Masonry deals largely with the ethics and symbolism of the Ancient Mysteries. The writer believes that through the well-timed efforts of Masons to-day the grandest achievements in knowledge ever gained by man, which were originally concealed in the Greater Mysteries of Antiquity, and in time be came lost to the world, may be again recovered. In the strictest sense this knowledge has never really been lost, as there have always existed those who were possessed of the Great Secret. It was originally veiled in order to conceal it from the profane, and written in a universal language of Symbolism that the wise among all nations and throughout all time might read it, as it were, in their own language. It was also written in parable and allegory, so that the unlettered and common people might not be deprived of its wise precepts, and of its force in shaping character, dissipating ignorance, and inspiring hope. This Ancient Wisdom is the fountain from which Masonry takes its rise. The true Science of Symbolism in time became lost ; the Temples of Initiation fell into decay, or were destroyed by priests and potentates, jealous of
their influence. For many weary centuries men have been trying to recover the lost key and to restore the ancient wisdom from the parables and allegories in which it had been concealed. But progress in this inverse order is not only necessarily slow and uncertain , but all such attempts have, more or less, given rise to fantastic flights of the imagination, and resulted in confusion, rather than in enlightenment. The result has been to bring the whole subject under contempt, and to make the name “mysticism ” mean something vague and uncertain, if not altogether foolish, to those ignorant of its true meaning.
o_O What you think they talking about
Fucking paper bags, jesus fucking christ.