by xihg
0xUnified 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's both. External reality isn't an object, it's a a perceptual event.

by pkvi
0xUnified 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just because they make it, doesn't mean you have to use it.

by pkvi
0xUnified 0 points ago +1 / -1

Decentralized ID is the opposite of authoritarianism - it gives you sovereign ownership of your own identity, rather than the government.

Please take a moment to understand this fact: You do not currently own or control your own identity. Your identity is owned by the government, and you are granted permission to use it, as long as you play by their rules.

At any time, they have the power to delete your records from their database. What recourse would you have if that happened? Have you ever tried getting a license from the DMV without the proper paperwork? Try it sometime, and let me know if you still think you're the one that gets to decide whether or not you're you.

What if the credit agencies drop your credit score to 12? Try convincing somebody to give you a loan then. "But sir, it's not actually 12, I promise it's much higher!" Yeah fucking right.

How about if they change the name on the deed to your home? Or what if they put you on the Sex Offender Registry?

Maybe you should start educating yourself on the ways the world actually operates, and the ways that crypto and the blockchain can (and are) being used to unfuck this mess we're in.

...and give it up with that stupid fucking hashtag. It's not going to catch on.

by pkvi
0xUnified 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. That's why I, as a sovereign individual, refuse to relinquish control of monetary policy to governments and central banks.

by pkvi
0xUnified 4 points ago +4 / -0

He only banned payments.

The only cryptocurrencies people use for payments - especially internationally - are stablecoins, 99.99% of which are backed by dollars.

Banning crypto payments effectively stops Russian companies from transacting in dollars. Putin wants a strong ruble, and this helps keep the demand for rubles high - especially if the dollar starts losing value relative to the ruble (which would make the dollar "cheap" by comparison).

-- On a side note: Crypto isn't the Boogeyman so many of you seem to think it is. The government's power is derived from its ability to control the flow of currency, and cryptocurrency is the first and only thing that poses a viable threat to their monopoly. Failure to adopt "good" crypto (i.e. decentralized, free from governmental manipulation, censorship resistant) makes it more likely that they'll successfully be able to impose "bad" crypto (i.e. CBDCs) on us in the near future.

0xUnified 1 point ago +1 / -0

I won't call you a liar, and I've been wrong before. The whole "death jab" just seems too cartoonishly evil to me to be real. I'm always wary when things seem too obvious (but I sure as hell didn't let them inject me with that stuff).

0xUnified 1 point ago +1 / -0

The repo market and the reverse repo market are the same thing. I explain it in the post, and provide a source.

0xUnified 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. No. The threat of nuclear war is enough to shake the markets on its own. The dollar isn't rising because of sanctions, it's rising because banks aren't lending and people aren't spending.

  2. There's no reason for that shift to happen in full view of the public, and the original plan - devaluing the dollar - is more suited towards the establishment of a global corporatocracy.

  3. There's no need to destroy the dollar to implement a CBDC or a digital SDR - if anything, loss of confidence in fiat money would make it harder to get people to transition. Regardless, the problem isn't that the dollar's crashing, it's that it's not, which is going to lead to a Chinese economic collapse and a sovereign debt default. Also, there's already a shitload of private currencies. Start transacting and advocating for Bitcoin and Monero. You don't have to do what they tell you.

  4. What do these corporations own when the currency collapses? Who pays the registrar of deeds, and with what? Who's paying for cops to come kick you off "their" property? How are they going to get there? If nobody's getting paid, I think the gas stations will probably be closed. What are you using to pay rent? How's it gonna get there?

0xUnified 1 point ago +1 / -0

We're not, though, and despite all the second or third hand accounts of people dying from the vaxx, I'm willing to bet that you, personally, don't actually know anyone that's had an adverse reaction. Do you think the CIA doesn't know which websites the tin foil hat crowd hangs around? They whip up a few fake stories, post them where they'll be seen by exactly the types of people they want to see them, and before long, they've got X% of the population believing what they want them to beleive, looking where they want them to look, and thinking what they want them to think. It's really not that hard, and they've been doing this for a long time. They know how to push your buttons.

0xUnified 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yeah, sorry, but you're just parroting the Official CIA Disinfo Narrative. By "hiding" these narratives in easy to find places, they fool people into thinking they've uncovered the truth, when they've really only scratched the surface. It's surprisingly effective actually; it's designed to make you think you've reached the bottom of the rabbit hole so you stop digging before you start. You learn to spot them after a while if you stick with it.

Pro tip: any conspiracy that's already been summarized neatly in an article, and/or has a diehard community of believers that "knows" the truth is a psyop. Q, for example, is a psyop, since every Qanon "knows" all the relavent facts, the "plan", etc. Similarly, the COVID "death jab" is a psyop - it's designed to subtly reinforce the belief that the virus is real (which, of course, it isn't).

The real conspiracies are the ones nobody's talking about, or, if they are, nobody has any idea what's going on. It's a good sign if it's bizarre to the point that it's hard to explain to others - that means there's no narrative yet. False history is a great example (although that's becoming increasingly mainstream), as is electric universe, and reincarnation of the Cathars.

0xUnified 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think you're fully grasping what a currency collapse entails. In a hyperinflationary scenario, there is no "they". Their power is derived from their control over monetary issuance - without that, they're powerless. No currency means no cops, no military, and no government, because there's nothing to pay them with. The only countries that have any chance of maintaining order would be countries whose economies are completely isolated from the USD. The only two that come to mind are Russia and North Korea.

0xUnified 4 points ago +4 / -0

No. The Ukraine invasion is the most brilliant military maneuver in modern history. Putin has the entire western world in checkmate.

If the war drags on, the dollar keeps gaining strength, and the Chinese economy collapses and drags the world down with it. Sandman goes live, and BRICS replaces the dollar, destroying the global financial system.

If the war resolves without nukes flying, then lending and spending these super strong dollars leads to hyperinflation and all global debt evaporates, destroying the global financial system.

If nukes fly, America is crippled, and confidence in the USD is lost, destroying the global financial system.