament Israelites only killed those spreading evil and degeneracy. Similarly, during the Middle Ages, the Church put down those same types of people... And rather reluctantly (the attempt was always made to convert and make several more attempts).
"American independent Christianity" promotes tolerance and complacency, which is why our society is falling to the forces of evil and degeneracy. You either destroy evil or it corrupts and destroys you...
It's called "dialectics". It's what Jews and heretics engage in to synthesize 2 contradictory things. I talk about it with a friend in this podcast:
False. The Modern Jewish faith comes from the rejection of the Messias, Jesus Christ. Christianity is a fulfillment of the Old Testament Israelite Faith, which continues in the Church.
All public demonstrations of pride, sodomy, and effeminacy are sinful, evil, and offensive to God Almighty.
Apparently not... Zongo thinks they are on the right side of history, and we are going to be remembered as the bad guys...
When we did the Sodomite Reparations Rosary (stationed at the Cathedral, fully clothed men, just praying and not saying anything "mean" to the sodomites) we saw naked sodomites, along with tons of parents and their young kids in the parade... If we are the "bad guys", then you are delusional lol!
Naked people doing abominable acts on the streets with each other, while parents bring young children to watch out of "tolerance". Yeah, they have the numbers... And if you want to say I am on the wrong side of history, then you are on the left side of Christ. I was once like you myself, though, so I get it. I will pray that you have a conversion like I did. god bless!
So by your logic, even if it is FACTUAL that 83% of American Jews believe that abortion should be completely legal (more than any other religious group) and that all denominations of Judaism (orthodox, conservative, reformed, etc.) agree that abortion should be legal (even ultra orthodox believe abortion is permissible when a mother's life is in danger), I would be making some sort of fallacy to simply say, "Jews are pro-abortion" simply because there could be a small, rather irrelevant, minority of Jews that oppose abortion???
Behold, folks that are reading this: This is Gaslighting 101.
Even though there is a collective group consensus here, per u/SwampRangers (and all gaslighters) there is no such thing as "collective behavior" unless every member of the group exhibits the same behavior. If there is no unanimity in behavior, then it's just a cohencidence that disparate groups of "individuals" are behaving in similar ways, and you're an illogical moron if you use your mental faculties to start noticing patterns and grouping people together. Learn to be a Nominalist, you stupid goy! Because being a Realist by using inductive reasoning and pattern recognition means you might come to anti-schlometic conclusions!