May be you heard about retroviruses. It is a viruses that mostly do nothing except modifying host DNA. Presumably 5-8% of human DNA is the sequences placed in our ancestors by retroviruses. Human DNA define human abilities.

So, imagine, that not long ago there appear some harmless retrovirus that adds to human DNA a sequence that gives us some extended abilities, idk, say an ability to precisely detect lie, or live twice longer, whatever, anything that is absolutely not acceptable for elites.

So, frightened to death elites, trying to stop that useful retrovirus, in a great hurry create coronahoax to prevent retrovirus spread and finally force vaccinations, but not against that botched SARS-CoV-2, but against useful retrovirus.

This explains a lot of things - from highly clumsy cooked coronahoax with more inconsistencies that one could ever imagine, all that lockdowns, stupid mask and other shit, to the strange, illogical and urgent intent to vaccinate everyone, from infants to elderies without any exception with full inconsistency with declared danger of hoaxed COVID-19 for different age stratas.

Highly unlikely that theory is close to the truth, but I like it for positivity. :)

PS: But really, all that convulsive and dumb attempts to vaxx everyone, to blame unvaxxed in all sins and overall stupidity of all that ill-considered propaganda does not look like the thoroughly planned actions of powerful and far-seeing masters of the world. It looks more like actions of frightened to death swindlers. If you compare coronahoax with, say, terrorism hoax, you will see that astonishing difference in the approach. There is definitely something here. They are frightened, flurry and in a hurry. What they could be afraid of? Why they are in a hurry?


Strange, but I can't find anything. Seems that all cases of death from COVID-19 always happened only in presence of doctors in hospitals, nursing homes and other similar facilities.

To disprove that I need some documented case when somebody without any comorbidites died from COVID-19 at home f.e. and there are no any other reasons for death found, only sudden inflammation lung damage and death due to oxygen lack.

Interesting, that many sites now include a form field to indicate preferrable pronouns. There could be tons of that dumb gender pronounses, but nowhere I saw a choice with "thou" instead of "you".

In Russian, thou/you (ты/вы) used equally. "You" used more in formal cases or when you talk with unknown person. "Thou" used in regular conversations with friends and relatives, frequently in forums and chats, or with person you don't want to be formal with. Using "you" instead of "thou" in conversation with old friend could be accounted as an offence and you could even risk to get a punch to face for that. :)

So, it is interesting, what's wrong with "thou" in English, from the native speakers point of view? And why that SJW "forgot" most obvious and possibly one of really useful pronouns? What if I will demand using "thou" instead of "you" for me in conversation with gender-woke person?

If you want to find alien technology, you need to find an example of complex techology appeared from nowhere, without any prior findings.

Complex technology is developed step-by-step, adding small bits of inventions to previously known ones. It is easy to track them to the beginning.

Check everything you know with that criteria, and if you can't find that prior steps, there is definitely something very interesting.


There are rumors, that microchips is an alien technology that was stolen from alien ship. Let's check it.

Semiconductors was discovered long ago, when people study electric properties of known substances, and it was definitely not an alien influence. Then, the properties of junction of slightly different semiconductors was discovered. Again, simple step that gives us semiconductor diodes and LEDs. It was only question of time and curiosity, when the properties of triple junction of semiconductors will be studied and transistor will be discovered. Transistors produced by putting a crystal in metal case, and obviously people began to put another elements like resistors and capacitors, that usually take a space on PCB, along with transistor crystal into one case. That was first hybrid ICs. Also simple and obvious step. Hybrid ICs become more complex, including dozens of transistors and other componets, taking all space in the case, and next step was to put all elements on a single crystal. That is microchips we know today.

Here we track step-by-step technology development with small rational steps, that humans definitely was able to do. So this is a normal human techology, and there was no any need for alien "help".

However, there could be something where we could not find the history of invention. Say, some medicines looks suspicious - once some scientists just synthesize some very complex chemical compound, and think that it should treat some disease. They check it, and it really works. Taking in account, that it is still not very clear how human body works, so you can't somehow calculate necessary compound, and there was no any history of studing similar or simplier chemical compounds to treat that disease, the probability that it is just a coincidence is very low. It is also hard to imagine that scientists continuously create random substances and try if they work. It would take a millions of man-years to find something working. So, there should be some hidden background knowledge or an external influence.

Could you find more suspicious examples of complex technologies that appeared from nowhere?


I want to introduce you one interesting substance - PHMG.

Polyhexamethylene guanidine.

It is modern sanitizer. But it has one unpleasant effect on humans. It destroys lungs. Exactly, like you heard about COVID-19.

Look - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyhexamethylene_guanidine

Even pedowikia does not hide its toxicity. Read about "South Korean lung disease outbreak and deaths" in pedowikia article.

OK, you could say that not so many people use that nifty humidifiers. Think wider, look deeper. The problem is not in humidifier, the real problem is water wapour and mist with PHMG in it. You breath it, you get lung damage. You get lung damage, so every bacteria and virus wants to make a party in your lungs. Miscellaneous coronaviruses invited too.

Recall, when you meet water wapour and mist last time and breath it. Yes, exactly, it is your morning/evening shower.

So, just add PHMG to tap water and you will definitely make some people sick.

You think nobody add PHMG to tap water? You are wrong. In Russia, in many towns there was a huge scandal about using some PHMG based "Desavid" sanitizer in 2016 to disinfect centralized tap water. Moscow, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Cherepovets and other cities. Sertainly it lead to diseases and protests.

Here is a lot of details - https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&u=http://stop-dezavid.ru (translated from Russain by Google Translate).

Protesters, focused on PHMG as pesticide, does not pay attention to an interesting fact, that at the same time in that cities was some bump in flu/pneumonia cases.

Nobody could imagine, how that thing could be used after 2019.

They realy test this thing in Russia. I told you, that Russia is some kind of test lab for TPTB, so, that experiment produce good and very promising results for them.

So, just imagine. You need a pandemic. Just add some cheap PHMG into a tap water at few places, and you are in. You will get first cases of severe lung desease. Declare the pandemic of scary virus and recommend some specific sanitizer to the water companies. Order them to use it, because of emergency. Now you could produce "waves" at any time, you could punish defiant cities, you could reward those who obey. Just play with PHMG contnent in your sanitizer, and that's all. You are in a full control of non-existent pandemic, most people believes in.

In Moscow, at the very beginnig of coronahoax here, street cleaners sprayed tons of PHMG based "Trilox" to the streets and people: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fnewizv.ru%2Fnews%2Fcity%2F28-03-2020%2Fdezinfektsiyu-ulits-v-moskve-proizvodyat-neponyatnoy-himiey-vyrvi-glaz

Trilox ingridients:


Polyhexamethylene guanidine - 7.5%

Hope you got the idea.

Now, does this theory align with what we know?

Lung problems? Check.

Random, illogic case bumps here and there? Check.

Illusion of contagion? Check.

Wife does not get it, but husband do? Easy - wife like bath, and husband like shower. Or they take shower at different time, husband got a dose, but wife is not.

Eldery and sick goes worse? Easy - they are weaker to the PHMG.

Towns get sick, but not villages? Simple - you have your own well in a village.

Vaccine don't work? Of course, you can't create a vaccine against a poison.

You got it twice? Certainly you could easily be poisoned twice, there is no immunity developing to the poisons (at least that fast). but you can't get a viral infection twice, because your immune system know how to deal with viruses.

Rallies don't spread the disease? You don't get a shower on a rallie.

Masks make things worse? Of course. You wash them with PHMG, and then wear it constantly. I saw with my own eyes how people even buy PHMG based sanitizers in spray bolttles and spray their masks with that shit "for better protection". It is insane dumb, but it is real!

And so on.

For now, I think this is the best explanation of how current circus could be done. And that theory explain a lot more strange things about coronahoax, then that dumb scary virus narrative.

It will be interesting to check COVID-19 statistics against tap water sources and/or drinking water supplies.

As for the goal of all that game - I don't know. And I have no any good theory for that.

Do you know, that Avril Haines who serve to Obama administration in some weird and probably criminal activity connected with tortures and drone strikes, was also a major player in Event 201, and now suddenly become Director of National Intelligence immidiately after Biden take the office? Check it, it is easy.

I think if we check other players of Event 201, we would find a lot of interesting information. Especially interesting that none of the players was a world grade epidemiologist or infectionist, they are all some bureaucrats, managers and even pharma marketologists, not scientists.

Just imagine, that you really want to develop some useful script and recomendations for pandemic. Obviously, in the first place you will gather best and well-known scientists from labs over the world - microbiologists, epidemiologists, biochemists, etc to brainstorm the problem. Especially if you have unlimited resources like JHU. But definitely not that near criminal government and marketing crap who was actual palyers at Event 201.

So, Event 201 results used in subsequent plandemic response by authorities have absolutely nothing to do with science from the very beginning.

Do you have any latest info of other players of Event 201?


I noticed that when some liberal person enumerate "opressed minorities", Native Americans will be omitted from the list. Even typical MSM articles omit them (f.e. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/23/politics/black-lives-matter-support-impact/index.html - just first article about BLM in search results)

AFAIK from history lessons, natives had much more issues with white people than blacks. Europeans come to their land as uninvited guests and just killed them taking their valuables and lands.

So why SJW omit natives? Is there something I don't know/understand?


Just a thought exercise.

It seems that there are no any force or organisation who clearly want and can storm Capitol in closest future. I guess everything that could happen from the right side have been already happened in the form of large peaceful meeting in Washington DC. Even a hundred of Capitol visitors did absolutely nothing to assume a real threat of that scale. Lefts seem to be indifferent too.

So, there are no obvious reasons for such extreme measures. Let's tinhk, what event could result in a serious and wide assault of some place? It have to be something nearly religious and outstanding. And it should be something, that authorities and MSM could not prevent at all. It is definitely not some political or social things, I think even if authorities repel the whole constitution, it will not cause so massive assault authorities prepared for. The covid bullshit show it clearly.

I could imagine only something like an official aliens arrival and meeting with authorities. Only that kind of event will need this level of measures, because an unlimited mixed crowd, full of religious fanatics and unstable individuals will immidiately rush to worship (or to fight) the "miracle" in absolutely insane and completely uncontrolled manner.

In no case I want to judge or interfere internal US politics, but I can't keep myself from posting this crazy idea. Sorry if it hurts your feelings. :)


As born and grown in USSR, I have a good knowledge of what communism was, as in original works of Marx&Engels. We just study them in school. Really it is a highly boring political and philosophical bullshit, written by a people who hardly believe in it.

However, there was one thing that got my attention and still make me think about it, and I think that it is the most important thing that all that communist philosophy bring to the existence ever. And every single politician and propagandist carefully hide that thing from public attention. Whatever side he is.

For a second keep all that ideology apart, and try to take that communist thing with open mind.

Marx once wrote that "most valuable thing for the individual is free time". And this is not about the time for the rest for the next working day or something similar. He told about time that an individual could use solely for self-improvement, creation, thinking, inventing and all that stuff, completely free from any personal or social necessity.

This thing about "free time" was really ostracized in USSR, and I don't remember even any discussions on that topic during school time.

OK, may be that communist thing about "free time" was implemented in socialist society? But no. All the socialist system was build with intention to keep citizens from acquiring that "free time". In real life you had only time to rest, for following work, nothing more. All the system was build to keep the masses from that "free time".

And transition of my country from socialism to capitalism changed absolutely nothing. Just the way of keeping people from "free time" become different. Now you have to spend all your time to keep yourself alive making money. And every time, when the peoples wealth rised to the level when the appearance of that "free time" become possible, there inevitably next crisis ensued, dropping wealth below that level. Again you have to run for your life in endless chase.

You would not believe me, but do you know, where I saw the first true depiction of communism, as I imagine it? Not in soviet propaganda movies or books, not in lectures or documents of USSR Communist party. That was American sci-fi series Star Trek!

There was depicted a society full of "free time". People literally use it for things they was interested in to create, explore and develop themselves.

What the hell is this? Why that "free time" thing is hidden everywhere, and why any system keep the people apart from it?

Currently, the level of scientific and technical progress allow every individual on earth to work no more that two-three days a week, to keep all basic needs at more than sufficient level. And there will be enough that "free time", when you don't need to even think about your earth needs.

It is interesting, that everything in the world works in the way, when the sane people who could get maximum of their "free time" are constantly put in conditions where that "free time" is stolen from them. Welfare parasites have a tons of "free time", but they just trash it to dumb pleasures and doing nothing. Rich persons throw it away on making more money, or dumb amusement. And ones who could really utilise that "free time" for creation and development are deprived of it.

I think that there is definitely something about it, connected with 70-s and energy yoke, but still can't connect the dots in the clear and obvious way.

Just another crazy thought.

Hardware: You could use your hardware any way you want. It is your property when you pay for it. You can hack your car or washing machine, you could study how it made and works, you could give it to a friend and even if you use some patent to modify it for personal use, no industrial company who made it or own a patent would not care about you at all. People who made hardware are mostly right wing. Hardware people make most money creating things.

Software: You are not an owner even if you pay for it. You could not study or change it to fit your needs (opensource is different, I'll discuss it later.). Using software you literally became a slave to manufacturer from many sides. You can't give it to friend, even if you don't need it any more. If you do something with software that software manufacturer don't like, you will be prosecuted. People who made software are mostly left wing. All above also applicable to music, movies, books, etc. Software people make most money selling copies, trading your personal data, or pushing some agenda.

OpenSource: It is still a land of freedom and meritocracy. Rights are still there. (check Eric S Raymond, f.e.) But right now there is huge campaign to take over OpenSource software by SJW and other crap. They began from pushing that dumb CoC's (Code of Conduct) that have absolutely nothing common with the way opensource is working. Nobody cares are you gay or ultimate nazi if you write good code. Than, they use that CoC's to throw away high-ranked coders who said something "wrong" somewhere on their personal blogs. Now they push censorship and all that SJW crap into seized projects. Good example is Mozilla. They throw away the top people who just made a good browser, add a lot of surveillance and advertising crap, made codebase so huge and complex, that no single person can modify or throw out all that shit out of browser. And they even implemented pure censorship (check how Google Safe Browsing works), as always "for your safety". And they even already tested it - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1319310, http://thegoodnewstoday.org/proof-google-censors-conservative-and-pro-trump-articles/, etc.

And that left-software people with their ideas also try to invade right-hardware world. You are already could find a tractor and other machinery you are not allowed to repair and you already could not replace the OS or even just delete some software on your phone. They even try to invade DIY communities using their crap about diversity, pushing to the community their freaks and queers who can't hammer a single nail but cry very loud about bad words and wrong thoughts they hear from some (usually the best) DIY's. Even that small uncontrolled communities are under attack.

left-software crowd now tries to completely overtake all possible media, thinking that it is their property. However, internet itself is still hardware and there still good old possibility to make it fit our needs or create something they could not control.

Am I totally crazy, or there is something?

PS: Comments by kind fellow below lead me to the thought that highly probale. their current goal is literally Existence-as-a-Service (EaaS) for all humanity, just like their most favorite business model, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).


In constitution of Russian Federation article 31 guarantees a right to assemble peacefully.

This is the real story, of how this right was taken away. Hope this will give some clue to what happens in US.

This was 2002, the second year of Putin presidency. There was a soccer game beetween Russian team and Japaneese team on July 9. We loose. Nothing serious, even most zealous soccer fans had no illusions about the quality of national team. So, as usual they rallied through the center of Moscow, chanting and making some chaos. There was a very strange thing before and during game - strong drinks in glass was sold freely to the fans, that never happened before, and never happened after. However, this did not lead to some violent actions. Mob even stop some drunk members from violence to passers. There was some scuffles between fans, but no any harm was done to the surroundings. Until the mob reached Manezhnaya square. There was a giant videowall where some advertising was shown. And just after the mob assembled on square, there began to appear an advertisement with a scene from Big Lebowsky movie, with a man smashing a car with a baseball bat. And even that did not lead to any violence. Only when police began to push the mob out of square, the bottles and rocks began to fly. After that ignition, police intentionally routed the angry mob to streets with shops where looting and fire began. The police suddenly hide in Moscow parliament building leaving streets to angry mob. Even after that the destruction was not fatal. Broken storefronts and only few burned cars. Police made only 9 gunshots to stop the riot. 2 fatalities and 79 wounded.

Immidiately after that, MSM began to forcefully push the agenda about how harmful are non-approved gatherings along with Parliament quickly prepared and approved the law prohibiting any free gatherings without government approvement. Putin signed the law immidiately. This was the fastest law pass ever. Yes, this direclty contradicts constitution, but all suits in constitution court against that law was just declined without comments.

Now we have a constitutional right to assemble peacefully, but ... only after approvement from authorities. Guess, would they approve something they don't like?

Protesters in Capitol make me recall that story.

And so it goes.

There are a lot of discussion about voting here. All about some cases with counting of fake ballots and all that stuf.

But I have much more important question - does arbitrary US voter have an ability (even purely formal) to check that his/her personal vote was counted, and counted properly in the final result?

In Russia we have no any way for a voter to check that your vote was counted and counted correctly. So IMHO any talks about voting credibility, frauds and all that things is completely senseless.

If you can't check the destiny of your personal vote - what is the point of all that talks?


And that is not about some murky spiritual spheres. I'm talking literally.

To keep yourself up and running you need energy. Electricity and heat. Seems that there are no way you could obtain normal amount of energy without paying for it to some huge corporations. And usually they are a monopoly. You can't really get another power line from different independent power plant if you are not satisfied with current one.

Do we have a way to become energy independent, say, to pay for some device once and never pay for electricity anymore?

Many could ask - 'how about solar panels or wind turbines? Install one and you will get independent power source'. That's bullshit. All that 'green' stuff will not give you true independency. You will have to pay periodically for new solar panels to replace degraded ones, for degraded batteries, for replacement parts of wind turbines, etc. And you still will not have enough power for all your home appliances. Just because your backyard is not large enough for all that solar panels, wind turbines and all other crap.

But in reality, we have a technology to create a device that will give you enough power, will take no square meter of your backyard and will last long enough to keep you, your children and even grandchildren stuff running paying absolutely nothing. And we have that completely working and proven technology since 60-s.

It is RITEG. RadioIsotope ThermoElectric Generator. Don't panic. That is the most harmless thing you could imagine. Shortly, you take nuclear waste (yes, I said nuclear!), put it into stainless steel container, cover it with very thick layer of lead to stop any radiation and put it in another stainless steel container. That's all. You have a nearly monolith thing that give you heat for hundreds of years without any pollution, need for maintenance and faults. Surround it with TEGs and water pipes, bury it in your backyard, and you got enough electricity and warm water. And they even have to pay you for containing that pesky nuclear waste they constantly ask money from government for.

It could not explode, since there is no critical mass, it could not pollute, since containers will degrade longer than the fuel, it could not leak, because there is nothing to leak, it can't break, because there are no moving parts. And it give you energy constantly, day or night, cloudy or sunny, windy or steady. For centuries.

Don't even try to began whining about nuclear terrorism. First of all, this 'terrorism' thing is complete hoax. Do we know at least one case, when terrorist attack did some profit for anyone except government? No. You have an answer. Even absolutely dumb rebel will never choose this method to get his goal. Second: Do you know, that in nearly any country, if you live in the place out of reach of natural gas network, you can easily order a thing named gasholder. It is a large heavy container, that will be buried on your backyard and filled with LPG. You will have to refill it from time to time ordering a LPG tank truck. This will be the source of fuel for your heaters and stove. There will be enough gas in your gasholder to blow up nearly any building (may be excluding Forth Knox and Pentagon). Do you ever heard about a terrorist who dig out his gasholder, put it on heavy duty track platform and made explosion somwhere? No. So with RITEG. It is large, it is heavy, and unlike gasholder you have to spend months to get to the radioactive core, inevitably exposing yourself to radiation and waking alarm. Things will end even before you will find heavy duty truck platform to move your doomsday device to the target site. If some letter agency want to make dirty bomb explosion, they have a lot of simplier ways to do it.

RITEG's was very popular things for expeditions and arctic outposts. Thousands of RITEG's was made. No any accidends happened ever. In 70-s, however, RITEG production was silently cut down ( damned 70-s ). Do you know, that significant number of produced RITEG's is simply "lost"? Do you ever heard about some 'dirty bomb made from stolen/found RITEG'? No.

So, for a long time we have a technology to make the energetic independecy of individual possible. It could have been made completely safe for wide personal use, since 60-s.

But that not happened. For the reason. Energetic lead is strongest one for population. Even stronger than money. You could grow food and collect rain water, but without electricity you will be immidiately thrown out of society and your living standard will drop hard.

And so it goes.

Happy new year!


We can easily make pure logical conclusion that extraterretrial life exists.

Only in Milky Way we have hundred billion stars and it seems that nearly every star have planets. There should be a lot of planets in habitable zones. It is nearly impossible that Earth is only one of millions of similar planets where life developed.

So, even we have no any solid proof of extraterrestrial life, it is absolutely scientifically correct to suppose that it exists.

So, it should be completely normal to discuss the aliens and any questions about them. Just like any other scientific question that still have no experimental proof.

However, nearly everything about 'aliens' is settled as 'science fiction', 'conspiracy', 'fringe science', 'crazy speculation' etc, At least in MSM. At the same time nobody think like that about, say, thermonuclear power plants, string theory, and other things, that are only abstract theories and have no real solid experimental proof.

Why 'aliens' theme is so special?

It's easy. If aliens exists, there should be civilisations that are superior to our. And that directly means, that our authorities, including tptb are not highest authority in the universe. Also, there inevitably comes a potential possibility to escape that earth authorities control for an earth individual. That is completely inadmissible for earth powers.

This thing have direct similarities to the earth things of smaller scale. For example, you have no real possibility to freely choose country of living and/or citizenship. You can't just leave, say, Germany, and become citizen of US, and vice versa. You need a lot of money and obligatory authority consent. Another example - totalitarian authorities, like USSR in the past, North Korea currently, directly prohibit even temporary leaving their borders. Yes, this is possible, but only for specific and very small groups of population. Also, there is no way you can establish a new independent state. Last possibility was immidiately deleted from international laws right after Sealand accident. In no case you can be out of control of some authority on the Earth.

So, Earth authorities do exactly the same thing as, say, North Korea authorities do to their citizens - keep their population under control discarding everyting that could make an individual think that there could be some alternative to the current regular course established by authorities.

Nearly anything that could give a smallest hope to evade from control of authorities for individual is shamed and humiliated. From discussing aliens up to 'consensus' banning any funding for scientific research on FTL, wormholes, antigravity, new energy sources, etc. - nearly any possible technology allowing escape of individual from earth authorities.

Just like that.

Looks like this is a big rabbit hole most of you don't even suppose to exist. :) If you have questions (literally any, regardless all that PC crap or biases) - ask me. I'll try to be as unbiased as possible. May be you will find something interesting or/and important.


When digging in most conspiracies, you could notice that many of them somehow connected to the 70-s of XX century.

For example:

Since 70-s we have no any significant scientific discoveries. I mean really game-changing things. Last one was laser. It was real discovery of something simple but never seen before. Totally new thing, that change nearly everything. We see a lot of game-changing discoveries before 70-s, but none after. Just like progress was intentionally stopped. The only significant progress I could see is in the electronics. And it is just miniaturisation of pre 70-s stuff, not something really new. Even in USSR higly promising ternary computers was dropped exactly in 70-s. As somebody said, "we dreamed about flying cars in XXI century, but got only fucking 140 characters in twitter".

Space exploration. As soon as humanity get a technical ability to explore external worlds, (it does not matter, was moon landing a hoax or not, the important thing that it was technically possible) it was limited to habitable LEO stations, nothing more. In 70-s.

Climate. All that dumb thing with fighting climate change started in 70-s.

Firearms restrictions all over the world, prohibition of psychodelics, changing terrorism from "killing political opponents or high rank authorities" to that strange thing they sold us as "terrorism" now (did you notice that only beneficiars of "terrorism" is governments and never ones who blamed? So what is the point for blamed to repeat something completely useless for them again and again?), etc. All that starts in 70-s.

Just check, you will find connection of nearly every conspiracy to something in 70-s.

It's not only my fantasy. Others find that strange and suspicious too. Look at https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/ or https://www.epi.org/publication/raising-americas-pay/ (just check the "Poverty rate, actual and simulated 1959–2012" graph. It shows that right after 70-s, each time poverty rate drops, it inevitably returns to exact value of 15%. This is definitely an intentional thing.)

So, the root and the key of most conspiracies is in something in 70-s. If we find what happened in 70-s and who is behind, we will get a key to nearly every conspiracy we talk about here.

Any suggestions or may be some more evidence?


Long story short. I'll try to compress all facts and logic to the few sentences.

The main thing they don't tell you about climate change and greenhouse effect is that the grow of mean temperature is not the only result of greenhouse. You also get huge reduction of temperature gradient between day and night, winter and summer and across the globe. We already have local greenhouses in tropic forests. The overall gradient is less than 10 Celsius. At the same lattitudes, where are no greenhouse you get ... deserts, with temperature gradients more than 60 degrees.

Overall, if you have -10C to +40C overall gradient, with mean temperature +15C, really you would not get -5C to +45C hell if mean temperature will rise for 5C. You probably will get something like +10C to +30C, that is definitely much better than current -10C to +40C.

Earth already had greenhouse climate in the past multiple times. Eocene, last one, is a good example. There was 1000-2000 ppm CO2. Planet was really green from pole to pole and had mild warm climate everywhere. Eocene is age when mammals developed. In the memory of that we keep temperature and humidity in our houses at values exactly equal to that of eocene. Check the paleontology studies, you will find a lot of interesting stuff, including temperature charts.

Warm greenhouse periods last much longer than ice ages. Every Ice age was unnatural for the Earth, and was a result of some catastrophic event. Extinctions happen only when ice ages began. Return to normal greenhouse climate always lead to evolution and life diversity on the planet. Sea levels was not high in eocene, say Antarctic continent had 25% more territory above sea level than now. They just forgot to tell you, that plants is 80-90% is water, so the water from melted ice will also go to the mass of endless forests and disappeared deserts, and not only for sea level rise. Sea level could be even lower than now, as many eocene studies show.

As the result of global warming we will get literally green planet, with moderate climate everywhere. No drinking water problems, less energy for heating and cooling, endless lands suitable for agriculture, no hunger, more flora and fauna diversity, we even will get rid of all that damned seasonal flus, because there will be no winter. How this could be bad? And for whom?

So, the question is - why all that ecologists fighting with climate change leaded by well known "philanthropists" want Earth stay half dead, like now? Why they try to stop the natural process of exit from ice age happened on Earth multiple times, that will give us endless new territories with pleasant climate where humans, animals and plants could live without constantly fighting with climate? Why that "warriors for the green Earth" spend all their efforts to prevent Earth from becoming literally green from pole to pole? Why they need us to survive on the half dead planet with very few comfort spots over planet?

Nice optimistic nurse want to make something good and important (as she thinks) at that fearful time. She got an opportunity to take a Pfizer vaccine on camera "to help people". So, she took that opportunity, but something definitely go wrong. When she regained consciousness, she was violently pressured to say some bullshit like "I constanly faint every day, it's not vaccine fault" by Pfizer marketologists, and finally she got, that she is completely fucked and will be threatened by corporation to take all the fault for vaccine result.

Just like in ordinal blockbuster movie where some ordinary person occasionally cross some big business road.

So, as soon as they leave her alone, Tiffany do what ordinary person from blockbuster usually do in movies - alerted family and friends to not to give her out to anybody, get rid of the phone, and went on a run.

We all like movies, and I think if we meet with some extraordinary circumstances previously seen only in movies, we have only movie pattern to act as an example.

This theory explain everything (social, weird hospital messages and videos with double, silence from family, etc.) much better than theory that Tiffany is dead. I think there is no any problem for insanely rich corporation to disguise a death as some car accident or something else, definitely not connected to the vaccine.

Can't keep myself from another movie/series parallel: May be, some day, some resistance group hiding from medical tyranny will get a door bell with a girl on the threshold. "I'm Tiffany Dover, come with me, if you want to live!" :)

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