AOU-is-a-tranny 8 points ago +9 / -1

My theory, Trump was meant to derail the republican party and assure victory for Hillary. They used to be very good friends after all, and they move in the same circles.

Trump has been talking about running for awhile, and even tried once before, so very influential people approach him and offer him some assistance. Trump takes it, and does what he always does, gives it 100% and takes no prisoners.

When he wins, the powers that be get him to go along with their plans, even if he wasn't the person they had groomed for the job, and when he goes off course, they get their establishment stooges to put on the brakes. RINOS allow Trump to act when it's beneficial to the elite, but stop him whenever he's doing genuinely good work.

AOU-is-a-tranny 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jews were self-segregating in germany. Marking jews have been done many times throughout history (look up judenhut), and there were plenty of jews who welcomed the star at the time. Jews and Germans weren't the best of friends even before Hitler showed up. If you've read Mein Kampf, you know that Hitler used to loathe the rampant anti-semitism around him, and that he considered himself above it.

Pretty ironic considering.

by pkvi
AOU-is-a-tranny 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember seeing a polish guy interviewed about his experiences in auschwitz, and he was pretty cheery all things considered. He didn't see any jews there, but he apparently made buddies with POWs from many different countries.

Do you think we'll make friends when they put us the covid containment facilities?

AOU-is-a-tranny 3 points ago +3 / -0

The 5g spike protein crystal mind control receiver theory is very cool though. As in, it's one of the most perfect zombie movie plot devices ever crafted. The vaccine crystalizes inside of you, and these crystals can be manipulated using strong 5g signals.

This isn't "remote control human" mind control tech, instead it triggers hormone production and extremely deep rooted instincts.

One pulse turns the human population into one big angry horde of murderous savages, the next knocks everyone out. Another starts a huge orgy, which ends in endless hungery and cannibalism.

The real world evidence for this theory is just strong enough to be plausible. Whatever OP says about brainlet 5g peeps, the rabbit hole was worth exploring.