proof:!!:f - even Albert Bourla.
they're just advanced demons who took over.
David Icke predicted it all, predicted the plandemic, predicted the russia-ukraine war, predicted the entire A.I. era that is coming with Klaws Schwab on top.. and people still think that he is insane.
he is banned in 30 + countries.. this tells you how much the system hates him.
I’m ignoring it because you can literally do anything with CGI and “a video said so” is not—and has never been—evidence of things that are already proven to be other things.
And no, I’m not “open-minded.” I deal in objective reality.
bro, it's from live.. from the official channel. come on.. - 1:50.
why would they alter it? explain.
I don’t care where it’s from. We’re not going to fall for this shit.
Yea someone could have easily altered the video. Post the original from the official news site channel if you want anyone to even consider it seriously.
I did post the original bro. just read the comments. " - 1:50."
Now apply the same logic to space, tallestspacesperg.
Hey there, subhuman jewish paid shill.
The white man walked on the surface of the Moon and nothing you say or do will ever change that.
It’s independently verifiable. Anyone can do it. It has been repeatedly done for decades. You’re not human. Drown yourself, flat Earther.
Tallest space Sperg, sperging out about the totally real moon landings. Always fun to witness.
Thanks for admitting space is real, paid shill.
Thanks for admitting space is real, paid shill.