What Does Antisemitism Really Mean?
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Without even watching it ...
Antisemitism is stopping a jew from doing jewy things.
this is what a red npc headline response looks like
Whatever gets you through the day, sweaty.
And ... found the jew.
a) The sem in anti-sem-ite implies shem - "name" aka the fiction tricking one to derive meaning from, while ignoring reality.
b) Name/nombre/number - "designation of a unit" implies each unitas/unus - "one" within all of nature...not the name one brands other ones with.
Unit implies the body natural; name implies the body politique aka a fictitious label which permits others to operate in the name of reality.
c) If anti (against) then for (before). Without self discernment one ignores BE (being) FOR (forwarded) aka each forwarded (inception towards death) being (life).
If one is being forwarded (before) then one isn't AGAINST others, but A GAIN aka temporary growth (life) within ongoing loss (inception towards death).
A GAIN implies the body natural; AGAINST implies the body politique, hence the conflicts among beings.
Without self discernment one ignores BE (being) EN (within) aka one within all aka living within process of dying aka choice within balance.
Each ones weapon of choice implies the instrument for ones offense/defense, which are in balance with one another, hence each one having to defend self (life) within what nature offers (inception towards death).
Few trick many to "choose" suggested weapons to offend or defend against each other, which in return tempts many to ignore that consenting to a suggestion implies lowering ones defense by submitting to the offer by another, hence taking offense by ignoring defense.