Aliensdidit 2 points ago +2 / -0

ahh I don't know about that, I know some good people who are unfortunately still asleep and will probably get it, I hope the thing works out but logic would say it's a recipe for disaster.

Rushed? Check Completely new Vaccine method with RNA? Check Forced on people with no legal repercussions? Check

That fact that government doesn't give fuck about that shows they don't care about us.

Aliensdidit 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's why we need to decouple money and politics, of course easier said than done.

Plato came up with a cool system of "Philosopher Kings" I'd recommend reading up on where society allowed people to gain amazing amounts of wealth but those people could never be in positions of political power and if you wanted to be in politics or ethical position in society you needed to give up your wealth.

It's a pipe dream but it shows we can come up with solutions where everyone wins.

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

RIP Digg! I remember those days.

I think they destroyed themselves though with too much advertising and a UI that was way too different buI get the point

Aliensdidit 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good find, isn't it great politics and identity politics has now compromised science? I for one think objectivity is the worst

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

On the plus side I think this redpilled a few people

Aliensdidit 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can we not do this, I am Trump supporter but this isn't the platform for this, go to TD for this kind of shit.

If you're going to make a Trump it's gotta add value in the conspiracy realm, this is just circle jerking.

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol yep that is fact, I think it was the Americas who gifted the dutch (not sure of the country) a "moon" rock and it turned out to be petrified wood.

Also totally on the camera gear, not to mention the unbelievable temperature changes they had to withstand, or the fact that the astronauts couldn't see what the camera was focusing on yet they got these crystal clear shots.

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is the plan for NZ when they re-open to the world? Won't they theoretically have a huge wave of infections because they have no herd immunity? Or is the plan that this is just how NZ is for the rest of time?

this seems like a bandaid solution

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't this just a temporary solution though? They're essentially living on borrowed time, unless they have these rules for the rest of eternity they're theoretically should be hit hard when they reopen to the world because the population has no herd immunity

Aliensdidit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well I think tension is the wrong word, what it is is sexual energy and it's extremely powerful I agree with you on that. The key is to transmute that energy into something productive.

I'm not saying never release, sex is great and you should probably masturbate once in a while but what has been normalized in the mainstream is an amount that is more harmful than beneficial. It keeps people docile and complacent, a great state if you want to control a population.

Aliensdidit 2 points ago +2 / -0

But not really, you are looking at taxes incorrectly, you're viewing them as an obligation to pay into rather than a collective bill for public utilities that we equally share and so should equally pay off.

Aliensdidit 3 points ago +4 / -1

Call me crazy but I live and die by my ethics. I don't think it's alright to tear down my fellow man just because I'm jealous of them. I also defend poor people when they're treated unfairly.

Aliensdidit 4 points ago +5 / -1

Lol, why would anyone downvote this? What argument could you possibly make that excessive masturbation to porn is healthy that isn't backed by bullshit articles in cosmopolitan?

Aliensdidit 0 points ago +2 / -2

There's no such thing as free, someone is always caught footing the bill. You just like that it's not you

Aliensdidit 0 points ago +1 / -1

There's no such thing as freedom if you have to steal it from someone, I'm open to not taxing the first 50k if you also don't tax any amount after that too

Aliensdidit 2 points ago +4 / -2

I understand how relative value works but I fundamentally disagree that it's the governments job to make sure people have enough money. I think that should be up to the individual person, if $400 is too much in tax they need to figure out a way to make more money or live with how much they have left, it doesn't justify stealing from rich people to create "equity". I'm not really concerned about how a certain amount of money is of different value to different people. I'm concerned with the ethics of expecting 1 person to pay for another random stranger without their consent. That's forced charity, we have avenues for charity but it certainly has no place in the tax system.

You are thinking of it wrong, it's about money in and value out. Think of it like this, if you an I go out for dinner and eat the same amount how should we split the bill? Based on how much we ate or how much we make?

Aliensdidit 5 points ago +5 / -0

You should look into giants in the americas, when America was first founded they were digging up giant skeletons all the time. All of which were reported on in established newspapers and archived. However, mysteriously when people ask the smithsonian what happened to these skeletons they deny they ever existed.

There's some cover up fuckery afoot when it comes to ancient giant humans.

Here's a book to get you started: https://www.amazon.ca/Giants-Record-Americas-History-Smithsonian-ebook/dp/B016U3DVSS/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=giants+in+america&qid=1608145640&sr=8-2

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty much guaranteed? I think he still has a path to victory and I hope he gets there but with all the moving parts I'd say it's a slim chance at this point.

Aliensdidit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wasn't the electors rule put in place because the founding fathers realized the average person doesn't have the time to stay on top of all current events and so they nominate and elector to stay in the loop so they can cast a more educated vote for their state?

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