Turkey wants to squash Kurds and take NE of Syria, control Kurd areas and take more steps toward making Turkey a regional power
Qatar, US, EU and Turkey want the Qatar-Turkey natural gas pipeline that would run through the proposed North Syria Safe Buffer Zone. The spice must flow!
North Syria has some of the most cultivable plants for wheat production. Everybody wants to control that.
Israel wants the pieces of Syria that are part of their own Greater Israel plan (Oded Yinon ), starting with Golan heights, but extending much further east to within the current area of Syria. The current Syrian inhabitants can be displaced or killed, Israel doesn't mind.
US wants a larger, strong Israel, with US bases for "peace keeping" in Syria. Germany wants the same in the Safe Buffer Zone, to guarantee the spice...er... nat gas flows to Europe.
Many Arab states want to sell their remaining hydrocarbons through a more stable route than shipping via two chokepoint straits. They want a "controlled" Syria, that is partially DMZed and carved up.
Israel, US, UK, EU, Saudis, UAE all want to weaken Iran by weakening Syria.
Everybody has their hands deep inside the pie.
Russia will probably agree to bend over, IFF they can keep their naval bases at least for some time. There are too many countries even for Russia and China to start resisting militarily for a longer period of time.
Next stage is full takeover of Lebanon, Israel has already started probing for that. Then it is Iran. Will happen during Trump's administration. All the key propagandists, haters and hawks are in place for that.
Wesley Clark was right 20 years ago: it's a long plan , you aren't part of it and they do their best to hide it in the news.
Nice meme. In short:
Turkey wants to squash Kurds and take NE of Syria, control Kurd areas and take more steps toward making Turkey a regional power
Qatar, US, EU and Turkey want the Qatar-Turkey natural gas pipeline that would run through the proposed North Syria Safe Buffer Zone. The spice must flow!
North Syria has some of the most cultivable plants for wheat production. Everybody wants to control that.
Israel wants the pieces of Syria that are part of their own Greater Israel plan (Oded Yinon ), starting with Golan heights, but extending much further east to within the current area of Syria. The current Syrian inhabitants can be displaced or killed, Israel doesn't mind.
US wants a larger, strong Israel, with US bases for "peace keeping" in Syria. Germany wants the same in the Safe Buffer Zone, to guarantee the spice...er... nat gas flows to Europe.
Many Arab states want to sell their remaining hydrocarbons through a more stable route than shipping via two chokepoint straits. They want a "controlled" Syria, that is partially DMZed and carved up.
Israel, US, UK, EU, Saudis, UAE all want to weaken Iran by weakening Syria.
Everybody has their hands deep inside the pie.
Russia will probably agree to bend over, IFF they can keep their naval bases at least for some time. There are too many countries even for Russia and China to start resisting militarily for a longer period of time.
Next stage is full takeover of Lebanon, Israel has already started probing for that. Then it is Iran. Will happen during Trump's administration. All the key propagandists, haters and hawks are in place for that.
Wesley Clark was right 20 years ago: it's a long plan , you aren't part of it and they do their best to hide it in the news.
"AmerIsrael, Fuck yeah!" /s
Really informative comment. ☝️👌
That sums it up nicely. Thx for sharing.
This was an excellent breakdown. Thank you.