All it took was some lying bullshit about minerals and all you MAGAtards suddenly support more Billions of dollars and weapons to JEWkraine.
Damn being a Republican Trump supporter is so cheap and humiliating these days.
You MAGA frauds will never see a penny of minerals put into the USA public Treasury or receive a single cent of dividend from any fucking minerals. You're so easily duped. It's embarrassing. Trump really does con you. He really is a con man.
I don't know if it was always the plan; that really smacks of "9D chess" BS. Likely it's more a matter of seeing an opportunity and taking it, compounding corruption rather than planned.
But yeah, America isn't getting anything good out of this. Jews will get rich off mining and America will be forced to defend Ukraine against Russia, who's obviously willing to fight to keep them out.
Any accurate numbers on death counts in Palestine, Ukraine, and Russia?
Wondering what the count is for the meat grinding of Whites and real Semites.
We're slaves how do you expect to have access to accurate numbers
Basically the globalists who you claim to be against now are going to build golden statues over the dead bodies and ruins in GAZA and Trump is going to help jews completely fuck over the native Ukraine population so jews can build resorts and synagogues over their dead bodies and ruins.
Trump just comes in and gets to play real estate rebuilder after jews bomb and destroy and genocide and ethnically cleanse and throw White bodies into meat grinder fake wars.
And people keep falling for it. Now republicans support money to Ukraine. LOL what?
The only part you have wrong is the part that makes it sound like you think there's more than one side against us. They are all fractioned, sure, but united against us as one, always fucking slaves over, no matter what "nation" they are in. Even American Jew slaves get fuct. The only Jews who don't get fucked are probably not even Jewish, I still don't care, but just saying. The super Jews that have all this power aren't like Larry, the friendly Jew from accounting. Both claim to be Jews, they aren't the same . They hide behind language, set up misguided flows in societal groups, to separate like minded people with minor factors like racist or prejudice. It devalues your worth in the eyes of the unconvinced.
The more you try the easier you fail. Means wrong path.
Like he saw Dick Cheney's playbook and ripped the page right out.
Trump really is the new Dick Cheney for jews, isn't he? But less bureaucratic and political experience. Maybe with Trump jews get to cut out more of the contractors?
I'm just disappointed to see so many White guys who SHOULD be my allies falling for boomer tier Pam Bondi Kash Patel Marco Rubio RFK jr. nonsense. These guys are all obvious frauds. Plus the new treasury guy looks like a faggot and probably is. There's closeted faggots in the republican power structure.
There needs to be some kind of new LITMUS test for real Conservatives. For one you have to openly state that you wish to keep America a majority White nation. If you can't say that out loud, on record, or in public then you're a bitch and you are disqualified.
Also, A white Christian Conservative Political party should not have jews, blacks, women, or others dictating to us or lecturing to us our politics. I don't need jews like Ben Shapiro to pundit my politics to me. No thanks. I am a supreme White man. I know the way. You don't, jew boy.
I remember loving Trump. It died about 2 months after Biden took office. Couldn't believe it was real life. Didn't make sense It was that easy to steal the election. As I dug deeper and deeper I learned probably all the same shit you know.
Everyone around me still loves Trump. Not going to tell them. I've tried with others, they can't handle the truth.
Well I don't see is a continuation plan. Usually they have something brewing for the next 4 years. The technocrats, cabal, deep pussies, Jews, overlords, whatever you like to call shit you don't know, has total control of the next 100, 10000 years, forever. The imbalance of powers in the world is just a soap opera and wars are for depopulation and profits. Nukes are not mathematically possible, a hoax. There's probably more continents past the wall of ice, a coastline that's been fully explored. But people go around the inside of a circle not around an island. (Either way, land stays to same side).
If you don't realize this isnt a globe yet, take it seriously. Apply scientific method to the things everyone takes for granted. It's obvious, but you have to deprogram.
Then this Trump shit will make more sense