Getting “sick” is your body detoxifying.
The detoxification is NOT the “I just caught something” event.
The extent and severity of the “sickness” is wholly dependent upon exposure and the individuals ability to detoxify
Then how come some people are obviously NOT DETOXIFYING even though they were present and exposed to the same terrain?
I'd like to reinvigorate some of these topics because the scamdemic, in my opinion, is still unsettled and no one has been impaled for it yet. We need to rediscuss germ theory, whether or not a virus even exists, or moreso in my line of thinking find out who is bio-engineering these bio-weapons and impale the fuckers and anyone who had knowledge and was involved or funded the operation or facilitated or even cognitively supported the operation from afar must all be impaled.
You’d have to give a very specific example because the human body has a lot of different ways to detoxify. And detoxification is not always apparent. You have several excretory routes that people don’t always associate with healing: lungs, sweat, and biliary ducts, skin, and hair for example.
Several things impact their ability to detoxify, mostly diet, presence of underlying conditions, and vaccination status. All vaccines do is suppress the body’s ability to detoxify (which is why people associate ‘ I have no more sores’ with immunity).
But at the end of the day, they’ve repeatedly tried to prove viral contagion theory a hundred years ago on thousands of subjects and colossally fail each time. Polio is the most readily available example of this.
Virus theory is for gullible sheep
terrain theory does not explain why so many in the same terrain do not also get sick.
Do you believe in germ theory?
Getting “sick” is your body detoxifying.
The detoxification is NOT the “I just caught something” event. The extent and severity of the “sickness” is wholly dependent upon exposure and the individuals ability to detoxify
Then how come some people are obviously NOT DETOXIFYING even though they were present and exposed to the same terrain?
I'd like to reinvigorate some of these topics because the scamdemic, in my opinion, is still unsettled and no one has been impaled for it yet. We need to rediscuss germ theory, whether or not a virus even exists, or moreso in my line of thinking find out who is bio-engineering these bio-weapons and impale the fuckers and anyone who had knowledge and was involved or funded the operation or facilitated or even cognitively supported the operation from afar must all be impaled.
You’d have to give a very specific example because the human body has a lot of different ways to detoxify. And detoxification is not always apparent. You have several excretory routes that people don’t always associate with healing: lungs, sweat, and biliary ducts, skin, and hair for example.
Several things impact their ability to detoxify, mostly diet, presence of underlying conditions, and vaccination status. All vaccines do is suppress the body’s ability to detoxify (which is why people associate ‘ I have no more sores’ with immunity).
But at the end of the day, they’ve repeatedly tried to prove viral contagion theory a hundred years ago on thousands of subjects and colossally fail each time. Polio is the most readily available example of this.