When the secret POTUS is not selected in tbe primaries for 2024 what will they be left to say?

Israel deploys robotic guns in West Bank – AP November 16, 2022

The remote-controlled turrets can fire tear gas and stun grenades at Palestinian protesters Israel has deployed new robotic weapons in the West Bank amid heightened tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. Remote-controlled guns capable of firing tear gas, stun grenades and sponge-tipped bullets have been installed in the city of Hebron and at the massive Al-Aroub refugee camp, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday. The turrets are mounted on special guard towers equipped with surveillance cameras. The guns themselves also have their own cameras and are remotely operated by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers inside the towers, the news agency said. According to AP, the guns also use artificial intelligence to track their targets. The weapons were placed in the two hotspots that have recently seen regular clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli soldiers. Now, if crowds take to the streets hurling stones and fire bombs at Israeli troops, the turrets in the towers will unleash a barrage of tear gas and sponge-tipped bullets, sources told the news agency. Israel insists the new systems will help to save the lives of both Israelis and Palestinians, adding that the systems are being tested at this stage and only use “non-lethal” ammunition for crowd control. Palestinians fear that the weapon systems could be misused or hacked, AP said, adding that locals have also warned that their use could lead to potentially lethal situations. “We are not a training and simulation for Israeli companies,” a Hebron Palestinian activist, Issa Amro, told the news agency, adding that such practices “must be stopped.” Shopkeeper Hussein al-Muzyeen from Al-Aroub camp is quoted as saying that the area now regularly ends up covered in tear gas. “We don’t open the window, we don’t open the door. We know not to open anything,” he explained. The turrets deployed in the West Bank were developed by the Smart Shooter company – an enterprise boasting contracts with a number of the world’s militaries, including the US Army. It specializes in increasing “the accuracy, lethality, and situational awareness of small arms.” In October, the UN warned that this year could be “the deadliest” for Palestinians in the West Bank. A total of 32 Palestinians including six children have been killed since the start of the year by Israeli security forces during demonstrations, clashes, search-and-arrest raids, attacks and alleged attacks against Israelis, Tor Wennesland, the special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, said at that time.

The Great Awakening (fivethirtyeight.com)
posted ago by AnonAnon323 ago by AnonAnon323

Language provides clarity with definitions.

If we have no clarity, no definitions and no boundaries we cannot define ourselves and cannot communicate with others of matters of interest.

I am therefore asking. What is your understanding or defintion of

A nation

A nationality

A country

A people

A race

A state

Taking this one step further once we have reached consensus in the above defintions which nation/country/state/people today can define themselves appropriately according to set and defined criteria?

In an era where a woman can have a penis and a man can be pregnant it is language that will save or destroy us.

Go !

I am inviting u/free-will-of-choice to join in the debate.

any non-mod help also welcome ;)

Putin’s Russia is so based that you can legally rape animals & have sex with your relatives but you will be sent to the Gulag for up to 5 years if you question the H0l0cau$t or “distort” the USSR’s role in WW2. You can even go to jail for saying that Stalin was worse than Hitler:

JP Morgan cancelled his bank account !

Ye I am paying cash if I can fuck all the Kardashians. DM if interested.

What if Joe Brandon saves the world right at the last moment (Definitely before Nov 8th) before a nuclear all shoot out is about to happen by enacting a peace deal between Putin & Zelensky?

Just to clarify: I do not believe a nuclear attack would ever happen but this scenario justifies the end (Dem triumph).


I would make DogeCoin the official transaction currency in the platform.

Give me your probabilities

Genuine concern fam

Input below please if u in the know

Sell on Rosh Hashanah, Buy on Yom Kippur

According to CNBC’s Turney Duff, it’s an article of faith at many trading desks that the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, is the time to sell. The Jewish calendar functions differently than the 12-month calendar, so Rosh Hashanah doesn’t happen on the same day every year. Keeping a Jewish calendar handy will help gentiles keep the timing straight, and they’ll also need it a couple of weeks later when Yom Kippur rolls around, the Jewish day of atonement. According to the superstition, that's the time to buy.

Duff said that this trade works “more often than not,” and there’s solid data to back it up. According to the Wall Street Journal, the S&P 500 index has had an average decline of half a percentage point during the seven or eight trading days that typically take place during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, going back as far as 1971. At the same time, that period in 2008 saw the S&P 500 drop 17.8%, so your mileage may vary.


Avi Barot, 29, Saurashtra cricketer suffers cardiac arrest, passes away: https://www.thehindu.com/sport/cricket/young-saurashtra-cricket-player-avi-barot-dies-after-suffering-cardiac-arrest/article37015873.ece

Abou Ali, 22, professional footballer collapses on pitch during game: https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/16118079/footballer-wessam-abou-ali-awake-hospital-collapse/

Fabrice NSakala, 31, Besiktas defender collapses on pitch during game: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/aug/22/fabrice-nsakala-besiktas-collapse

Jens De Smet, 27, footballer collapses on field, passes away of heart attack: https://newswep.com/jens-27-collapses-on-the-football-field-and-dies-this-is-not-maldegem/

Jente van Genechten, 25, footballer collapses on field due to heart attack: https://www.sudinfo.be/id411745/article/2021-08-18/25-ans-un-joueur-belge-de-football-fait-un-arret-cardiaque-sur-le-terrain-avant

Frederic Lartillot, French footballer collapses in changing room, passes away due to heart attack after game: https://www.leprogres.fr/culture-loisirs/2021/09/11/deces-d-un-joueur-de-foot-apres-un-match-ses-coequipiers-ont-tout-tente-pour-le-sauver

Benjamin Taft, 31, German footballer collapses after game, passes away due to heart attack: https://www.anpfiff.info/mobile/sites/cms/artikel.aspx?SK=2&Btr=96044&Rub=390

Rune Coghe, 18, Belgian footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch: https://www.sudinfo.be/id409738/article/2021-08-07/rune-jeune-joueur-de-18-ans-secroule-sur-le-terrain-du-rds-plus-le-temps-passe

Helen Edwards, referee taken off court during World Cup qualifier due to heart issues: https://www.rtl.de/cms/dfb-spiel-unterbrochen-linienrichterin-vom-platz-getragen-4834888.html

Dimitri Lienard, 33, FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game: https://madeinfoot.ouest-france.fr/infos/article-rc-strasbourg-dimitri-lienard-a-ete-victime-d-un-malaise-354221.html

Sergio Aguero, 33, Barecelona star striker admitted to hospital for cardiac exam after match: https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/31/football/sergio-aguero-barcelona-chest-pain-spt-intl/index.html

Emil Palsson, 28, Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game: https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/norway-footballer-emil-palsson-cardiac-arrest-b1949583.html

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