Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Option#2 - fail boat to Florida where Florida man belongs.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hello friend, considering how you probably look, would it not be more humiliating to actually show your face and not wear a mask? Hihi!

That's what we call in the business a precision stroke in your face! Boom goes the dynamite!

Axocomeoutandplay -3 points ago +1 / -4

One has to wonder what kind of person imagines a sexual act involving children during a video of a mean and an obviously adult hooker.

Axocomeoutandplay -10 points ago +3 / -13

Haha. Oh Mr Cactus Peyote,

There's going off the deep end and then there's this.

I'm sure Mr Roberts will never admit to eating baby faces like evil witch Hillary (worst woman in planet) and Artist Maria do. You'd have to get up pretty early to fool him into revealing his nefarious plans and where he keeps all the adenochrome and pizza.

As the 2nd greatest president in history behind Trump says: Fool me once, shame on you, fool me something or other... Etc etc.

Axocomeoutandplay -5 points ago +1 / -6

Hello 1990s Doom Clone Heretic,

Please stop crying about the big bag media, it is unbecoming of you. Going against anything posted by the media (but let us be honest you actually mean only the left wing media and nothing on the right) does not make your a free thinker, it just makes you a sheep of a different contrarian color. The truth is most often in the middle.

Axocomeoutandplay -5 points ago +2 / -7

Imagine if it was only me, you and the Axo that are actually here? That would be Hillary-ous.

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +2 / -4

Aids is a left wing myth anyways created by the evil Professor Fauci so it's doesn't matter in the end either way. Only faggoty butt pirates spread the fake disease anyways.

Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +3 / -3

Please overlords can we censored more things on here just like Reddit and twitter that we cry about all the time like little baby girls?

Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +2 / -8

You are a unique snowflake, just like every other unique snowflake on this planet thus you are not actually unique and every thought you've ever had has been had by someone smarter than you. Congrats! You are now more intelligent than before you read these words.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +4 / -3

Hello fren, remember that party with only Donald and Jeffrey and 28 ladies of the night? Remember when Jeff's personal cook said Mr the Donald would hang out with him in the kitchen and eat with him at Jeff's house? Pepper farm remembers.

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +2 / -4

Sorry my fren is peoplekind now as declared by Globalist leader Mr Trudeau, a man so sexy and powerful that Mrs Ivanka gets so wet she slides off her barstool and makes Daddy Donald very jealous.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +3 / -4

Twas a great movie with Emelio Sheen and Family Ties man, I'll give you that!

Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +5 / -11

Hello fren!

You are my favorite person here after Mr Cactus Peyote.

You may not know this, but us Jewish special Hasbara agents have been specially bred to survive not on food and water, but on the tears of right wing snowflakes! Yes it's true! When you melt and cry, the liquids that flow from you nourish our black souls. Every post like this you make gives us power, and you and Mr Cactus have been giving me so much power lately I will soon level up.

You will not believe what I will become in my (((final form))). I am almost there, and one there, nothing will be able to stop my sHillarying.

Please continue. Please keep whining about people that go against the grain against people who go against the grain until we get to inception levels of going against the grain. The complaints against people that don't fall in line with the narrative is irony at its finest and fills my shill tank Super duper fast.

This was a great contribution to (((our))) goals and we at the open society thank you.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +3 / -4

Hahaha my fucking fren, there's no CIA server, can you please give me your drug dealers number? Why on this wonderful planet Earth spinning through the cosmos would you believe the words of gypsies on Twitter?

There has been no court acknowledged mass voter fraud this year! In fact over 50 courts and their judges have laughed at the evidence (((probably due to money given by Soros I have to admit))).

I am not here for your respect, as respect given by unrespectable people is worth less than a Christmas tree to an evil Jewish man. I am here for truth, which you seem to see through a distorted lens of lies and belief in gypsy grifter tales.

(Spit sounds.... Gypsies)


Have a great evening.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +3 / -4

Haha my froggy friend you are Hillary-ous (get it... Hillary) with your paranoia and arrogant in your self worth that people would organise against you.

Enjoy the show!

Axocomeoutandplay -5 points ago +3 / -8

Perhaps the people that agree with freedom of speech? Which doesn't seem to be many people here even though they all cry foul at twitter and Reddit banning "Les pauvres conservatives qui sont toujours harcelé".

If I had this Army of friends at my beck and call, how come every single other post this person has made on here had been downvoted to equal or negative?

Did I organise a (((brigade))) for a single solitary post and not others?

Haha fren, use a bit of logic.

Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +2 / -9

Mr Graph Infection, don't worry about my wellness. As a Canadian during this pandemic, my government has actually been paying me unemployment to sit at home and work on things I actually want to work on instead of going to work and selling my soul to (((them))). Right now I just celebrated a happy holidays and am surrounded by my non Jewish and completely white living family.

Also fren, not everyone that disagrees with you are part of some sort of organized voice chat (((cabal))). I know (((they))) sometimes house under the floorboards, but (((they))) are not under all of them. Be vigilant but not paranoid!

Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +2 / -8

Please, this is bisexual as I said and not the homo, my purityranical fren and the conspiracy is that everyone is much too divided on here by hate. If we all hate each other, then how can we have any hate left for the rich Jews and the poor immigrants?

by Doeseat
Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +2 / -8

You are allowed to disagree with (((conspiracy moderators))) without them getting hurt in the butt... Actually scratch that one. Hihi.

I'm not good at this game.

Axocomeoutandplay -9 points ago +1 / -10

America's Sweetheart Rudy has never let me down, even when caught with hands down his pants. Good on him I say to make love to a nice Eastern European woman just like Mr The Donald.

by TlKr
Axocomeoutandplay -8 points ago +1 / -9

Yes, because of my previous purchases on my phone, the government keeps sending me ads for XXL magnum condoms for my magnum dong. So intrusive this big brother of ours is.

Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +2 / -9

My fren Super Dave,

This was an honest attempt to bring all peoplekind (Trudeau) together against the evil of the world. We are divided by house, by city, by province, by state, by country, by continent, by planet, by solar system, by Galaxy, by your mom, by sex, by gender (if you believe no science), by race, by color, by religion, by length of hair, by politics, by favorite member of the Trump family, by favorite Trump family drug user, by favorite Trump family breasts (some say Donald's) and more.

If we don't, (((they))) win.

Axocomeoutandplay -5 points ago +2 / -7

Sorry, the Covid took my life away and will soon take my life away.

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