Aliensdidit 2 points ago +3 / -1

I heard all this push for people to be trans and gender ambiguous is a ploy to destroy the nuclear family and instead usher in a way to raise people as children of the state rather than as part of an individual family unit.

Gender norms and all that jazz have existic for thousands of years for a reason...

Aliensdidit 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's the ultimate conundrum in a capitalist society isn't it, how can a system or company fix something if it's financially motivated to perpetuate the very problems it seeks to fix.

Same thing is happening with government. It's in governments best interest not to fix anything in society, only try to squeeze more taxes out of the people.

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you make a post about Q? I still don't know what it is and I feel like I will be mislead by the mainstream if I do any research

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll have to run these numbers after work as the stats aren't easily accessible. Are you running your calculations based on "excess numbers" because I would have some concern of what designates excess for a month, if the CDC was in on the hoax they would just set expected numbers to be lower so that every month will in essence outperform expectations. That's why I want to use an objective total.

Any thoughts then on the Sweden numbers I linked to, they have no difference in deaths. If anything this would back up the idea that lockdowns kill more people than they save.

Aliensdidit 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is so true but the unfortunately the people who need to hear it most will scoff at this and cry to the heavens "you're killing grandma!"

Aliensdidit 4 points ago +4 / -0

To a hammer everything looks like a nail, they claimed this was ONLY a health crises but in reality it touches every aspect of life from economics to social well-being.

Aliensdidit 4 points ago +5 / -1


Sweden is on track to have no increase in deaths... in a country that had no lockdowns and limited safety measures.

When the year is over and the death numbers are normal will you admit this was all a farce?

Aliensdidit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Care to share your data? I searched high and low but apparently tracking total number of deaths in the US is impossible in the Covid era. The only statistic I'm interested in is total number of deaths tracked against population increase. This is a hard number that can't be fucked with, I'm not concerned with interpretative data because it's all biased.

If this is the case then why in Sweden where they had far less restrictions is there pretty much no increase in deaths? https://www.statista.com/statistics/525353/sweden-number-of-deaths/

Aliensdidit 23 points ago +23 / -0

I think that fact is going to be hard reality check for some people when we can say definitively in January 2020 was an average death year.

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm I don't about that story but from what I can tell that's actually something you wouldn't be able to say you know is 100% true, maybe there's no proof for him owning it but there's no way you could prove he didn't own it and so you have to leave it up.

Let's not get into the territory of "Fact checkers" that's what ruined the internet in the first place, we were just fine on the internet before all the censorship came into place.

Aliensdidit 11 points ago +11 / -0

Be the change you want to see, post non-political conspiracies, I think it's inevitable this place will be a haven for trump supporters for a while but with enough effort we can start focusing on conspiracies again with less politics.

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I would have to see the article to know what you mean but I think it's dangerous to leave it up to people to decide what is true or false, as we know everything in reality is subjective and objective.

Also I could see that being detrimental to far our conspiracies, for example 99% of the world knows the earth is round yet the flat earthers still exist. Should we just ban any post saying the earth is flat just because we know it's false? I would rather leave it up even though I think it's stupid.

Aliensdidit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would rather the mods err on the side of leaving too much stuff up than taking stuff down, even if it's not true, that's what the comments section is for, discuss the truth of an article.

That being said banning you because you had an opinion is fucked up.

Aliensdidit 9 points ago +9 / -0

Voat is terrible, it's too restrictive to new people for creating posts and it also harbours a lot of explicitly racist people.

I hate SJW bullshit but I also have all the "Aren't black people stupid" posts that you see on VOAT.

We can have a middle path where we through identity politics out the window but are still respectful of other people, that can be this place...

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't see how we're supposed to have any sort of productive conversation if you don't have even a shred of evidence that led you to this conclusion. I think you're just excited that you can say the jews now that we're off reddit.

Just because you're a conspiracy theorist doesn't mean you get to just be intellectually lazy

Aliensdidit 2 points ago +2 / -0

While it's pretty crazy how similar those police sketches are I find hard to believe the podesta's would risk getting caught by personally kidnapping anyone, you would think with all their money they could just hire someone to do that.

Unless these sketches are just referring to who did the raping? Does anyone know?

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry for the formatting, still getting used to it.

Wes Bateman fascinates me, to prove he wasn't lieing he would gather people to witness UFO events at night where he could point out exactly where they would be.

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

It wasn't a place for real conspiracies anymore, only political related articles. I remember posting a thread about a dude who wrote a book about telepathically communicating with aliens.

Instead of debate and discussion all I got was a bunch of nerds saying this it couldn't possibly be anything other than this guy being schizophrenic, no chance telepathy could exist. While maybe that's an argument you can't say for 100% certain that's the case and so we should be willing to debate it.

I look forward to discussions with more open minded individuals here!

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