BubbaWallace23 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone is sick and tired of the kikes.

They come from hell.

Jacob Schiff ordered the hit on the Tsar and funded the Revolution and they may kill another 100 million but everyone on this planet will know what these monsters have done.

Something is seriously wrong with them.

The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians, by Eustace Mullins

No jew should ever hold any position of power or influence in any European nation ever again, they are traitorous snakes and have destroyed the entire world with their Babylonian usury schemes.

BubbaWallace23 7 points ago +9 / -2

It's what Hitler was warning about, the plan for jews to take over the world with democracy, where they control the entire thing with usury and media control.

Most of the Nazis were Christians trying to set the world free from Satanic Talmudism and Freemasonry, the Russian Christians saw them as heroes who came to reopen the churches.

America deserves this for siding with the satanic jewish communists.