I found this website and it turns out this is the guy whose channels keep disappearing. Anyway, I've heard him off and on throughout some time but most recently since a friend here added some clips to his videos and I wanted to share this info. Full disclosure: website is subscription, $3 a month, and I just felt like promoting this here and if it's in poor taste I expect yous guys will let me know and I'll delete.
I enjoy it because I at least know where to find the videos and then I can search other platforms for the free stuff for everyone else, he's got tons of good info, I think.
That is just teh feeling of being human cause you are aware that the sociopaths in our Government are actively trying to destroy us, and their only witnessed motive is "authoritarianism".
Yes, we are rising up against the darkness in this world, the powers and principalities of evil that mean to enslave us. Cheers!