I have spend 10 years studying this stuff to make sense of it all. There is too much to talk about so I will only talk about certain points. I see the deep state spreading nonsense psyops about Annunaki making humans, etc.. which are all lies because if we were to believe this, they would later claim to be our Gods.
Jesus said to be as innocent as a dove but to understand the ways of the snake to not get caught in the devil's traps.
Who is the devil? Lucifer was the original tyrant who ran a massive rebellion. Long story short, he realized his rebellion was a mistake but it was too late as those who rebel in evil fall into insanity and rarely ever get out of it. The Biblical "Ancient of days" permitted the rebellion to run. Why? Long story short, growing species like Humans learn faster from mistakes and since Humans have literally been dragging our asses and not even growing up but rather staying at a standstill for the past million years, the Ancient of Days decided it would be wise to let Lucifer cause a mess but later did quarantine Lucifer. The meeting of Satan and Jesus on the mountaintop was the dark side trying to broker a deal to avoid the quarantine but they did eventually get quarantined after Jesus' death. What we are dealing now is with the remnants of the Lucifer rebellion which is mostly around the Annunaki and Reptilian species at the moment with some of the most powerful ones being Horus, Isis, and Ra.
The Bible To keep a long story short, many agents of the deep state have heavily altered the bible especially the book of Genesis and book of Revelations. For example, King James is one who did this. The best way to read the Bible is through the heart. Your heart will tell you what is right and what is wrong. The original Bible was made by the Hebrews in 500 BC when the Baal worshiping Cananites became enslaved by Babylon. The Hebrew Yawhey believers felt it was time to make a Holy Book to counter the evil that existed at the time. The Bible because the best collection of Spiritual Knowledge to ever exist on Earth. Not everyone can understand the words though. Only those with at least some true spiritual understanding can draw the wisdom of the Bible. This kind of understanding naturally builds as the Human species grows spirituality.
Spiritual Revival The last spiritual evolution burst happened right before Jesus showed up. Now that the people were ready, Jesus clearly explained that God is only the expression of Love. Not anger, hate, etc... This confusion happened thanks to the Saturn Death Cult altering the old testament to make God sound like Lucifer.
Fall From Heaven The deepest fear of the soul is that Humanity fell from grace. This myth has a long backstory but to keep it simple, we chose to "fall" or rather "devolve" to the Human level because when souls experience this, we are able to harvest experiences that only come from bad. Have you heard of the saying "there is no bad without some good in it"? This is true but to harvest the good, we have to experience the bad. The way God made this happen is simply through the experience of amnesia. If we don't remember how to be good, we become ignorant, make mistakes and experience duality. Still, it is God's will that we always do good even with this amnesia handicap that is only temporary. Lucifer was also temporary but his job was the mislead from that low position. Lucifer is basically the biggest loser in the history of our local universe. There was no actual fall from heaven. The story about Adam eating the apple was also altered. Adam and Eve's true story is very different. They weren't even the 1st humans but rather prophets that had a set of rules to live by to help humanity but Eve got fooled into breaking one of the main rules which ruined Humanity's future for a long time but not forever. Eventually we bounce back and we are bouncing back now.
Religion Everyone eventually finds the narrow gate to salvation. Christians are just ahead of the curve due to the belief in Jesus. Jesus was basically an aspect of the Christ that had devolved down to Human level along with a lot of the amnesia issues we deal with and from that position, had to guide Humanity to an understanding of God and life. He arrived right when Humanity was ready for him. However, all will eventually find God in the end although some trial and error is involved.
Annunaki Annunaki are like bird people. They used to be good but wanted their planet Niburu so the Biblical Demons were the only ones willing to help them with it. Dancing with the devil for a long time changed them into devil worshipers and that is how they became evil. At some point, they wanted Humans to be their slaves so they somehow reduced the active Human DNA from 12 stand to 2 stand DNA. This is very depressing because it's like a serious handicap we still experience today but hopefully we are breaking out of it through natural growth. It is impossible to stop growth but growth can be slowed down.
God God is one of the more complex topics but all that is needed to know is that God's love is millions of times stronger than a mother's love and there is a good, loving reason why Humans can't seem to communicate with God atm. In truth, it is possible even now but knowledge is required. Some humans have done it like Neal Walsch. In the future, this communication will be much easier and it will all make sense why God was in the background this whole time. God is always in charge and nobody can harm God in any way. Humans along with many species are simply going through a duality excercise to harvest every ounce of good from bad situation. We can't save a life if there isn't danger. We can't heal without pain. We can help others if they don't need help. We can't forgive if there is nobody to forgive. Heaven is God's actual creation for us and it is perfect so these things are not possible there so God created the universe to draw these feelings which improves Life in general in the long run.
This alone is good enough to get an idea of the big picture because I see the deep state running psyops full of lies. They can only fool us if we don't know what is happening to begin with.
Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Same as all Christians,
Okay, call it amnesia on my part then. I kinda see where OP is going and the issue if any is not there but elsewhere. I'm unclear on what psyops we should beware of with this specific OP other than ascribing too much power to the Anunnaki or the UAPs.
There are a few psyops:
False claim that Annunaki made us so they can later claim to be our God.
Claim that Jesus got married and had kids. The Windsors and other royals would later claim to be of that bloodline.
Lies about evil being a necessary component of life which is a lie. Heaven doesn’t have evil and functions perfectly. This topic is a bit complex but let’s just say evil is temporary.
The dark side is throwing one psyop after another. Some are religious psyops. My job is to warn you all so you don’t get fooled. Flat Earth psyop and decentralized digital currency psyop is the dark side’s psyops too.