Looking for the antiChrist -Think About It
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“It must be reiterated, though, that all biblical prophecies were written ex-post-facto, at a time when the facts narrated had already occurred” pg 130 “The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino
Cabal fantasized myths and "prophecies" that "write the future" (because IS-BEs read them and act upon what they say, the IS-BE therefore creates that future themselves). https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf
Consenting to a suggestion by another tempts one to ignore self, hence turning one against (anti) the anointed (christ) self.
Anti (ignorance) Christ (self discernment)...it's each ones free will of choice.
The suggestions by another become prophecy by ones consent, which establishes circular logic within self, hence surrounding ones thoughts with prophecy by another.
Consenting to suggested establishes circular logic within self and conflict of reason against others, hence the perpetuation of debates over suggested information.