The biggest enemy is not the Jew....they are annoying, they run things....but at least they do it well.....and aren't barbaric.
Islam is possibly being used to wage war against the west....because it is completely backwards and antithetical to the west.
Even zionists are more prowest than Muslims.
We must stop the sharia people.
Possibly....but still....Muslim Invasion is the problem.....
I understand your opinion...but that is like chasing the arsonist while your house is burning down.....
Put out the fire....then chase the Jews....
I had many personal dealings with muslim young crime and trust me i know the problem well.
I cannot agree to your metaphor. You can't put a fire out while the arsonist is still there throwing fuel on it freely. It's a losing proposition.
I would be happy to hear your analogy, but even with your twist, it still seems like the order of operations would be stop the new invasion (ie. Fuel thrown) and then put out the existing fire, then chase the guy down.
But ultimately the problem you need to fix is the fire. The cause is certainly something to address when the house is no longer on fire. But the key is putting out the fire.