Trump Ear Watchman nails it again
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All according to the script. Bibletards will gobble up this Mossad plot like Evangelical TV pastor sermon.
When you truly understand the Bible and who controls it, you understand there's a second coming of a PsyOp, nothing more.
But thanks for showing their plot.
When he told of the Trump ear vision, he was at Clay Clark's house. Clay is mentioned as a key figure by Kim Clement. The FBI murdered Clement after he refused to work for them after he accurately predicted a man named Donald was coming to take them down for the God. Clement is viewed as the top prophet by many. Clay Clark preaches that Yuval Noah Harari is the false prophet. I agree. I probably won't be responding to any 3 letter agency sluts or bots going forward. Jesus is coming, so get right. I believe the Tribulation will be next decade.
The military asked a tv televangelist named Kim Clement to do the same thing as for this guy.
I grew up around military intelligence during the Vietnam era, and hiring televangelists and large church pastors to say this kind of stuff is super common,
and has been for not just hundreds, but thousands of years.
The military people around Trump with the 18 month Q operation and all this stuff - the Kim Clement stuff, this guy, had some different people explain why everything is being done the way it is.
They were explaining that nothing can be done until the dollar falls. And that when it does, NO countries in the world are gonna wind up using these Kazarian Jew Satanists fake mafia money any more.
When this happens, or had we been going to try to not renew the dollar, there was going to be this gigantic crushing of humanity using all the world's militaries these Jew mob people control; which - amazingly is almost every last one in 120+ nations.
So they said there's going to be a giant reveal that these Jew mobsters who own these international banks, are the criminals people say they are.
Ok. So.. Notice how everybody says all these diff people are Satanists? Well... guess who started Satanism. The first man born in the Jewish Torah, Cain.
He and his friends discovered some of the Egyptian delta land doesn't flood each year tho surrounded entirely by H2O. Cains tribe were successful sorta proto-viking type pirates, Cain was their chieftan. And he was like this super sharp, every-possible-physical/psychological advantage, super-great personality.
He just was chieftain of this tribe of raping slaving thieving murdering pirates. Notice Jewdemia lets you study vikings and never bitch? That's why.
Well Cain's daughter discovered a channel one year upriver in the delta of the Nile, it was the world's largest mud delta for ages, ships can't get in, even boats at times unless the channel's dredged. One year nature dredged it straight and deep so she took a boat up it and disc. places like Giza plateau don't flood.
Cain set up there as a base to hide from people looking for revenge and stolen relatives and stuff.
Before, they were successful pirates; but life was shakey cause people were always lookin for em. With Egypt they began to raid in earnest and there were lots of toddlers left.
Cain and his men castrated the boys and used them as sex service slaves and general servants. The slaves lived well generally since they served elites so they were quite loyal to Cain, his men, and living well.
But they grew up. So Cain invented this religion where angry sky fairies who were humans and had sex with people were geniuses but emotional toddlers fighting forever about who's in charge.
He and his men told the orphans Cain's god told him save them because Cain's god was the all powerful god of Adam, Cain was god's representative on Earth for the bloodline rulership of descendents of Adam.
The ORIGINAL fucking STORY was Isis/Osiris/Horus/Thoth and that whole cast of characters, as the angry pedophile war fairies who fuck people.
Today after 4600 years of conquering/counter conquering linguistics etc, it's morphed into Cain being son of Adam whose god told people in their heads to slit the family pets' and best livestocks' and even their children's throats to show loyalty.
Cain to the Jewish scriptures - remember how there's about 1400 pages they don't let you publish or comment on in public? Yea well CAIN is the REASON they all think they're ROYALTY.
Because CAIN is FIRST and FOUNDING KING of Egypt. All subsequent kings for hundreds of years till lang. change made 'king' become 'Pharaoh' MODELED THEMSELVES on CAIN because he was such a great man.
He INVENTED the elites in the incestuously maintained royalty,
keeping genealogies of the secular kings,
and also there was another royal side of the family: the castrated priests.
See - to the Jews Cain is known as ''MASTER MAHAN/MAHON." This means, ''The MASTER MAGICIAN." So here's how THAT operates to Jews. Remember you have about 40% of THEIR scriptures.
Cain would take the adult priests out and settle them near other people and tell those people that they represented HIS god. And if there were problems HE'D be around.
The spoiled degenerate homosexual priests didn't pay taxes: the PEOPLE Cain gave them permission to "minister to" - TELL what to DO and TAKE their SHIT as "tithes" and "sacrifices" and "offerings" - property, money, women at times for servants, CHILDREN to "train up in Cain's god's ways" - that was the deal.
Now. CAIN was considered so slick he was the ''MASTER MAGICIAN'' that if people wouldn't ACCEPT the "mentally ill sky fairies at war" stories,
HE'D FALSE FLAG the weak/vulnerable/gullible/authority worshiping who DID try to please the priests being ruled by them for Cain,
then FRAME the UNBELIEVERS and HAVE the BELIEVERS make WAR on THEIR OWN INNOCENT, more INTELLIGENT brethren even families, to STOP the FALSE FLAGS.
Notice how those Jewish media people loves to make them some movies about some Navy S.E.A.L.S?
Well, how ya think Cain and his men, slick outlaw coastal pirates, were doing those false flags?
That's right. Arrive by smaller boat, go do bad stuff, haul ass back to the ship. Guess what color they painted their ships? That's right, blacked out, THEMSELVES blacked out.
So there's more. Not all priests were castrated through all time. Sometimes a king had kids with females. They went to the STATE RELIGION SIDE of the FAMILY.
Cain invented THAT two party system: the incestuous secular rulers, kings, some of whose records are in ur Old Test. Torah,
and the PRIESTHOOD of the STATE incest bloodline rulership (with adopted in exceptions for the priests etc of course) and THEIR books were of the high priests: books of prophets.
The Jews get their earliest scriptures - the O.T./Torah you know of, FROM those EGYPTIANS.
Final thing. Know what name Cain and the boys gave themselves, the sea going pirates doing the false flagging?
Linguistically in their time, that wasn't it. Modern language morphology even for them, is that the name was "Satan."
You've GOTTA remember this started, 4600 years ago. They claim it started almost 5900 years ago but this is known to be fake because there's archeology they couldn't get their hands on and disappear, from other places they didn't control, that never mentions them past about 4600 years ago.
The reason the MODERN Satanists model themselves on this Egyptian line of kings is they
using the 'PROPERLY BRED ROYALTY' scam,
keeping DYNASTIES INTACT by substituting princes and princesses they COULDN'T HAVE outta just bad luck etc - with CASTRATED ORPHANS they RAISED as the ''QUEEN."
They used ORPHANS they kidnapped/raided to get/stole from people and raised THEM as ''KiNG",
to keep DYNASTIES going.
The PRIESTS would prophesy a RED HAIRED/BLONDE CHILD being BORN - VoYLa BoYS, whaddya knoW, the DYNASTY'S SAVED, and SKY FELLUR SAID so TOO cause he told the priests what was gonna be born, and the signs it was ''thuh WuN."
Remember the Q people talking about:
The DOLLAR falling,
''GLOBO HOMO'' being ''the enemy"
ALLLL that STUFF about HOW to RECOGNIZE FALSE FLAGS - ALL that stuff's global RECOGNITION, was driven by the Q people.
ALLLLL that STUFF about HOW all these ROYALS and MEDIA PEOPLE are ALL TRANNIES and HOMOS - that was driven by the Q people.
ALLLLL that STUFF about ''CONNECTIONS to EGYPT'' - the Q people.
ALLLLLL that STUFF about the ''MAGIC SKY PEOPLE are HERE to SAVE us" "Aliens" False Flag, is ANOTHER VERSION of Cain's "super genius sky critters who know all and are looking out for us."
So what these different militaries of the world are doing is highlighting ALL this STUFF that these
basically claim-to-be-Jewish a lot BANKER MOB FAMILIES
do to copy the MODEL for the FOUNDER of their RELIGION according to Jewish scripture: Cain. who nicknamed himself and his false flagging slaving pedophile pirate friends, ''Satan."
And their false flags, as "Works of Satan."
So militaries around the world are confiding in their various tv religious people asking them to predict stuff like this guy and Kim Clement because obviously THAT is EXACTLY what the Pharaonic Satanist elite state religion INDUSTRY would do, to stay in power.
I know this is long winded, but a lot of people haven't ever had all this explained to them like I did.
Notice Stone Masons? EGYPT.
Where did Old Testament Joseph become royalty? Egypt.
Where did N.Testament Joseph race off to hide and raise Jesus? Egypt.
When Babylon took Judea into slavery and castrated all the men, WHO was Judea scamming against the Babylonian dictator with? Egypt.
He'd conquered them both, they started slow scamming him, not paying him etc. Egypt did have some mil power so the Babylonian guy just swooped in and took all the Judeans away. Insulting EGYPT because THEY were FAMILY with the Judeans.
The Judeans -modern Jews, also Christians,
when they use the Torah, or oldest books of the Old Testament?
Those are ORIGINAL ancient Egyptian Pharaonic Satanist scriptures: the ROYAL GENEALOGIES of mostly the RELIGIOUS SIDE.
CAiN'S GENEALOGIES and a whole bunch of other stuff,
and study it between yourselves, because THAT'S THE PART they ALL TEACH THEIR KIDS, have them READ,
how Cain and his men MADE UP EVERY SINGLE fucking WORD, as a SCAM, to find somewhere to put the CASTRATED pervert SEX SLAVES they kept
who GREW UP,
rather than kill them.
The US miitary and other militaries of the world are SHOWING the WORLD all these TRICKS of
BRAINWASHING these people DO,
into HATING each other,
even in their own families,
while HE didn't have to put himself or his men at risk destroying intelligent, independent, potentially dangerous people.
Their BRAINWASHED FAMILIES could destroy them BETTER.
That's why he's the Grand Magician to them.
The Master Magician,
FIRST man BORN in ALL your TORAHS or Old Testament's oldest books like the Pentateuch, or "First, oldest five books."
A BUNCH of all the other stuff is originally from the Pharaonic Satanists, too, all those books of prophets.
Also a bunch of those prophets are descendents of Cain. Many of you have heard of Enoch? He's mentioned in the O. Testament? He's one of the ones descended from Cain.
Additionally there's another thing. EVERY single CHARACTER in these Hebrew scriptures, has a PERSONALITY TRAIT, that CAiN is legendarily, mythologically held by them, to carry.
For instance Jesus Christ is a model for Cain in a couple of senses: He loved his people and would stick up for them, would contend and argue with people who didn't want to give his people what Cain thought they deserved.
These orgs train their children that people have TWO different kinds of minds:
Those of masters, capable of ruling some things and preserving them etc, expanding holdings etc,
and those of slaves.
And how there are good masters and bad masters,
good slaves and bad slaves,
and how to tell the difference.
Well, guess what. The MASTERS - it's a big club, but - WE AIN'T IN IT.
We're in the ''slaves'' club.
And THAT'S what the militaries of the world are waking everybody up to.
These Neo Egyptian Satanists didn't JUST found, Isis/Ishtar all that, the FREEMASONS refer to, and Judaism, and Christianity, and Islam.
Over the eons they ALSO founded the Hindi religions and the KRiSHNA religions. The Egyptians ran these scams for THOUSANDS of years along the coasts from India, to Spain, using Egypt as a primary base.
So anyway... there's the "And shrimp cocktail, shrimp barbecue, shrimp soup..."
sorta long version, of what all you're seeing.
OUR MIL has seized power. Remember they told everybody?
Notice now NOBODY arrested in America for these political crimes, is getting out with the American ANSWER to those type arrests, Writs of Habeus Corpus?
"So the guilty don't get away" they said.
THOUSANDS arrested.
Not ONE usage of the CONSTITUTIONALLY SPECIFIED ANSWER to these fake arrests, Writs of Habeus Corpus.