by pkvi
BranchCovidian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Money-changing scum since the dawn of history.

And of note, Azerbaijan is very friendly with Israel, which assisted them in their genocidal attack on the Christian nation of Armenia.

BranchCovidian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm all for COVID-19 truth (e.g. was it genetically engineered, etc.), and I'm also all for truth on the potential health risks of EMFs like 5G (as well as 4G and 3G and WiFi), but where in the world is the proof that 5G wavelengths specifically can cause covid-like symptoms?!

by pkvi
BranchCovidian 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean, the Irish created the first political machines in the country, though I'd take them any day over Joggers. The Irish average IQ is a bit lower than that of other Western European groups, though the difference is nowhere near that of the Black-White gap.

The US would have been better off if it had stayed 100% Anglo-Saxon, though it's too late now. Don't let it be too late on the race question.

by pkvi
BranchCovidian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well said. Time for the GOP to at least PRETEND to give a damn about the only people that vote GOP in sizeable numbers--White people.

That means:

-End taxes for the middle class, make (((billionaire leftists))) pay

-Close the border, repatriate immigrants

-Absolute free speech on social media

-End affirmative action, Section 8 destroying nice White neighborhoods, etc.

by pkvi
BranchCovidian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, "Fences make good neighbors" whereas "Diversity + Proximity = War". (((TPTB))) choose the latter to distract us with inter-group squabbles (which are natural to human nature) while they keep on pulling the puppet strings.