AoiBlue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you ever seen the "Good Morning Lemmings" graffiti? Spray painted over a busy bridge.

AoiBlue 1 point ago +1 / -0

You still have hope that people will wake up? They would have to care for that to happen and the majority don't care.

Some are too frightened, some are overwhelmed and won't figure it out until it's too late, some are happy with their slavery, some are psychopaths that know but don't care, some are psychopaths that are onboard and perpetrating it.

What percent of people are in each group do you think? What would you do if say 40% of people are the perpetrators?

All the information is already out there. I don't think yet another meme or message is going to change things. They will wake if they want to. You can't decide what other people want, only they can. They might wake when they are forced to due to everything TPTB attempt succeeded and even then they might pretend 'it didn't happen'.

If you are still trying to wake people or take any action then consider that you might end up with a ruined reputation, locked up, or worse.

I used to be healthy but now I'm not.