Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's all of you scared not me. You're scared of everything from vaccines to immigrate to gays to socialism. You guys lube of Fraser and instilling it in others.

Mr, I'm not at afraid of much.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Dude you're a piece of shit and for the 10000th time I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THOSE LOSERS AT TOP MINDS OF REDDIT.

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +1 / -3

I would be on Reddit talking conspiracies there but that fuckers banned me from conspiracy. So here we are in a situation of his own making.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Incredibly light on banning people? Hahaha. Oh my fucking god.


He banned over 2500 users in just 1 year on Reddit. 2500. You can't tell me they all broke the rules cause the proof is all there.

Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +1 / -1

What a scared little pussy soyboy you are. Lol

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +1 / -3

What of I told you that you could entertain this idea, and after looking into it realize there's tons of disinfo (like the documentary none of them were actually associated with) and figured out it smelled like bullshit?

So quick to claim shill whenever people are questioned or when people see things differently. Or when they have left wing views. Or when they aren't in lockstep with the former Trump admin. Or when you ask for sources. Shill shill shill.

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +1 / -3

And when their server logs show that it was her, what then? Oops I lied?

Supportive else did this bad thing is not a great court defense. The best defense is never posting stupid shit on the internet if you don't want spots shit to come back at you.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Anyone can register a name and point it to anywhere. I could register Trumpsucksdick.com and point out to the white House site if I wanted.

by TlKr
Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +1 / -8

Dumbass right won't conspiracies like this are hilarious. Next they'll post a pic of a jean fold in the crotch as proof.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Also as for the evidence, I'll tell you what Axo said himself in his own words.

"I find folks demanding evidence for massive conspiracies to be comical."

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +2 / -4

Here is the post that got me banned by you in reply to a thread where you were crying again about TMOR brigades.

"Organizing a brigade and telling people to go there and vote against it is against the rules. Linking to a topic and people following the link and doing what they want is NOT against the rules in any way. Anyone that tries to convince you of that is lying. There is a share button and crossposting for a reason. The whole site is based on sharing links from other places."

So what rules did I break there? That's right. None. You fucking removed that comment and banned me like the censor happy soyboy that you are. Then you have the gall to say you only banned people that broke the rules.

You're a fucking liar and a power hungry partisan hypocrite

Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +1 / -7

I would go post in Reddit but you had me banned for disagreeing with your whiny bullshit there, so you're stuck with me here by your own making.

Also, I don't believe you.

Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +3 / -9

It makes sense because you people here are fucking obsessed with fucking TMOR, so go hand out with them cunt.

Axocomeoutandplay -4 points ago +2 / -6

I don't need proof, this is conspiracies. We talk bullshit and think about possibilities. Like the possibility that the head mod of conspiracy was astroturfing under alt accounts posting hundreds of times a day, many of the posts having zero conspiracy to them. Like it was his job.

Any conspiracy minded individual should question everything, especially other conspiracy minded individuals.

I for one would just like a little bit of honesty from the top mod and have him admit his bias and manipulation.

Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +3 / -10

Lol. Back at you. More like Putin loves dick.

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +4 / -6

You must be blind then. Venus230 was by far the most frequent poster.


My proof of circumstantial but I read these accounts were his on r/con. Mighty suspicious that he manually ignored reports on those two accounts for almost any part they made, which were both suspended from what I can tell at the same time as Axo.

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +1 / -3

So you deny removing thousands of comments and having hundreds of users in the past year, many of them for disagreeing?

We can see the fucking proof.


Axocomeoutandplay -16 points ago +5 / -21


Serves you right for FLAGRANT abuse of moderation powers.

Suck it bitch.

Axocomeoutandplay -5 points ago +2 / -7

I found it funny that this came up when I searched your user account online. So you deny that this is you then?

I would also like you to deny that you are Q, Lin Wood, and Ron Watkins.

Axocomeoutandplay -5 points ago +1 / -6

There is one proven picture. That's all. One. Move of the rest of the art had been proven to be in his house you fucking twat.

GO LOOK FOR YOURSELF. Then come back and show me all these pictures at PODESTA'S place. Guess what?

You won't fucking be able to you idiot.

Axocomeoutandplay -13 points ago +1 / -14

Oh shut the fuck up. Right wingers don't even have comedians, except for your HILLARYous bullshit if that makes you a comedian. The tech market is dominated by left wingers and it's the future. Most of the advances in the world lately are done by left wingers because the right is afraid of gender studies at college. Go dig a hole in the ground and then pollute it, that's all right wingers are good for.

Axocomeoutandplay -17 points ago +2 / -19


You can see Axo had banned a couple people and has stealth removed comments already.

I have no idea what those approvals are, maybe if someone reports something out gets hidden until approved?

Axocomeoutandplay -4 points ago +2 / -6

Sure, but it's all just stats right now.

I just find it hypocritical that all the Covid death stats are fake and due to something not Covid, but the vax stats are all highly accurate and 100% true and no one had an agenda there.

I hope you can see the logic break I'm trying to point out. I don't believe any vaccine is 100% safe, I'm just making a point.

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