posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +8 / -0

The Annunaki tricks humans into switching from telepathy to words.

Telepathy is not the transfer of words from one mind to another. It's the reading of energies to determine what is going on. We do this today with our pets and toddlers who can't really communicate. We sense what it is they are doing, how they are feeling and what they need.

These senses are telepathic in that the body releases vibes that can be interpreted by others. These vibes happen both outside of ourselves and inside because the minds are connected from within allowing us to do telepathy from long distances.

The Annunaki taught words to the Egyptian and told them to always just use words. Why? Because words are a poor form of communication. Many words mean different things. There are many languages. Overall, words are a confusing way to communicate but telepathy is clean.

Although somewhat dormant, as humans develop telepathy to the levels we had them in ancient times, then we will be able to us 99% telepathy and 1% words to do our dealings without any issue at all.

The 1st step is simply becoming aware of this because awareness starts to awaken the ability.

I'd like to thank Rothschild who tipped us off to this conspiracy in this 2011 Rotshchild Q&A titled "I am Rofschild. Axe me a question."