Yes, even among the Jews there are anti-Semitic Jews. Indeed, there are Jews who hate their own people. I will give three examples. The third will surprise some.
The 1st example: Tiberius Julius Alexander, a Jewish equestrian governor and general, served as Titus' second-in-command during the siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. He assisted in the destruction of the city and the killing of hundreds of thousands of Jews.
The 2nd example: Nicholas Donin and Johannes Pfefferkorn were Jews who converted to Christianity. Both were active opponents of the Jews and advocated the burning of the Talmud. Donin caused the Disputation of Paris and Pfefferkorn wrote several writings against the Jews, claiming, among other things, that the Jews were behind all the evil in the world.
The 3rd example: Over 100,000 Jews served in the Wehrmacht and thus supported Hitler, who systematically killed millions of Jews between 1941-1945. There is a Wikipedia page with the title: "German Jewish military personnel of World War II" where sources are given.
Hitler did NOT systematically kill millions of Jews. At most 250K died in labor camps maybe half of which were not even Jews. And they died due to starvation caused by the allies bombing supply lines. The fact that some Jews served in the Wehermacht is very telling that things were not as people are led to believe now. Hitler did have some agreements with Jews prior to the war and at the beginning of it (Transfer agreement). It was a complex situation.
The biggest problem for Jews who discover that Judaism is a disease is that they can't easily find a way out! If they throw away Judaism and their Jewish identity they will have nothing left! And they won't find any Jobs to do. Especially historically as they held skills that only Jews employed. Their food is related to their religion, their clothing, their habits and way of thinking. It wasn't easy for the few odd balls to break out of.
WW2 was supported by Jewish rabbis because many Jews were actually assimilating and throwing away Judaism for real thus the Rabbi felt it necessary to take them back into the Jewish barn so to speak.
Systematically killed? Lol. We're far to well versed about the truth on this forum to believe the typical jew lies.
"who? How would I know him?"