Thank you for admitting the Earth is not flat. You have conceded the argument again. The questions will continue to be posted every single time you make a submission here, solely to humiliate you and destroy any chance you have of tricking people into your jewish bullshit. Do not make submissions here.
No, see, you dont even English.
Thank you for admitting the Earth is not flat. You have conceded the argument again. The questions will continue to be posted every single time you make a submission here, solely to humiliate you and destroy any chance you have of tricking people into your jewish bullshit. Do not make submissions here.
That's not what flat earth means. Shill dog. If you haven't figured that out by now you're definitely the enemy. All retards are.
Thanks for admitting the Earth isn’t flat. You’re done.
Thanks for showing you're just a retarded bot who cuts and pastes and has not one original thought.