The video says nothing about UFOs. It talks about reincarnation, you might notice that from the literal use of the word above the video. Ofc reincarnation is bs.
If you use 47% of your brain, you would be twitching like crazy, or you will go into an epileptic shock. The brain doesn't operate only thought, but literally all functions of the body.
It is refreshing to see this forum once in a while to have a good laugh. Continue your amusing work!
P.S.: "real and true"? At the same time? Has science gone too far? Find out next on the carefully folded single sentence by Dps1879...
Stay with us, and we will prove that penguins talk in human language, and they are quite savvy with machinery... Conspiracies unfold in this scene from the movie "Madagascar"... Poster's choice - another title that has no connection to the video shared... "Ufo's are real"... But are they also "true"?
Wow, the posts in here are exactly as expected...
UFOs are not real.
The video says nothing about UFOs. It talks about reincarnation, you might notice that from the literal use of the word above the video. Ofc reincarnation is bs.
If you use 47% of your brain, you would be twitching like crazy, or you will go into an epileptic shock. The brain doesn't operate only thought, but literally all functions of the body.
It is refreshing to see this forum once in a while to have a good laugh. Continue your amusing work!
Now that's some Stockholms syndrome symptoms
Ahhh, you lost it... You were funnier before.
Better stick to posting funny videos with funny titles, not commenting.
Reincarnation is real and true.
:D There you go!
Thanks for the giggles!
P.S.: "real and true"? At the same time? Has science gone too far? Find out next on the carefully folded single sentence by Dps1879...
Stay with us, and we will prove that penguins talk in human language, and they are quite savvy with machinery... Conspiracies unfold in this scene from the movie "Madagascar"... Poster's choice - another title that has no connection to the video shared... "Ufo's are real"... But are they also "true"?