CrimsonSentinal 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, I have no doubt the cars are safe. It's what "they" want you to think and conveniently pay for in the form of a tax/surcharge. All so they can justify making more money because they know the surcharges get passed onto the people (you and me) in the form of higher prices. It's a win-win for Buffet, his rail lines and the oil companies.

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

For the shills who can't be bothered to search the internet for sources... read the whole god damned article, and get to the line where it mentions adding a "surcharge" to oil shipments using older less-safe oil shipping tank cars. This is only one of many articles I was able to find in less than one minute of searching and this article is from 2014. All that was mentioned had beed reported on since Buffet's purchase of BNSF. He who controls the means of shipping goods, controls the world. And can turn it on or off on a whim. https://financialpost.com/investing/warren-buffett-bnsf

CrimsonSentinal -2 points ago +3 / -5

If you read the caption under his photo you would know - and it was well rumored before his death - that he was going to expose HRC because of what he found out doing relief aid to Haiti.

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Forced perspective/depth of field. She's behind Biden just beyond where this photo was cropped. Long camera lenses with their focus wide open will create this effect. When we see her in other shots it looks like she's almost inches behind Biden when in actuality from this shot she's easily 15-20 feet away.

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

but, but... apparently the monthly costs are very nominal.

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been following ever since it was first announced. As much as I wanted it to be about aliens and outer space, sadly Space Force is almost entirely about earth bound electronics and cyber data related. Still cool, because they basically watched all of the election fraud go down in real time. I don't think this is over, not by a long shot. Everyone dooming that "tomorrow it's over" I don't think so.

CrimsonSentinal 3 points ago +3 / -0

Question. Forgive me for being naive to the celebrities being taken down - I mean I get it but I have a huge question. Why wouldn’t they be tried in the regular court system. Why would an actor like Tom Hanks and or someone like Chrissy Teigen be tried in secrecy by a military tribunal?