In the 90s I argued with NASA Phds for two weeks trying to get them to understand "the monty hall problem" and they thought your odds of getting the car if you switch doors was either 33% or 50% but they were absolutely certain your odds of winning the car if you switch was not 66% which was actually the correct answer. I would not doubt that this guy was one of the idiots I was arguing with.
I don't think people understand vacuum. In reality there's no such thing as vacuum. There's only air pressure or lack thereof. So at sea level you have around 15 pounds per square inch. At the top of mount Everest it's about 5 pounds per square inch. In space it's 0 pounds per square inch.
Most state laws about forgery are concerned with money or financial gain. But the feds don't care about that so if you get on an airplane or cross state lines with a fake CDC document they have about 45 federal statutes they can throw at you.
It seems that when you people cannot defend your beliefs against respectful comments you just downvote. That's a good sign that you are brainwashed to believe something that simply isn't true.
If what you believe is true then you should be able to explain why it's true with logic and reason and refute arguments about easily observable data that contradicts your theory.
If not then you basically are in a religion. That's fine but it's not a conspiracy. The only conspiracy you should consider is WHO wanted you to believe this religion.
Think of it this way... the NASA team knew there was a high probability of catastrophic failure as the world watched. Thus if they DIDN'T hoax the video they were grossly incompetent. So even if there was a successful moon mission the video of it had to be faked just in case there was a failure.
I know this may be difficult to believe but there was a time when everyone didn't have a powerful computer in their hands at all times. So complex equations were often simplified. One that I liked to use was Lagrange multipliers. In this paper they simplified equations by setting the radius of the earth to infinity. Of course that was wrong but the errors were small enough that it was still useful. I assume you don't actually believe the radius of the earth is infinity as stated in the paper.
Now in some cases the errors are too big to simplify things. An example is the many videos you post of people measuring the distance they can see without any consideration of the atmosphere. We know the refraction of light can be so great that it can actually cause us to see the sun for several minutes after it has set on some days.
If you actually want to measure the curve of the earth you should either model, calculate and test the refraction or minimize it until it is negligible. One way to minimize it would be to measure the tops of two buildings or mountains of the same height in a place like Denver. Then also measure the altitude of a third point halfway between the first two points. That would take a very precise altimeter or trust in the existing land plots.
I don't think it's valid to use GPS because the satellites have the curve of the earth hard coded into their software when they return position. Also those results can be off by up to 15 meters.
Do you know of any flat earth experiments at altitude as I described?
You obviously have no idea how your own theory works. The government education system has completely turned you into a NPC but since it's a counter theory you think you are independently thinking. Congratulations on being completely mind controlled by the state.
Can you enlighten me in your own words without "watch this 90 minute video" nonsense? What is the height and diameter of the sun? Does it illuminate like a light bulb or spot light? If it's a spot light what is the diameter of the illumination area? Does the sun travel around the earth from tropic to tropic? Is the sun always over the equator on the first day of spring and fall?
Here's an easy experiment you can do... watch a sunset in New York. If the sun disappears then it must be below the flat earth and it is night everywhere. Call someone in California and ask if they can see the sun. If they can still see the sun then the earth isn't flat.
There is perhaps no other internet hoax that is more ludicrous than the Flat Earth Theory. We’re talking about the most nonsensical and preposterous, laughable and foolish hoax in history! Yes, it is that zany and loony, wacky and silly.
However, what is really crazy is how many people are buying into it. That is where the silliness ends and the serious PSYOP begins. That is also where the Tavistock Institute intersects with the NSA, Facebook collaborates with the CIA, and YouTube and Google really drive some heavy traffic IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. The spooks are watching the evolution of this PSYOP very, very closely. After all, they started it.
There is no greater example on the internet today of inciting people of every ilk toward “throwing the baby out with the bathwater” than the utterly ludicrous phenomenon known as the Flat Earth Theory. What is truly shocking is the number of really smart and aware, well-intentioned and spiritually oriented individuals who are supporting this transparent pseudo-scientific sham. Truly, the CIA has outdone itself with this mind-scrambling endeavor.
Yes, scientific knowledge and applied technology have been egregiously abused and misused throughout the modern era, as this website has frequently pointed out. That is exactly the sentiment a “CIA” would like to exploit; however, true scientific paradigms based on common sense and human reason ought not to be whimsically replaced by pure fantasy and fiction … even if the Tavistock Institute provides every rhyme and reason to do so.
If the Earth was flat you would always see the sun. Go ahead make a model with a GoPro camera and a big circle on the floor and a light bulb. Try to make the light disappear and duplicate the observed data that we see for the time and heading of the sunrise for any position on Earth.
Science is not done by watching YouTube videos from people trying to sell you books. If you can set up an experiment that is always superior to questionable data from an unknown source. If your experiment fails then it means your theory is wrong.
Every computer chip that has a serial number you can read via the electronics has a backdoor.